  • 孩子气的不成熟的男子;由巴里剧本中的永远长不大的男孩得
    a boyish or immature man; after the boy in Barrie's play who never grows up.
  • 把你的字填写在每页上端的括号内。
    Put your name in brackets at the top of each page.
  • 芬克,麦克1770?-1822以枪法、斗技和吹牛而出的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物
    American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio.
  • 19世纪最有的作曲家有舒伯特、柏辽兹、门德尔松、肖邦、舒曼、李斯特、布拉姆斯、柴可夫斯基、德沃夏克、埃尔加、马勒、德彪西及西贝柳斯。
    Among the best-known composers born in the nineteenth century are Schubert, Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Chopin Schuirianri, Liszt, Brahms, Tschaikovsky, f)vorak, Elgar, Mahier, Debussy, and Sibelius.
  • 名优产品
    Famous brand high-quality products
  • 可以,这是名牌。
    OK. It's brand name.
  • 这是知名品牌。
    It's a well known brand.
  • 商标称,罐装的混合蔬菜汁。
    brand name for canned mixed vegetable juices.
  • 他系着名牌腰带。
    He wore a girdle of famous brand.
  • 就是用李宁的字命的商标品牌。
    The brand is named after Li Nine.
  • 世界牌服装的创始人
    The initiating of world famous brand clothes.
  • 他以自己的字命的冷冻食品成了牌。
    He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food.
  • 又有哪一个反对党不拿共产主义这个罪去回敬更进步的反对党人和自己的反动敌人呢?
    Where the Opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
  • 促销的目的是激发消费者对公司产品的需求,通常的促销手段包括广告、包装、品牌化、人员推销和销售手册、通过在购买地点陈列商品列出商家称以及发送赠券和奖券等。
    The purpose of promotion is to stimulate demand for the company's products. Common promotional techniques include advertising, packaging, branding, personal selling and sales manuals, enlisting of dealer cooperation in displaying goods at the point of purchase, and coupons and premiums.
  • 他还大胆地接拍了黑帮喜剧片《米奇的蓝眼睛》,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一势利的艺术商人,再就是引起轰动的《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 战士因作战勇敢而获得了勋章。
    The soldier earned a medal for bravery.
  • 士兵因英勇而受嘉奖。
    Several soldiers were decorated for bravery.
  • 他因骁勇而出名。
    He was conspicuous for his bravery.
  • 他以勇敢而出名。
    He was known for his bravery.
  • 那个战士的字原是勇敢的代词。
    The soldier's name was a byword for bravery.
  • 警察面临危险时表现出大无畏精神。
    The policeman shows great bravery in the face of danger.
  • 巴西队队员的字,我只记得年朱厄尔·豪斯。
    Of the Brazilian team, Jewel House is the only name I remember.
  • 平克顿,阿伦1819-1884苏格兰裔的美国侦探。其行为因破坏罢工和破坏了劳动者统一的努力而恶昭彰
    Scottish-born American detective. His agency was notorious for breaking strikes and disrupting labor efforts to unionize.
  • 但是使他享有国际知度的是他移师悉尼后拍摄的下一部影片,他和同样取得事业突破的朱迪戴维斯联袂演出了《我辉煌的职业生涯》(1979年)。
    But it was his next movie and shift to Sydney in Australia that launched his international career.He starred alongside another breakthrough player in Judy Davis in My Brilliant Career (1979).
  • 美国一家联邦上诉法院6月28日推翻了将微软一分为二的判决,并命令由另外一法官代替杰克逊来担任此案的主审官。
    A federal appeals court reversed the breakup of Microsoft Thursday and ordered that a new judge decide the landmark case.
  • 那幅不知古代画家的真迹使我惊讶不止。
    The original picture of the unknown ancient painter took my breath away.
  • 损害某人的名誉
    Breathe upon sb.'s name
  • 她的名誉被玷污了。
    Her name has been breathed upon.
  • 他过去声很好,不过最近被玷污了。
    He used to have a good name, but it has been breathed upon recently.
  • 12接受试验的人吸入微量磁铁矿石粉尘,这些粉尘停留在肺内,产生一个可测的磁场。
    Twelve subjects breathed in a small quantity of magnetite dust, which settled in the lungs and produced a measurable external magnetic field.
  • 出身门者出身高贵的人,有良好的教养或高层社会地位的人
    People of gentle birth, good breeding, or high social position.
  • 当他在利亚姆后面踏着明亮的塑料三轮车的时候,他的母亲韩丹转向布伦达,用磕磕绊绊的英语说:“现在他才是一个真正充满笑声的孩子呢。”她指的是笑笑的乳
    As he pedaled a bright plastic tricycle behind Liam, his mother turned to Brenda. Referring to Shao-Shao's nickname Han Dan said in halting English, “Now he really is a laughing boy.