  • 中国有一个蓬勃的自由市场经济,共产党予企业家大多数人可以接受的发展空间。
    Awesome! China has a booming free market economy. Its liberal Communist government has given free enterprise all the latitude that most of the people can live with.
  • 他最近到中国旅游,深感中国的快速发展令人敬畏。因此,他写了一封信他的孙子们,告诉他们中国可能成为世界上最强大的国家,不管他们喜不喜欢,都得学会和中国交往。
    Finding China's phenomenal progress awesome after a recent trip there, he wrote a letter to his grandchildren on the importance to get along with China, which he said may become the most powerful country in the world.
  • 非常抱歉把您的衣服弄脏了。
    I'm awfully sorry to have stained your shirt.
  • 非常抱歉把您的衣服弄脏了。
    I'm awfully sorry to have stained your suit.
  • 由于修理要花点时间,今天下午晚一点我们会送一套更换装置您们使用。
    As the repairs will take awhile, we will send over a replacement unit for you to use later this afternoon.
  • 笨拙的舞女;笨拙的姿势;对针线太笨拙了,没办法她自己做衣服;他那笨拙的手指像是打了结一样。
    an awkward dancer; an awkward gesture; too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes; his clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot.
  • 我们提出了一个尴尬的问题。
    You've posed us an awkward question.
  • 她不好意思地打开钱包,然后拿出一张20块钱的钞票递我。
    She awkwardly opened her purse and stretched out a twenty-dollar bill toward me.
  • 曲头钉或小螺丝打孔的一种锥子。
    an awl for making small holes for brads or small screws.
  • 火车晚点了我们明白得晚了;这些孩子们迟到了;告示贴得太晚了以至于我们几乎错过了最后期限我了她一个迟到的生日祝福。
    the train arrived late; we awoke late; the children came late to school; notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline; I belatedly wished her a happy birthday.
  • 我用斧头把绳子砍断自己松绑。
    I cut myself free with my axe.
  • 把汽车发动机的能量通过主动轴传送有效轴的传动装置。
    the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle.
  • 广播牌照由行政长官会同行政会议签发,由广播事务管理局代为监管,并获影视及娱乐事务管理处处长予行政支援。
    Broadcasting licences are issued by the Chief Executive in Council, and administered on his behalf by the Broadcasting Authority (BA), with administrative support from the Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing.
  • 那天傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交我一封信,他说是那位英国老爷留我的。
    Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me.
  • 别多嘴把秘密泄露他们。
    Don't babble the secret (out) to them.
  • 牛奶供给婴儿养料。
    Milk nourishes a baby.
  • 他在给婴儿洗澡。
    He's bathing the baby.
  • 母亲在给婴儿喂奶。
    Mother is nursing the baby.
  • 乔治,请这孩子穿衣。
    Please dress the baby, George.
  • 我一些巴哈与贝多芬作品,不要这些当代的喧嚣音乐作曲家的。
    Give me Bach and Beethoven , not these modern crashing - tinkle composers.
  • ”的确,这些天才说句公道话:棒辣妹的音乐可不是炒冷饭的巴哈。
    Indeed,we should give the prodigies their props.Bond's music is not warmed-over Bach.
  • 你以提议汤姆·贝克升职有什么评价?
    Have you got any comments on the proposed promotion of Tom Backer?
  • 是个小费慷慨的人;上帝慷慨的仁慈;大方的称赞;豪爽的主人;大方的零用钱;星期六的孩子可爱又大方;豪爽的艺术支持者;慷慨的礼物;她那可爱、慷慨的爷爷。
    was a big tipper; the bounteous goodness of God; bountiful compliments; a freehanded host; a handsome allowance; Saturday's child is loving and giving; a liberal backer of the arts; a munificent gift; her fond and openhanded grandfather.
  • 你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并你带来很多麻烦。
    Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble.
  • 他有个主意,以纯白为背景他们拍摄。
    He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background.
  • 她在给上衣加衬。
    She is backing the dress.
  • 这些巨额储备予流通货币的支持,不仅是一倍或两倍,而是八倍之多。
    These huge reserves provide not just 100% backing, not just 200% backing, but 800% backing for the currency.
  • 这些文件可以自动地转发其它存储设备,作数据镜像、灾难恢复或应用程序备份。
    These files can be automatically forwarded to other storage facilities for data mirroring, disaster recovery or backup applications.
  • 我们自己加压争取准时完成计划
    We fell over backward to complete the project on time.
  • 将数据记录媒体反向移动定的一段距离,例如,将磁带回退一个记录块。
    To move a data medium backwards a specified distance, for example, to move a magnetic tape backwards by one block.
  • 我已濒於破产, 是你借我的钱使我幸免於难.
    I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon.
  • 我一些熏肉和鸡蛋。
    I'd like some bacon and eggs, please.