  • 他想把他的马厩改造成一个古玩店,那种计划只不过是想而已。
    His plans fro converting his stable into an antique shop are just pie in the sky.
  • 邮政用飞机运送邮件的系统
    The system of conveying mail by aircraft.
  • 气很凉爽,让人精神振奋。
    the air was refreshingly cool.
  • 暴露在气中使显得新鲜。
    expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen.
  • 没有气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
    It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room.
  • 靠近地表的气层比其上面的层气温低。
    the layer of air near the earth is cooler than an overlying layer.
  • 它的光辉是一种寒冷的光辉,同时,它和隐居者一样,在越寒冷的气中,它便越加茂盛。
    Its splendor is a cold splendor, and like the recluse, the cooler the atmosphere it finds itself in, the better it prospers.
  • 气可以通过冷却和压缩的办法把它变为液体。
    Air can be changed to a liquid by cooling and compressing it.
  • 如果冷却系统中有气,冷却效果会受影响,其温度也不会保持如此之低。
    Had there been any air in the cooling system , the effect of cooling would have been affected and the temperature could not have been kept so low.
  • 例如,我们期望与中国一起探讨是否有可能合作开发太,这是符合世界人民的利益的。
    For example, we look forward to exploring with China the possibilities of cooperating in the development of space on behalf of our fellow citizens.
  • --支持利用中国成熟的间技术和间应用技术,在互惠互利的基础上与发展中国家开展合作,为合作国家提供服务。
    - Giving support to using China's mature space technology and space application technology to carry out cooperation with other developing countries and provide services to cooperating countries on the basis of mutual benefit.
  • 陆、海、三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
    The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed service.
  • 间中的一点连接到级坐标原点的直线。
    a line connecting a point in space to the origin of a polar coordinate system.
  • 在计算机图形学中,将坐标超出显示间的显示元素显示在显示间的某个位置上。
    In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space.
  • 构成间的每一个因素叫做一维。
    one of three coordinates that determine a position in space.
  • 次元需要确定在间或间与时间中唯一一点的最小独立坐标数之一
    One of the least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely a point in space or in space and time.
  • 本质均衡性亚原子粒子的本质平衡性,以其波函数在通过间坐标原点的反射下的移动状况为特征
    An intrinsic symmetry property of subatomic particles that is characterized by the behavior of the wave function of such particles under reflection through the origin of spatial coordinates.
  • 通过一个重量很轻的便携式全球定位系统(gps)接收器,通常被士兵们称为"塞子",他可以利用gps卫星计算出目标的经度和纬度,并拨打卫星电话把坐标直接传送到佛罗里达的军基地。
    With a lightweight, handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver known as a " plugger," he uses the constellation of GPS satellites to calculate the longitude and latitude of his mark and phones in the coordinates, via satellite, to an air base in Florida.
  • 1995年6月,中国国家航天局正式加入了"机构间间碎片协调委员会"。
    In June 1995, CNSA acceded to the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee.
  • 跳水运动员要求有中感觉,协调,柔韧性,优美,平衡感和时间感等素质。
    Diving need spatial awareness, coordination, flexibility, grace, poise and a sense of timing.
  • 2001年,军队进行了后勤装备成建制、成系统形成综合保障能力的配套试验,发展了海上伤员快速救治、岸滩保障、野战机场保障、导弹部队机动保障、投物资保障、单兵保障和野战后勤指挥等七个方面的后勤装备,完成了86种新装备的论证、研制和试验。
    In2001, it carried out coordinative experiments in the overall support capability of logistical equipment organically and systematically; developed logistical equipment in seven aspects --rapid maritime rescue and treatment of the wounded, shore party support, air field support, mobility support for missile units, air-dropped material support, individual support and field logistics command; and completed the demonstration, R&D and testing of 86 kinds of new equipment.
  • 座舱小飞机机身的间,包括驾驶员的座椅、副驾驶员的座椅,有时还有乘客的座椅
    The space in the fuselage of a small airplane containing seats for the pilot, copilot, and sometimes passengers.
  • 棒球的弹性硬心;心钓竿
    The hard elastic core of a baseball; a rod with a hollow core.
  • 皮孔木本植物的茎干表面上细小轻薄的气孔或狭窄的管子,植物可通过它在内部组织与外界气之间进行气体交换
    One of the small, corky pores or narrow lines on the surface of the stems of woody plants that allow the interchange of gases between the interior tissue and the surrounding air.
  • 看起来是具体的东西像气一样消失在风中——莎士比亚;精神的化身;‘corporate’是古旧用法。
    what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind- Shakespeare; an incarnate spirit; `corporate' is an archaic term.
  • 不切实际的营销计划;想的公司规划者
    Blue-sky marketing plans; blue-sky corporate planners.
  • 灵物非物质或轻飘的物质,尤指鬼魂或精灵的透明身躯
    An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost.
  • 老师将修改意见写在页底白处。
    The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot.
  • 敌人袭后通信中断了。
    The correspondence dropped after the enemy's airraid.
  • 使一个或n个存储单元处于预先规定的状态,通常是对应于零或对应于格字符。
    To cause one or more storage locations to be in a prescribed state, usually that corresponding to zero or that corresponding to the space character.
  • 铁生锈仅是腐蚀的一个例子,它可描述为与金属接触的介质如湿气、气和水对金属的破坏性化学侵蚀。
    The rusting of iron is only one example o corrosion, which may be described as the destructive chemical attack of a metal by media with which it comes in contact, such a moisture, air and water.
  • 宇宙火箭带着自动星际站飞快冲向宇宙间。
    The cosmic rocket carrying an automatic interplanetary station snot off into cosmic space.