  • 上帝上帝。和the连用
    God. Used with the.
  • 为了伪装自己,我戴上一副大太阳镜并穿上一件老式衣裙。
    To disguise myself I put on a pair of big goggles and an old-fashion dress.
  • 为了伪装自己,我戴上一副大太阳镜并穿上一件老式衣裙
    To disguise myself I put on a pair of big goggles and an old - fashion dress
  • 这位德国高尔夫选手在英国和美国公开锦标赛上赢得了胜利,最有希望在欧洲杯锦标赛上取得三冠的成绩。
    Having won in the British and American Open Championships, the German golfer was favourite to make his trick in the European Cup.
  • 淋病。通常与the连用
    Gonorrhea. Often used with the.
  • 再见都没说就气冲冲地走了。
    He flung off without saying goodbye.
  • 他走了,甚至再见都没说。
    Off he went, without so much as s"goodbye".
  • 为什么史密斯先生“再见”也不说就跑掉了?
    Why did Mr Smith run out without even saying goodbye?
  •  (1)根据本联盟国家的法律,商标的转让只有在与其所属商行或商誉同时转让方为有效时,如该商行或商誉座落在该国的部分,同在该国制造或销售标有被转让商标的商品的专有权一起转让予受让入,即足以承认其转让为有效。
    When, in accordance with the law of a country of the Union, the assignment of a mark is valid only if it takes place at the same time as the transfer of the business or goodwill to which the mark belongs, it shall suffice for the recognition of such validity that the portion of the business or goodwill located in that country be transferred to the assignee, together with the exclusive right to manufacture in the said country, or to sell therein, the goods bearing the mark assigned.
  • 在佩特森离开后,她听到科科用大猩猩的方式表达了痛苦:发出一串大叫。
    Then, once alone, Patterson heard Koko make the gorilla's distress call: a loud series of hoots.
  • 有个狂徒在那幅价值城的画上乱凿了几个洞.
    A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting.
  • 有个狂徒在那幅价值城的画上乱凿了几个洞。
    A maniac have gouge several hole in the priceless painting.
  • 委员会展开一串宣传计划,包括播放电视宣传短片和设立互联网网页(http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/youth/index.htm),以推广《青年约章》内有关青年发展的原则与理想,并鼓励更多青年团体和个别人士签署《青年约章》。
    To promote the principles and ideals for youth development enshrined in the Charter for Youth and to encourage more youth organisations and individuals to subscribe to the charter, the commission has launched a series of publicity programmes including a television announcement in the public interest and a home page on the Internet - http://www.info.gov.hk/hab/youth/eng/index.htm.
  • 州长牵进丑闻的证据
    Evidence that involved the governor in the scandal.
  • 他想任一届总督吗?
    Does he want to serve another term as governor?
  • 沿紧身衣裙线裁制的长袍
    A gown cut on princesse lines.
  • "快淹死的人一根稻草也要抓的。"
    A drowning man will grab at a straw.
  • 推土机用来清除和平整土方的重型的,驾驶操作的机器,常有续的履带,前部有宽的液压铲刀
    A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic blade in front.
  • 渐进,进展,进度一系列逐级的、续的阶段;一个系统的进程
    A series of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression.
  • 两个臂膀在一个端点。
    two graduated arms hinged at one end.
  • 文法课真令人叫苦天。
    Grammar lessons are a red fag.
  • (语法)用以接两个相同结构的语法成分。
    (grammar) serving to connect two grammatical constituents of identical construction.
  • 爷爷也到工地来了。
    Even grandfather has come to the worksite.
  • 她祖母甚至饭也不愿给她吃。
    Her grandma grudged her even the food she ate.
  • 我相信她自己的爷爷的钱都会偷。
    I wouldn't put it past her to steal money from her own grandpa.
  • "有一天我的小孙子问我"爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不......但我与英雄们一同服役。"《兄弟
    I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied,” But I served in a company of heroes.
  • 不光是祖父母,姑母、叔父及其子女也在那里。
    Not only the grandparents are there but also the aunt, uncles and cousin.
  • 不光是祖父母,姑母、叔父及其子女也在那里。
    Not only the grandparents were there but also the aunts, uncles and cousins.
  • 那里连草都不长。
    Even grass would not grow there.
  • 房子由一条砾石路与花园相
    The house is connected with the garden by a gravel road.
  • 接来复枪膛的从水下掷出的手榴弹。
    a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle.
  • 很少有人没碰到过那种总是不知在抱怨什么的人,甚至常常他自己也不清楚到底有什么不满。
    Few people have not met the type of person with some vague grievance that is often not even clear to himself.