  • 三月上旬,前委因湘特委的要求而取消,改组为师委(何挺颖为书记),变成单管军中党的机关,对地方党不能过问。
    In early March, upon the request of the Southern Hunan Special Committee, the Front Committee was abolished and reorganized as the Divisional Party Committee (with Ho Ting-ying as secretary), which thus became a body in charge of Party organizations in the army only and without authority over the local Party organizations.
  • 这止匕白人乐队开创了今大所谓方爵士音乐的先声。
    The white musicians created the foundation for what is now called Dixieland jazz.
  • 在这一时期,纽约的白人乐师所演奏的,很像方的爵士音乐。
    During this same period, white musicians in New York were playing music similar to Dixieland jazz.
  • 早期的方爵士乐队(这个乐队通常称作odjb)是由五位新奥尔良乐师组成的。他们早在1917年就在纽约的赖森韦伯餐厅演出。
    The Original Dixieland jazz Band (or ODJB, as this band is usually known) was a group of five New Orleans musicians who performed at Reisenweber's Restaurant in New York early in 1917.
  • 吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东部的亚丁湾入口处,1888年由法国人建城。人口120,000
    The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in1888. Population, 120,000.
  • 吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东部的亚丁湾入口处,1888年由法国人建城。人口120,000
    The capital and largest city of Djibouti, in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the Gulf of Aden. It was founded by the French in1888. Population,120, 000.
  • 第聂伯罗捷尔任斯克位于第聂伯河畔的苏联欧部分城市。哈尔科夫市西,是港口城市和工业中心。人口271,000
    A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. It is a port and major industrial center. Population,271, 000.
  • 克尔松苏联欧洲部分西部城市,位于第聂伯河上,黑海附近敖德萨东北偏东。1778年作为海军基地建立。人口346,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River near the Black Sea east-northeast of Odessa. It was founded in1778 as a naval base. Population,346, 000.
  • 近年来在西安,进入高新区创业的各类科技人员4.5万人,其中博士488人,副教授以上的近8000人,留学回国人员130多名,从东沿海返回的有400多名。
    Now in Xi'an, there are nearly 45,000 scientific and technological personnel pioneering in hi-tech zones of middle Shaanxi, among which 488 with doctoral degree, 8,000 with associate professors or higher titles, over 130 personnel returning home from developed countries and more than 400 returned from coastal cities in Southeast China.
  • 1978年,刘为考取杭州大学。后来又取得了京大学历史学博士学位。而后,到国外继续深造。
    he attended Hangzhou University in 1978, then received a doctorate in history from Nanjing University, and later went abroad to continue his research work.
  • 关于netmeeting指,可参考microsoft文档或在线帮助
    For NetMeeting instructions refer to Microsoft 's documentation or online help
  • 加登城美国堪萨斯西部的一座城市,位于道奇城西北偏西。是灌溉农业区的贸易和工业中心。人口24,097
    A city of southwest Kansas west-northwest of Dodge City. It is a trade and industrial center in an irrigated farming area. Population,24, 097.
  • 在消防站向急转,然后继续行进
    Make a dogleg at the fire station and continue south.
  • 非洲部和东部强壮的狗类哺乳动物,成大群捕食;现在在其定居的地区很少。
    a powerful doglike mammal of South and East Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area.
  • 马克思主义理论从来不是教条,而是行动的指
    Marxist theory is not a dogma but a guide to action.
  • 不应当把他们的理论当作教条看待,而应当看作行动的指
    We should regard it not as a dogma, but as a guide to action.
  • 在中国共产党内,曾经有一部分教条主义的同志长期拒绝中国革命的经验,否认“马克思主义不是教条而是行动的指”这个真理,而只生吞活剥马克思主义书籍中的只言片语,去吓唬人们。
    There used to be a number of comrades in our Party who were dogmatists and who for a long period rejected the experience of the Chinese revolution, denying the truth that "Marxism is not a dogma but a guide to action" and overawing people with words and phrases from Marxist works, torn out of context.
