  • 這些層包括:
    These layers include the:
  • 在葉苔目中的多葉成員。
    comprising the leafy members of the order Jungermanniales.
  • 李爾,愛德華1812-1888英國藝術傢和打油詩作傢,作品包在如他的第一部無聊書(1846年)等著作中
    The protagonist in Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear, based on a legendary king of Britain.
  • 步兵中隊古羅馬軍團的一個下屬單位,包60至120人
    A subdivision of an ancient Roman legion, containing60 or120 men.
  • 立法會秘書處由秘書長掌管,負責為立法會提供支援服務,包
    The Legislative Council Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General.It provides support services to the Legislative Council through:
  • 立法會秘書處由秘書長掌管,負責為立法會提供支援服務,包
    The Legislative Council Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General. It provides support services to the Legislative Council through:
  • 豆類植物有蝴蝶狀花冠;一般包在豆屬中。
    leguminous plants whose flowers have butterfly-shaped corollas; commonly included in the family Leguminosae.
  • 年內完成的研究包資訊科技對規劃工作影響研究、香港概土地用途模式顧問研究、尖沙咀水警總部舊址發展機會研究、鯉魚門區鄉村改善發展研究,以及主題性住戶統計調查--香港居民移居中國內地的經驗與冀望。
    Studies completed in the year included: Study of the Impacts of Information Technology on Planning; Study to Analyse the Broad Land Use Pattern of Hong Kong; Study on Development Opportunities of the Former Marine Police Headquarters Site in Tsim Sha Tsui; Study on Village Improvement and Upgrading of Lei Yue Mun Areas; and Thematic Household Survey on Hong Kong Residents' Aspirations and Experience in Taking up Residence in Mainland.
  • 後來,作為萊比錫的一個管風琴師,他創作了教堂樂麯,其中包《馬太受難麯》、《約翰受難麯》和《b小調彌撒麯》。
    )Later, as organist at Leipzig, he composed church music, including his St Matthew and St John Passions, and the Mass in B minor
  • 有必要將這篇冗長的文章概成兩三個段落。
    It was necessary to sum up the lengthy article in two or three paragraphs.
  • 貓科動物其它種類不同的貓科動物,包獅、虎、豹和山貓
    Any of various other carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx.
  • 鱗翅目的鱗翅目的或屬於鱗翅目的,該目包蝴蝶和飛蛾之類的昆蟲
    Of or belonging to the order Lepidoptera, which includes insects such as the butterflies and moths.
  • 鱗翅目昆蟲一種屬於大鱗翅目的昆蟲,包蝴蝶和飛蛾,其特點是長有四個覆蓋着鱗片的膜狀翅膀
    An insect belonging to the large order Lepidoptera, which includes the butterflies and moths, characterized by four membranous wings covered with small scales.
  • 大的包小的,不是小的包大的。
    THe greater contains the lesser, and not vice versa.
  • 虱科的模式屬;包常見危害人類的虱子。
    type genus of Pediculidae: true lice infecting humans.
  • 他們廣泛搜集資料,如近期和終生的飲酒量以及包膳食習慣在內的生活習慣,然後對他們的身體進行了檢查。
    They collected comprehensive information about current and lifetime alcohol consumption and lifestyle habits, including diet, and took body measure- ments.
  • 我可以毫不費力地囊十墩牌。
    I can wrap up 10 tricks without lifting an eyebrow.
  • 用於治療心髒病和高血壓在內的某些藥物,同樣會增加被蚊蟲叮咬的可能性。
    Certain medications, including heart and blood pressure medicine, also can alter a person' s likelihood of being bitten.
  • 他們可能看到的東西包:
    What they're likely to find is:
  • 在語言學上,“臺語”指的是包現代泰語、中國南方傣族瑤族等少數民族語在內的語族,原籍昔陽的已故旅美語言學家李方桂教授,是臺語研究的現代權威。
    In linguistics, Tai Yu means a language family including modern Thai, and the native languages of the Dai, the Yao and other minority ethnic groups in Southern China. The late Professor Li Fang-gui, the linguist who hailed from Xiyang and worked in the US, was the modern authority on Tai Yu.
  • 馬雅語包基切語和尤卡坦語在內的中美洲語族
    A linguistic stock of Central America that includes Quich and Yucatec.
  • 青嶼幹綫采用雙層結構,其組成部分包連接青衣與馬灣的青馬大橋、跨越馬灣的高架道路,以及采用斜拉橋設計、連接馬灣與大嶼山的汲水門大橋。
    The double-deck Lantau Link consists of the Tsing Ma Bridge linking Tsing Yi to Ma Wan; a viaduct over Ma Wan; and the cable-stayed Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Ma Wan to Lantau.
  • 一種建築,它包一根直立的柱梁,它支撐着一根水平的梁木。
    a structure consisting of vertical beams (posts) supporting a horizontal beam (lintel).
  • 這個名單上包他的名字。
    The list included his name.
  • 年鑒一種年度出版物,包一個或多個不相關的領域的各種目錄、圖表和信息表格
    An annual publication composed of various lists, charts, and tables of information in one field or many unrelated fields.
  • 目前,西藏有包西藏新華印刷廠在內的各類印刷廠25個,電子排版、平版膠英電子分色、多色印刷等新技術逐步進入印刷企業。
    At present, the region has the Tibet Xinhua Printing House and another 24 printing houses, and new technologies have been gradually introduced to printing enterprises, such as electronic composition, offset lithography, electronic color separation and polychrome printing.
  • 法律援助的具體形式包解答咨詢、刑事辯護和訴訟代理以及辦理公證等。
    The specific forms of legal aid include advice, criminal defense, procurator in litigation and notarization, etc.
  • 在一個像美國這樣的好訴訟的國傢,製造商們試圖盡可能地減小他們的責任,包事先提醒用戶使用他們的産品可能産生的不良影響。
    In a litigious country like the United States, manufac- turers try to limit their liability in every way possible, including warning consumers about possible ill effects from using their products.
  • 海底和海濱地帶的區域。
    a region including the bottom of the sea and the littoral zones.
  • 這種風氣和局面概起來就叫作生動活潑的政治局面。
    To sum up, this general mood and situation is a political situation of liveliness.
  • 使計算機完全進入運行狀態必需的步驟,它通常包裝入操作係統。參閱coldboot。
    The steps necessary to place a computer in fully operational status; it, typically, consists of loading the operating system.
  • 然而在戰爭的第一第二兩階段中,包於運動戰範圍,而在戰役作戰上起其輔助作用的局部的陣地戰,是可能的和必要的。
    But in the first and second stages of the war, it is possible and essential, within the scope of mobile warfare, to employ localized positional warfare in a supplementary role in campaigns.