  • 由于学生们在求学时代要应付的功课实在太,要他们学习母语已经不胜负荷了,如果要他们再学习第三语文,更是提不起劲。
    For many students, the tremendous demand of schoolwork has already made them feel that learning the mother tongue is a strain. There is no reason to pile on the pressure by studying a third language.
  • 当威廉谈论他在伊顿公学的经历及他今后将面对更的媒体关注时,他说道,"我特别欣赏在伊顿公学时能不受外界打扰,这样我可以更专注于我的功课,尽情享受与朋友在一起的快乐,不被摄影镜头追踪。
    When William talked about his experiences at Eton and the ever more intense media attention he anticipates in the future,he said,“ I have particularly appreciated being left alone at Eton,which has allowed me to concentrate on my schoolwork and enjoy being with my friends without being followed by cameras.
  • 渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。
    We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.
  • 房屋不经常打扫,尘土很快就越积越
    Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly.
  • 然而,当证据日趋增时,该动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查。
    However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.
  • 房屋不经常打扫,尘土很快就越积越
    Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
  • 基金的保障范围包括:申请人受雇最后一天前的四个月内累算不超过36,000元的工资;以及最达22,500元的解雇代通知金或一个月工资,以较少者为准。
    The fund covers arrears of wages not exceeding $36,000 accrued during a period of four months preceding the applicant's last day of service and wages in lieu of notice for termination of employment up to $22,500 or one month's wages, whichever is less.
  • 有人潮汇集之中,好根棍子交叉起来,对我而来的打击却落在别人的脑袋上。
    In the confluence of the multitude, several clubs crossed; blows, aimed at me, fell on other sconces.
  • 由于过去两年执行调整方针不得力,这就造成财政大量赤字,货币发行过,物价继续上涨。
    However, because the readjustment was not carried out efficiently in the last two years, large financial deficits have accrued, too much currency has been issued and prices have steadily risen.
  • 纵向长的香蕉船,顶上有勺冰淇淋、沙司、坚果和搅打奶油。
    a banana split lengthwise and topped with scoops of ice cream and sauces and nuts and whipped cream.
  • 不管使用广告产品的人会获得大益处,无论广告者么诚挚地相信其产品的优点,广告者的动机是推销产品,获得利润,从中赚钱,即他的动机是个人利益。
    Whatever advantages may genuinely accrue to those who use an advertised product, and however sincerely the advertiser may believe in its merits, his motive is to sell, to make a profit, to make money, i.e. it is self-interest.
  • 罗纳尔踢进了8个球,成为了主要得分手。因此,1993年3月,他被邀请加入了cruzeiro甲级俱乐部,年薪£30000。
    Ronaldo became the leading scorer with 8 goals, and that made Ronaldo being asked to join the first division club, Cruzeiro, in March 1993 for £30000.
  • 读和说英语,英语能力就会培养起来。
    English skills will accrue to you from speaking and reading a lot.
  • 8.我们将竭尽全力,使我们的人民免于战祸,不受国内战争和国家间战争之害,在过去十年,有五百万人在这些战争中丧生。
    8. We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade.
  • 吸毒人数持续上升,毒品案件不断增,危害日益严重,禁毒形势严峻。
    The number of drug addicts has kept rising, drug-related cases have constantly increased, the drug scourge is becoming more serious with each passing day, and the situation is grim for the anti-drug struggle.
  • 我们一直活得太舒服、太散了,许人也许非常自私;但严厉的命运之手正驱使我们,使我们站到一个新的高度。从这里我们能够看到维系一个国家伟大永恒的东西——我们已经忘却的荣誉、职责、爱国主义,以及裹藏在白色光辉中的牺牲的峰巅,它像一只粗糙的手指直指苍穹。
    We have been too comfortable and too indulgent - many, perhaps, too selfish - and the stern hand of fate has scourged us to an elevation where we can see the great everlasting things that matter for a nation -the great peaks we had forgotten, of Honour, Duty, Patriotism, and, clad in glittering white, the great pinnacle of Sacrifice pointing like a rugged finger to Heaven.
  • 擦干净炊具常要花费他们许时间。
    Scouring out the pots and pans often took them a lot of time.
  • 这是世银年会有史以来最传媒采访的一次,共有1963名传媒代表获发身分鉴定采访证,而香港与海外传媒差不各占一半。
    In all, 1 963 media representatives were accredited for the Annual Meetings, the highest number ever registered for the event. Representation was almost equally split between Hong Kong media and those from overseas.
