  • 改革要从实际出发,整体进,重点突破,循序渐进,注重制度建设和创新。
    The reform must be promoted realistically, comprehensively and progressively with breakthroughs made in key areas and emphasis placed on institutional improvement and innovation.
  • 一九八三年十月出联系汇率制度时,并无要求香港的银行在货币发行局开设结算户口的制度性安排。
    In October 1983, when the linked exchange rate system was introduced, there was no institutional arrangement whereby banks in Hong Kong maintained clearing accounts with the currency board.
  • 一九八三年十月出联系汇率制度时,在制度上并无要求香港的银行在货币发行局开设结算帐户的安排。
    When the linked exchange rate system was introduced in October 1983, there was no institutional arrangement whereby banks in Hong Kong maintained clearing accounts with the currency board.
  • 基层民主进一步扩大,村民自治、城市居民自治和村务公开、厂务公开、政务公开逐步行。
    Grass-roots democracy expanded as steps were taken to institutionalize self-government by villagers and urban residents and promote the practice of making public affairs in villages, managerial affairs in enterprises and government work increasingly transparent.
  • 加强劳动保障管理信息系统建设和科学研究成果广工作,提高劳动和社会保障管理的科学化、规范化、法制化、信息化水平。
    We shall strengthen the building of the labor security management information system and the popularization of the scientific findings in this aspect so as to improve the scientific, standardized, institutionalized and IT management of the labor and social security undertakings.
  • 传统叛逆者攻击或试图翻传统或大众的观点或制度的人
    One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
  • 在科研机构内部积极行聘用制。
    The appointment system was followed in all research institutions.
  • 我高兴地向您荐天津中医学院物理学讲师陈平夫人。
    I take pleasure in recommending to you Mrs. Chen Ping, instructor of physics in Tianjin Chinese Medical College.
  • 史:另一件事是关于保险赔款支付问题,万一货物灭失或破损,我断,我可以在当地城市取得赔款。
    Well, in case of loss or damage, the insured party can receive payment locally in our city, presume.
  • 另一件事是关于保险赔款支付问题。万一货物丢失或破损,我断,我可以在当地城市取得赔款。
    Well, in case of loss or damage, the insured party can receive payment locally in our city, I presume.
  • 例如分析从一根头发上所提取的基因样品的基因排列足以使未来的雇主和保险公司断出此人可能得的遗传病从而对是否录用他或接受其投保持审慎或保留态度。
    The DNA from a single human hair, for example, may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person's genetic predisposition to disease.
  • 革命是暴动,是一个阶级翻一个阶级的暴烈的行动。
    A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.
  • 如贵党三中全会果能毅然决然确定此国策,则本党为着表示团结御侮之诚意,愿给贵党三中全会以如下之保证:(一)在全国范围内停止翻国民政府之武装暴动方针;
    If the Third Plenary Session of your Central Executive Committee can succeed in resolutely and firmly deciding on this as the national policy, our Party will pledge the following as an expression of our good faith in solidarity against foreign aggression: (1) the policy of armed insurrection to overthrow the National Government will be discontinued throughout the country;
  • 冲压式喷气发动机一种喷气发动机,靠燃烧发动机吸入和压缩的空气与燃料的混合物进飞机,其排出空气的速度比吸入快
    A jet engine that propels aircraft by igniting fuel mixed with air taken and compressed by the engine in a fashion that produces greater exhaust than intake velocity.
  • 广活动仍是图书馆服务的重要一环。
    Outreach programmes continue to form an integral part of the library services.
  • 一九九七年九月,教育署行校本支援计划,发放整笔津贴给录取内地新来港儿童的公营学校。
    A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system.
  • 自一九九七年行融合教育先导计划后,教育署以全校参与的融合教育模式为基础,制定了帮助有特殊需要学童融入社会的长远政策。
    Following a pilot project in 1997, a whole-school approach to integration has been adopted as the long-term strategy for integrating students with special needs.
  • 思考,理便运智力的行为过程;思考或
    The act or process of using the intellect; thinking or reasoning.
