  • 侏罗纪和垩纪的末期鱼龙;广泛分布于东西半球。
    later ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous; widely distributed in both hemispheres.
  • 澳洲肺鱼,角齿鱼三叠纪和垩纪的一种已灭绝的角齿鱼属肺鱼
    Any of various extinct lungfishes of the genus Ceratodus, of the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.
  • 鱼鸟生存于垩纪,现已灭绝的有牙齿的鱼鸟属动物
    Any of various extinct, toothed birds of the genus Ichthyornis that existed during the Cretaceous Period.
  • 禽龙属于侏罗纪和垩纪的禽龙属中的任意一种大型恐龙
    Any of various large dinosaurs of the genus Iguanodon, of the Jurassic Period and Cretaceous Period.
  • 身体大而重的食草恐龙,尾巴又长又重;常见于欧洲和北部非洲;生活在垩纪早期。
    massive herbivorous bipedal dinosaur with a long heavy tail; common in Europe and North Africa; early Cretaceous.
  • 被认为是垩纪时期现以灭绝的鱼,直到1938年在远离非洲海岸发现。
    fish thought to have been extinct since the Cretaceous Period but found in 1938 off the coast of Africa.
  • 霸王龙上垩纪北美洲的一种大型食肉恐龙,前肢小且头大
    A large carnivorous dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous Period of North America, characterized by small forelimbs and a large head.
  • 三叠纪至垩纪的许多食肉恐龙,前肢短,靠其强壮的后肢走或跑。
    any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs.
  • 翼手龙任一种小型已灭绝的翼龙目的飞行爬行动物,它们绝大多数都没有尾巴,生活在侏罗纪和垩纪之间的那段时期
    Any of various small, mostly tailless, extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
  • 一种不寻常的角龙,其骨质皱褶的边沿附近有许多大刺,鼻子上有一个很大的角;生活在后垩纪。
    an unusual ceratopsian dinosaur having many large spikes around the edge of its bony frill and a long nose horn; late Cretaceous.
  • 已灭绝的海洋爬行动物,头小颈长尾短,并有桨状肢;生活在侏罗纪和垩纪。
    extinct marine reptile with a small head on a long neck a short tail and four paddle-shaped limbs; of the Jurassic and Cretaceous.
  • 侏罗纪和垩纪非常大的食草恐龙,头小,颈和尾长,五趾足;目前已知的最大的陆地动物。
    very large herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a small head a long neck and tail and five-toed limbs; largest known land animal.
  • 鱼龙三叠纪至垩纪间的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙
    Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout.
  • 在1.7亿到1.4亿年前的侏罗纪及垩纪年代,香港呈现一片激烈的火山活动景象,厚厚的熔岩和火山灰积聚下来。
    During the Jurassic to Cretaceous period, between 170 and 140 million years ago, Hong Kong was the scene of violent volcanic activity. Thick accumulations of lava and ash were deposited.
  • 三角龙一种垩纪的属的食草性恐龙,有一骨质兜生在颈上,头骨上有两支大角生在眼上,中部一只较小的角生在鼻上
    A herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Triceratops, of the Cretaceous Period, having a bony plate covering the neck, a large horn above either eye, and a smaller horn on the nose.
  • 翼龙任一种已灭绝的翼龙目能飞行的爬行动物,包括翼手龙,它们生活在侏罗纪和垩纪之间的那段时期,翅膀由一块由每个前肢中非常长的脚趾支撑的皮构成
    Any of various extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria, including the pterodactyls, of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, characterized by wings consisting of a flap of skin supported by the very long fourth digit on each forelimb.
  • 中生代的包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和垩纪在内的地质史上第三个时代的,它以飞行的爬虫类、鸟类及开花植物类的发展和恐龙的出现与灭绝为特征,或关于这个时代的
    Of, relating to, or being the third era of geologic time, including the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period, and the Cretaceous Period and characterized by the development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.
  • 6500万年前恐龙的灭绝很久以来就是一个热门话题,地质学家们早就认识到了垩纪与三叠纪之间界限的重要性,因为它记录了地球史上的一个重大事件,就是6500万年前半数已知生物的突然消失,这其中就包括了恐龙。
    The origin of the dinosaur extinction that occurred 65 million years ago has long been a topic of interest. Geologists had long known that the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary time periods was important because it marked a period in the Earth's history, some 65 million years ago, when almost half of all known species suddenly disappeared, including the dinosaurs.
  • 欧罗巴腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作牛,将其劫至克里特岛,是迈诺斯,拉达曼西斯,薛尔泊冬的母亲
    A Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus, who had assumed the form of a white bull, and by him the mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon.
  • 苦牛至,鲜一种芳香的、有绒毛的植物(鲜状牛至牛至属),以前被认为有魔力的克里特岛土生植物
    An aromatic woolly plant(Origanum dictamnus) native to Crete, formerly believed to have magical powers.
  • 无罪的在受到怀疑的犯罪行为中清无辜的
    Innocent of a suspected crime.
  • 平白浪费天分真可耻
    A criminal waste of talent.
  • 由于其长有茸毛的叶片和光亮的深红色花而被广泛种植的欧洲东南部园林植物。
    an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers.
  • 伞形屈曲花一种十字花科屈曲花属植物,原产于欧洲和地中海地区,因其色、粉色红、深红色或紫色的鲜艳花簇而广泛栽种
    Any of several plants of the genus Iberis in the mustard family, native to Europe and the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for their showy clusters of white, pink, crimson, or purple flowers.
  • 那是条体态优美的尖嘴竖耳丝毛狗,跑的时候轻软的一身毛飘动起来像是滚滚浪涛。可是奎尼的两条后腿丧失了活动的功能。最后我爸爸说只能安乐死以解脱它的痛苦。
    But Queenie developed a crippling problem with her back legs,and finally my dad said she would have to be put down.
  • 流行组济学派就从来不认为对这种商业恐慌的因果关系加以明解释是一个可取的办法。
    The prevailing economical school has never deemed it expedient to elucidate the causes and effects of such commercial crises.
  • 天的电视节目一般是无休无止的肥皂剧,剧情主要是围绕不忠和医疗危机;还有就是聊天节目,主持人引发他们的嘉宾说一些任何理智的人都不愿公诸于众的个人隐私。
    Daytime shows lean towards endless soap operas with plots that revolve around infidelity and medical crises, and talk shows in which hosts prod their guests to reveal personal details no sane person would want to make public.
  • 有着甜的脆的色果肉的象坚果的种子。
    nutlike seed with sweet and crisp white meat.
  • 一种色或无色的玻璃质不溶固体,以各种形式广泛存在于地壳中,如石英、方石英、鳞石英等。
    a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid; various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechartelierite.
  • 走开,别在我面前假惺惺的了;你自己明,对他们遭到不幸你是暗自高兴的。
    Get out, don't shed crocodile tears to me; you know you are really glad they've met with misfortune.
  • 旧大陆的一种藏红花,具有紫色或色的花。
    Old World crocus having purple or white flowers with aromatic pungent orange stigmas used in flavoring food.
  • 臧红花属中众多的缓慢生长的植物中的任何一种,具有细长的线形叶和色、黄色或紫色的花;主要产于地中海地区。
    any of numerous low-growing plants of the genus Crocus having slender grasslike leaves and white or yellow or purple flowers; native chiefly to the Mediterranean region but widely cultivated.