  • 古代国家所使用的人手,与全人口对比,不知比现在要增加多少倍,工作比现在艰苦,各个人所拥有的土地面积比现在的大,然而一般众吃的、穿的却比不上现在。
    The ancient nations employed (in proportion to the whole population) infinitely more hands, the work was much harder, each individual possessed much more land, and yet the masses were much worse fed and clothed than is the case in modern nations.
  • 演讲者用他煽动性的评论来煽动人
    The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks.
  • 在生物落中影响其它类别的存在和类型的
    Influencing the presence and type of other species in the community.
  • 这个政府一定要有全中国广大人民众的支持和拥护,人民也一定要能够自由地去支持政府,和有一切机会去影响政府的政策。
    it must have the support of the broad masses throughout the country and the people must be free to support it and have every opportunity of influencing its policies.
  • 没有铁一般的和在斗争中锻炼出来的党,没有为本阶级全体忠实的人所信赖的党,没有善于考察众情绪和影响众情绪的党,要顺利地进行这种斗争是不可能的。”
    Without an iron party tempered in the struggle, without a party enjoying the confidence of all that is honest in the given class, without a party capable of watching and influencing the mood of the masses, it is impossible to conduct such a struggle successfully."
  • 交谊会一个非正式的舞蹈或聚会,用以给一成员安排认识的机会
    An informal dance or party arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to get acquainted.
  • 他有一告密者为他效劳
    He have a whole stable of informer work for him.
  • 在莱索托居住的人中的成员。
    a member of a subgroup of people who inhabit Lesotho.
  • 古伊利里亚人古代伊利里亚居住着的人中的任意一员
    A member of one of the ancient peoples that inhabited Illyria.
  • 我们必须发挥众的积极性。
    We must give play to the initiative of the masses.
  • 曾经有个民族--一黑人--他们为文化的血脉注入了新的意义与尊严。
    There live a great people--a black people--who inject new meaning and dignity into the vein of civilization.
  • 医生挤过人来到受伤的男子面前
    The doctor pushed through the crowd to get to the injure man
  • 没有人处于权威的无组织的情形;有着相对非系统化的体系的临近体;生活在无组织的环境中的孩子常常会缺乏安全感;杂乱的墨水斑点。
    an unstructured situation with no one in authority; a neighborhood gang with a relatively unstructured system; children in an unstructured environment often feel insecure; unstructured inkblots.
  • 雨中的湿土的气息,就响从渺小的无声的众那里来的一阵巨大的赞美歌声。
    The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant.
  • 这表明,在农村先富起来的人中,男女收入差距已不明显。
    This indicates that, among those who have been the first to prosper in the countryside, the income gap between men and women has become insignificant.
  • 逐渐地挤进人群
    insinuate oneself into the crowd
  • 件及必要的基础设施常常需要信息技术部门在安装与维护方面给予大力支持。
    Groupware and its requisite infrastructure often require extensive IT support for installation and maintenance.
  • 蚂蚁是居昆虫;羊或牛的体本能;蜜蜂成活动。
    ants are social insects; the herding instinct in sheep or cattle; swarming behavior in bees.
  • 他在生前没有把过去良好的作风,比如说民主集中制、众路线,很好地贯彻下去,没有制定也没有形成良好的制度。
    He didn't maintain a good style of work. He did not consistently practise democratic centralism and the mass line, for instance, and he failed to institutionalize them during his lifetime.
  • 教导教育或指导一个人或一
    To teach or instruct a person or group.
  • 《城市居民最低生活保障条例》颁布实施后,各级民政部门要对城市居民最低生活保障制度实施情况进行认真检查,重点抓好保障资金落实和保障对象核查工作,防止和解决保障资金不到位、保障对象有遗漏等问题,切实保障困难众的基本生活。
    Following the promulgation of the "Regulations on the Subsistence Security for Urban Residents", civil affairs departments at various levels are required to carefully examine the implementation of the system and focus on fund readiness and recipient verification so as to avoid fund insufficiency or cases of recipients being neglected and effectively meet people's basic living needs.
  • 但是这种战争,不到资产阶级处于真正无能之时,不到无产阶级的大多数有了武装起义和进行战争的决心之时,不到农民众已经自愿援助无产阶级之时,起义和战争是不应该举行的。
    But this insurrection and war should not be launched until the bourgeoisie becomes really helpless, until the majority of the proletariat are determined to rise in arms and fight, and until the rural masses are giving willing help to the proletariat.
  • 我们提倡的正确的作风,就是毛主席指出的理论与实际结合的作风,联系众的作风,自我批评的作风。
    The correct work style we advocate is the one put forward by Chairman Mao--integrating theory with practice, maintaining ties with the masses and making self-criticism.
  • 毛泽东同志在七大的政治报告里,提出了理论联系实际、密切联系众、自我批评三大作风。
    In that report, Comrade Mao Zedong set forth the three major features of the Party's style of work, namely, integrating theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the masses and practising self-criticism.
  • 我们党的好传统、好作风,就是毛泽东同志所概括指出的,理论与实践相结合的作风,联系众的作风,自我批评(当然也包括批评)的作风。总的来说,就是毛泽东同志所说的实事求是的作风。
    Comrade Mao Zedong generalizes the work style as integrating theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the masses and making self-criticism (including, of course, criticism), or in Comrade Mao Zedong's brief words, a "seeking-truth-from-facts" work style.
  • *德、智、体、、美五育兼备;
    * To be a person with all-rounded development in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics;
  • 生意哲学:“体的智慧和劳动所取得的成绩永远大于任何个人。”
    Business philosophy: "The collective intellect and industry of a group yields greater results than any one individual."
  • 力设法找到一个长期有效的解决办法。
    try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it.
  • 以科技奥运为契机,大力推进中关村科技园区建设,促进高新技术产业的发展,向世界展示中国高新技术产业的发展水平。
    It is hoped that this will make the 2008 Olympic Games a science-and-technology-intensive sports event.
  • 共生区由一相互作用的生物体占据的区域
    The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.
  • 人际网有共同爱好或兴趣,并互相作用保持非正式交往以获得多方面帮助或支持的
    An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.
  • 本规范文档的主要读者应当是需要编写与uddi操作入口站点(uddioperatorsite)能直接交互的软件的程序员。
    The primary audience for this document is programmers who want to write software that will directly interact with a UDDI Operator Site.