  • 增强科学研究与技术开发的能力,加大新技术、新产品的开发、引进和广力度。
    We will intensify capacity in scientific research and technological development, as well as intensify development and introduction of new technologies and products, and boost their application.
  • 为了让市民认识强积金制度,积金局准备在二零零零年加强宣传和扩工作。
    In respect of public education and publicity for instilling public awareness and understanding, the MPFA will intensify its publicity and promotion efforts in year 2000.
  • 七是加大“放斜与“扶斜工作力度,进中小企业改革。
    Seven, to intensify the efforts on the work of ''seizing the large enterprises and setting free the small enterprises'' and drive the reform of medium and small-sized enterprises.
  • 体育活动的形式要不断创新,注重体育文化内涵,注重广和宣传,有重点地在国内外举办有影响力的大型体育文化和体育学术交流活动。
    Attach more importance to the intension of sports culture and to the spread of and publicity to the sports culture. Give priority to the organization of large and influential sports culture and sports academic exchange activities at home and abroad.
  • 分阶段实施《北京奥运行动规划文化环境建设专项规划》,把"人文奥运"理念化为实践,促进东西方体育文化的交流与融合,丰富奥林匹克精神的内涵,动北京体育文化的发展,促进市民思想道德素质和科学文化素质的提高。
    Implement the "Special Plan for Development of the Cultural Environments under the Olympic Action Programme for Beijing Sports" by stages, and put the idea of "People's Olympics" into practice to promote the exchange and integration of the sports cultures between the East and the West, enrich the intension of the Olympic spirit, promote the development of the sports culture in Beijing, and promote the improvement of the ideological and ethnical qualities and scientific and cultural qualities of the citizens.
  • 以科技奥运为契机,大力进中关村科技园区建设,促进高新技术产业群的发展,向世界展示中国高新技术产业的发展水平。
    It is hoped that this will make the 2008 Olympic Games a science-and-technology-intensive sports event.
  • 进跨行业、跨地区的资源重组和股份制改造,加强与国际著名体育公司的合作与交流。
    Promote inter-industry and inter-regional reorganization of resources and the reorganization of sports enterprises into join stock companies, and strengthen the cooperation and exchange with famous international sports companies.
  • 为了进一步加强就业服务,劳工处在就业服务网站上出互动就业服务,让使用者在全日任何时间内,通过互联网寻找工作和招聘员工。
    To further strengthen its employment service, the department launched an Interactive Employment Service on its Employment Service web site to provide for job hunting and staff recruitment on the Internet around the clock.
  • 在平原农区,大力广窄冠型杨树与农作物间作,并营造农田林网;
    Intercropping of narrow crown poplar and agricultural crops will be popularized and networks of forest belts on farmland will be built.
  • 非常感谢各位对我的热情的接待,很荣幸能够来到中国,甚至是世界最伟大的一座学府之一,这所大学恰好是在美国的支持下成立的,成立的目标是为了动我们两国间的关系。
    Thank you for being here, Condi. I'm so grateful for the hospitality and honored for the reception at one of China's and the world's great universities. This university was founded, interestingly enough, with the support of my country, to further ties between our two nations.
  • 中国将在货物贸易、服务贸易等领域进一步开放市场,逐步进商业、外贸、金融、保险、证券、电信、旅游和中介服务等方面的对外开放。
    China will further open the market of trade in goods, trade in services and other areas, gradually advance the opening up of commerce, foreign trade, finance, insurance, securities, telecommunication, tourism, intermediary services and other fields.
  • 实施体制创新,动项目管理体制向规范化、科学化、国际化的方向发展。
    Carry out system innovations to promote development of project management system toward standardization, scientization and internationalization.
  • 以及广国际承认的标准和合格评定服务,为香港的科技发展和国际贸易建立稳固的基础。
    and promotes internationally accepted standards and conformity assessment services to underpin technological development and international trade.
  • 英国在欧洲和国际环境下,为行国内经济体制改革日程方面做了很多工作。
    The UK words hard to promote the economic reform agenda domestically, within the European context and internationally.