  • 管状部分合瓣冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分
    The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx.
  • (植物学)长有由萼和(或)冠组成的的包被,或者长有被。
    (botany) having a floral envelope or perianth consisting of a calyx and/or corolla.
  • 的外层包被,包括萼或冠或两者兼具
    The outer envelope of a flower, consisting of either the calyx or the corolla, or both.
  • 凤梨科的模式属,包括有深裂萼的热带美洲植物。
    the type genus of the family Bromeliaceae which incudes tropical American plants with deeply cleft calyx.
  • 结合同类各部分的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的
    The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals.
  • 萼水果(例如草莓)胀大的萼,通常为绿色,容易剥离
    The enlarged calyx of a fruit, such as a strawberry, that is usually green and easily detached.
  • 柿树一种中国柿树,(柿树属柿),有大的、可食的桔黄色至红色的果实,果肉呈桔黄色;带有扩大的宿存
    A Chinese tree(Diospyros kaki) having large, edible, orange to reddish fruit with orange flesh and an enlarged, persistent calyx.
  • 生长于北温带的一种直立、多年生植物,具有羽状的叶和为数不多的下垂的朵,其朵具有褐色到紫色的萼,橙色到粉红色的瓣。
    erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and few nodding flowers with brown-purple calyx and orange-pink petals.
  • 宿存的,不落的持续保持成熟后的状态而不凋落,如茄子的萼或松果的鳞苞
    Lasting past maturity without falling off, as the calyx on an eggplant or the scales of a pine cone.
  • 有粘性叶柄和肿胀萼并在夜间开串状大白的蓝绿色草本植物;有时归于剪秋罗属。
    bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis.
  • 冠毛在例如蒲公英和蓟等菊科植物中的一种由鳞叶、刺毛或羽毛状茸毛形成的修饰性
    A modified calyx, composed of scales, bristles, or featherlike hairs, in plants of the composite family, such as the dandelion and the thistle.
  • 益母草,茺蔚任一种生活于欧亚大陆的茺蔚属植物,尤指山艾属野草,开紫色或粉色小串,生有尖端有刺的萼裂片
    Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes.
  • 紫苏一种一年生亚洲植物(紫苏紫苏属)有对生叶、钟状萼和有白色短小管状冠的,由于可作为观赏植物和种子可榨油而广泛种植
    An annual Asian plant(Perilla frutescens) having opposite leaves, a bell-shaped calyx, and flowers with a short, white, tubular corolla. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental and for its oily seeds.
  • 报春一种报春属植物,有发育完全的基生叶,呈管状,有各种颜色,聚集在一起形成伞形序,冠呈漏斗形或托盘状,有一个长于萼的管
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Primula, having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salverlike corolla and a tube much longer than the calyx.
  • 茶花女
    La Dame aux camélias (Camille)
  • 在分配装置内部的旋转以正确连接火塞端点的凸轮。
    the cam inside the distributor that rotates to contact spark plug terminals in the correct order.
  • 天花板塌了.
    The ceiling came down.
  • 买下阿里·哈菲德的农场的那个男人一天把骆驼牵到园去饮水,就在骆驼把鼻子伸入园中的浅溪里时,他注意到小溪的白沙滩里闪现出一种奇异的光。
    The man who purchased Ali Hafed's farm one day led his camel into the garden to drink, and as that camel put its nose into the shallow water of that garden brook, Ali Hafed's successor noticed a curious flash of light from the white sands of the stream.
  • 他喜欢吸山茶牌香烟。
    He likes to smoke the cigarette of the camellia brand.
  • “只要有一朵茶枯萎了,我就按照吩咐另换新的。”
    'And every time a camellia withers, my orders are to put another one in its place.'
  • 山茶一种山茶属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是山茶树,长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰般
    Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Camellia native to eastern Asia, especially C. japonica, having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red, white, or pink.
  • 我们为每一特殊事件享用我们精美的瓷器和水晶制品,比如说当体重减了一磅的时候,当厨房水槽通畅了的时候,当第一朵山茶绽放的时候……如果我想穿,我就穿上我鲜艳的外衣去市场购物。
    we use our good china and crystal for every special. Event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia blossom… I wear my good blazer to the market if I fee1 like it.
  • 选择不含咖啡因的咖啡、黄春菊茶或者热牛奶。
    Opt for decaffeinated coffee,camomile tea,or warm milk.
  • 像茶的饮料,由甘菊叶和制成。
    tea-like drink made from camomile leaves and flowers.
  • 我是隶属落生部下的,落生是我们的王。
    I was in the camp under Peanuts.
  • 任何有蓝色或白色铃状的风铃草属植物。
    any of various plants of the genus Campanula having blue or white bell-shaped flowers.
  • 风铃草属植物一种风铃草属草本植物,主要生长于北半球,通常开有艳丽的、紫罗兰色或蓝色钟状
    Any of various herbs of the genus Campanula, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy, bell-shaped, violet or blue flowers.
  • 斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕说她了数年的时间寻找战时的朋友,甚至还写诗并把诗寄给住在俄亥俄州的每一位叫杰克-坎贝尔的人,结果还是毫无收获。
    Batstone says she spent years searching for her wartime friend. She wrote poems and sent them to virtually every Jack Campbell in Ohio, only to come up empty-handed.
  • 一个广布的植物大属,大多美丽,有各种颜色;剪秋罗属植物;蝇子草属植物,捕蝇草。
    large widely distributed genus of plants having mostly showy flowers of various colors: campion; catchfly.
  • 一卷棉花糖
    A twirl of cotton candy.
  • 你们有棉花糖吗?
    Do you have any cotton candy?
  • 旧大陆一个草本和亚灌木属;屈曲属植物。
    Old World herbs and subshrubs: candytuft.