  • 美国部地区;基督教在这一地带广泛流行。
    southern United States; where Protestant fundamentalism is dominant.
  • 1993年,国家选择了呼伦贝尔盟、乌海市、延边朝鲜族自治州、黔东苗族侗族自治州、临夏回族自治州、格尔木市、伊犁哈萨克自治州等七个民族地区作为改革开放的试点。
    In 1993, the state selected seven ethnic localities--Hulun Buir League, Wuhai City, Yanbian Korea Autonomous Prefecture, Southeast Guizhou Miao-Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Golmud City, and Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, as areas for pilot projects for reform and opening-up.
  • 迄今为止,通过识别并经中央政府确认的民族有56个,即汉、蒙古、回、藏、维吾尔、苗、彝、壮、布依、朝鲜、满、侗、瑶、白、土家、哈尼、哈萨克、傣、黎、傈僳、佤、畲、高山、拉祜、水、东乡、纳西、景颇、柯尔克孜、土、达斡尔、仫佬、羌、布朗、撒拉、毛、仡佬、锡伯、阿昌、普米、塔吉克、怒、乌孜别克、俄罗斯、鄂温克、德昂、保安、裕固、京、塔塔尔、独龙、鄂伦春、赫哲、门巴、珞巴、基诺等民族。
    So far, there are 56 ethnic groups identified and confirmed by the Central Government, namely, the Han, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Bouyei, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Va, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Daur, Mulam, Qiang, Blang, Salar, Maonan, Gelo, Xibe, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Ozbek, Russian, Ewenki, Deang, Bonan, Yugur, Jing, Tatar, Drung, Oroqen, Hezhen, Moinba, Lhoba and Jino.
  • 记住,d路车,线站台。
    Remember, the D train, the downtown platform.
  • 澳大利亚部的一种多年生灌木状植物,茎、叶背面和花下侧有绒毛或柔毛,有红色至粉红色的总状花序。
    shrubby perennial of southern Australia having downy or woolly stems and undersides of leaves and racemes of red to pink flowers.
  • ——参与策划、起草对华不平等条约。如1842年中英《京条约》、1844年中美《望厦条约》、1858年中美和中法《天津条约》、1860年中法《北京条约》等,西方国家一些传教士直接参与了策划、起草。
    -They directly took part in plotting and drafting unequal treaties, such as the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking of 1842, the Sino-American Treaty of Wanghea of 1844, the Sino-American and Sino-French treaties of Tientsin of 1858 and the Sino-French Convention of Peking of 1860.
  • 普利茅斯英格兰西一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾沿岸,该湾为英吉利海峡的一个小海湾。英国的一个主要港口,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人口250,300
    A borough of southwest England on Plymouth Sound, an inlet of the English Channel. A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada(1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population,250, 300.
  • 南北曲
    southern and northern drama music
  • 德希腊戏剧家,他的浪漫主义作品对喜剧之发展有影响
    Greek dramatist whose romantic works were influential in the development of comedy.
  • 气候灾害[北方春旱]2001年是继1999年和2000年连续大旱之后的又一个特大旱灾年,尤其是北方地区遭受了严重旱灾,山西、山东、河、辽宁等省旱情尤为突出。
    Climate Disasters Spring Draught in the North: The year 2001 is another year with extraordinary draught after the draughts in 1999 and 2000, especially that the northern part was hit by serious draughts. The draughts were especially serious in Shanxi, Shandong, Henan and Liaoning.
  • 分布在印度部的德拉维甸语。
    a Dravidian language spoken in southern India.
  • 主要在印度部说的德拉维甸语。
    a Dravidian language spoken primarily in southern India.
  • 主要分布在印度部中心的德拉维甸语。
    a Dravidian language spoken primarily in south central India.
  • 生活在印度的德威拉民族的人。
    a member of the Dravidian people living in S India.
  • 卡纳达语印度部一地区迈索尔的主要的达罗毗荼语
    The principal Dravidian language of Mysore, a region of southern India.