  • (古典神话)上帝的食物和饮料;这些东西的凡人会成为神仙。
    (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal.
  • 用于表示轻微的惊、生气或不耐烦
    Used to express mild surprise, indignation, or impatience.
  • 这种缺乏耐心的急躁情绪在美国的饮食习惯方面则表现得最为突出,悠闲自在地坐下来顿饭似乎是一种奢侈。
    Nowhere is this impatience more evident than in American eating habits. Sitting down to a leisurely meal seems to be a luxury.
  • 他不耐烦地把的东西猛地推开。
    With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
  • 轻微的口使他讲话很慢。
    Some small impediment slowed his conversation.
  • 他讲话口吃。
    He has an impediment in speech.
  • 这位演说家用苦练的方法克服了天生的口毛病。
    By much pains, the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech.
  • 他的话很难听懂,因为他讲话口
    It 's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment
  • 中国外销产品相当多的和东南亚的产品重复,经济形态也有很多相似之处(如大家都有很多劳动密集型的加工出口企业),中国入世贸后,外资活力必然大增,东南亚诸国要和中国竞争,岂不是更为力?
    China's exports are similar to those of South-east Asia,and its labour-intensive and export-oriented industries more or less duplicate those of the region. So, with a China made economically stronger by its impending WTO membership, South-east Asian countries will surely have a tougher competitor to cope with.
  • 中国外销产品相当多的和东南亚的产品重复,经济形态也有很多相似之处(如大家都有很多劳动密集型的加工出口企业),中国入世贸后,外资活力必然大增,东南亚诸国要和中国竞争,岂不是更为力?
    China's exports are similar to those of South-east Asia, and its labour-intensive and export-oriented industries more or less duplicate those of the region. So, with a China made economically stronger by its impending WTO membership, South-east Asian countries will surely have a tougher competitor to cope with.
  • 其幼虫腌菜和未完全密封的腌制品。
    flies whose larvae feed on pickles and imperfectly sealed preserves.
  • 伊丽莎白一过晚饭就回到吉英那儿去。她一走出饭厅,彬格莱小姐就开始说她的坏话,把她的作风说得坏透了,说她既傲慢又无礼貌,不懂得跟人家攀谈,仪表不佳,风趣索然,人又长得难看。
    When dinner was over, she returned directly to Jane, and Miss Bingley began abusing her as soon as she was out of the room. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no stile, no taste, no beauty.
  • 民间的自发力量应该是推动华文学习的最好动力,可是,民间在传统上相对被动的角色,使推广华文的努力,力而不见讨好。
    Spontaneous efforts from the Chinese community itself are probably the best way to provide the impetus for the learning of the Chinese language. But to many who are used to decades of passivity, this will probably seem like a formidable and thankless job.
  • 更不要说与肉相关的种种道德问题了。
    I won't even mention meat's moral implications.
  • 他堕落成一个骗子时,我并不感到惊,他的举止中有些东西在我看来不诚恳。
    I wasn't surprised when he turned out to be an impostor; something about his manner struck a false note with me.
  • 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不马屁。
    Do not try to impress the new boss , he hates being sucked up to.
  • 用汤匙舀取豌豆是不合礼节的。
    It's improper to eat peas with a spoon.
  • 他的厚颜无耻令我大为惊。
    His impudence bowled me out.
  • 她的厚颜使我大为惊。
    Her impudence bowled me over
  • 他的厚颜无耻令我大为惊。
    His impudence bowled me over.
  • 他不会说法语, 这使他很亏.
    His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage.
  • 吸虫吸虫的侵扰或感染,通常由没有煮熟的食物引起
    Infestation or infection with trematodes, often caused by ingestion of inadequately cooked food.
  • 他们许多人像其他美国人一样,对一夫多妻教派中的乱伦现象和孩子被虐待感到惊。
    Many are as appalled as any other American by the reports of incest and child abuse from within polygamous sects.
  • 受到未预料的批评而感到
    Did not expect criticism and was surprised by its incidence.
  • 他们来得很不是时候,我们刚开始饭。
    They arrived at an inconvenient time ---we had just started the meal.
  • 他很从容的坐下了,茶了,抽烟了,谈起他自己的英雄史了,只是不想暂时解除那样累赘的东西。
    Instead, he sat down quite purposefully, drank his tea, lighted his cigarette and started to recount all the marvelous things he had done, and he made no effort to at least temporarily rid himself of such an inconvenient object.
  • 编制宗谱就更加力了,因为它得综合家谱以及其他资料。
    It is much more arduous to undertake a Zongpu, which would incorporate Jiapu in addition to other information.
  • 许多餐馆还有中国菜,跟我在中国到的一样棒,简直是不可思议。
    It's incredible that many restaurants serve Chinese dishes too. And they taste as good as those back in China.
  • 有人就像故事中那头站在两堆稻草中间的驴子,不知道哪一堆好一样,优柔寡断,几乎命都送掉。
    Some men have almost died of indecision, like the donkey between two bundles of hay.
  • 我想外卖的印度饭菜。
    I fancy an Indian take-away.
  • 吃印度菜好吗?
    Let's have some Indian food.
  • 嘿用于表示疑问、惊,轻蔑或冷漠
    Used to express interrogation, surprise, contempt, or indifference.