  •  布莱恩已经长成了一个杰出青年,他在13岁就是老鹰童子军的成员,是阿肯色州最年轻的(童子军是塑造品德的组织,极个别的孩子能升到该组织的最高级,成为老鹰童子军成员就相当于在道德与艺方面获得了极高的奖励)。
    Bryan had become an extraordinary young man.He was an Eagle Scout at the age of 13, Arkansas's youngest ever. (The Boy Scouts are a character-building organization, and few boys rise to the top level; to become an Eagle Scout is like receiving a grand testimonial to one's virtue and versatility.) He had been a football star in high school.
  • 挣得很有资格徽章的少年侦察。
    a boy scout how has earned many merit badges.
  • 发布《一次性餐饮具》等环境产品技术要求17项,认定环境标志产品430种,涉及企业84家。
    Seventeen technical requirements on the environmental products have been issued, such as single-use tableware. Over 430 kinds of environmental labeling products have been accredited, relating to 84 enterprises.
  • 我希望我们的华文老师们,以发掘写作人才为己任,鼓励华文水准强的学生,学习中国文人好创作,爱文字的特质。
    I hope our Chinese language teachers will take it upon themselves to scout for budding writers, and to encourage students who are strong in Chinese to emulate Chinese literary figures for their desire for literary creation and their love for the language.
  • 这项计划的目的,是招募更学生加入制服团体(例如香港童军总会、香港女童军总会、香港民众安全服务队少年团、香港航空青年团和香港红十字会)、训练团队领袖,以及推广制服团体活动,包括户外训练、社会服务及生活技能训练等。
    The scheme aims at recruiting more students to the rank, grooming leaders required for running uniform groups — such as the Scout Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps and the Hong Kong Red Cross — and promoting uniform group activities, such as outdoor training, social services and life skills training.
  • 今日的许电影明星最初都是由人才发掘者发现的。
    Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts.
  • 无论他们有坏的脾气,也不可能每天脸上都带着怒容吧。
    and it was impossible, however ill-tempered they might be, that the universal scowl they wore was their everyday countenance.
  • 忧郁的愁容;众所周知的、性格阴沉的新英格兰清教徒;忧郁、绝望的耸肩;他陷入了抑郁、沉默;乖僻、不爱交际的习惯;忧郁、差不厌恶整个人类的年轻天才——布鲁斯·比利芬;乖戾的性情;一群闷闷不乐的人。
    a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.
  • 该局获得由全职人员组成的秘书处以及千名本地与海外专家给予支援,亦与国际及地区高等教育评审当局维持紧密联系,其中包括国际高等教育品质保证机构联盟。
    It is supported by a secretariat of full-time staff, plus more than 1000 local and overseas experts in a great variety of subject disciplines, and has strong links with international and regional higher education accreditation authorities, including the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education.
  • 到木材堆置场去,那里有许废木头免费供应。
    Go down to the timber yard; there's plenty of scrap wood there for the asking.
  • 商界的工作人员能生成更精细的视频和音频讲演材料,而家庭用户则能通过把家庭照片和声音剪辑结合起来生成一本媒体的剪贴薄,并全部用电子邮件发送出去。
    Business workers will be able to create more elaborate video and audio presentations, and home users will be able to create a multimedia scrapbook by combining pictures of their family with audio clips and sending it out all in an E-mail.
  • 计算安全学用语,指为了鉴定一个计算机系统或网络的设计和它提供的手段在大程度上能满足预定的安全要求而进行的技术评估。
    In computer security, the technical evaluation made as part of and in support of the accreditation process, that established the extent to which a particular computer system or network design and implementation meet prespecified security requirements.
  • 香港认可处为本地的合格评定活动提供项认可服务,并致力通过缔结相互承认协议,促使本港及海外承认获其认可的评定活动。
    The Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) provides a comprehensive range of accreditation service for local conformance assessment activities and promotes the acceptance of such activities both within Hong Kong and overseas through the establishment of mutual recognition arrangements.
  • 截至一九九九年九月,有八十间实验所已为成立已久的香港实验所认可计划认可,另有两所iso9000质量体系认证机构已获取香港认证机构认可计划的认可资格。
    As of September, more than 80 laboratories were accredited under the well-established Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) and two ISO 9000 quality system certification bodies were accredited under the Hong Kong Certification Body Accreditation Scheme (HKCAS).