  • 此外,现正进行的直接调查有五项,包括二手汽车/电单车的进口、贮存及运载监管机制、本地旅行代理商营办访港旅行团事宜的监管机制、公共屋恏私家诊所及牙医诊所服务的提供和管理情况、受土地发展公司发展计划影响的临时市政局设施租户及档户的搬迁安排,以及有关雇员再培训局再培训课程的若干问题。
    Besides, there were five direct investigations being undertaken, which included the regulatory mechanism for import/export, storage and transportation of used motor vehicles/cycles, regulatory mechanism for local travel agents for inbound tours, and provision and management of private medical and dental clinic services in public housing estates, the clearance of Provisional Urban Council tenants and licence holders affected by the Land Development Corporation's development projects, and selected issues concerning the provision of retraining courses by the Employees Retraining Board.
  • 我们要为香港每个儿童提供新式和均衡的优质教育,增加成人教育和再培训的机会。我们相信,香港可成为亚洲杰的教育中心。
    We aim to give every child in Hong Kong a modern, well-balanced education of the highest quality, to extend opportunities for lifetime learning and retraining, and we trust that Hong Kong may become a centre of excellence in education in Asia.
  • 为确保本地工人可优先获聘,雇主提的输入劳工申请必须先符合三项条件,才会提交教育统筹局局长批核。这三项条件是:已在报章刊登招聘广告;已由劳工处安排为期六星期的就业选配(在可能的情况下,包括为本地工人提供特别设计的再培训课程);以及已由劳工顾问委员会审议。
    To ensure priority of employment for local workers, each application for imported workers has to pass three tests before it is submitted to the Secretary for Education and Manpower for a decision - advertising in newspapers, job-matching by the Labour Department for six weeks (plus tailor-made retraining course for workers, if possible), and consideration by the Labour Advisory Board.
  • msu是信令接收错时仅传输的信令单元。
    MSUs are the only signal units that are retransmitted if they are received in error.
  • 撤退从战场上退出
    To retreat from a battlefield.
  • 撤退信号(如击鼓或吹号)
    Sound the retreat, eg on a drum or bugle
  • 节拍器一种利用间隙可调的有规律地重复现的拍打或闪光来标记时间的仪器
    A device used to mark time by means of regularly recurring ticks or flashes at adjustable intervals.
  • 然而从一九二八年五月开始,适应当时情况的带着朴素性质的游击战争基本原则,已经产生来了,那就是所谓“敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追”的十六字诀。
    By May 1928, however, basic principles of guerrilla warfare, simple in nature and suited to the conditions of the time, had already been evolved, that is, the sixteen-character formula: "The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue."
  • 现在面临的问题是,不进则退,退是没有路的。
    The choice before us is either to continue to make economic progress or to retreat. But to retreat will get us nowhere.
  • 他已经设计一种可以调整的激光,它可以针对软、硬组织迅速转换波长进行治疗。
    He has designed an adjustable laser that can switch instantly between soft-tissue and hard-tissue wavelengths.
  • 德温特版公司专利检索系统
    Derwent Publications Ltd. Patent Retrieval System
  • 操作杆用来调节或操作某一机械装置的突把手
    A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.
  • 当这位年轻女子从棕色的大文件袋中取有关文件时,一张纸条掉了来。
    As the young woman reached into a large brown envelope to retrieve the documents, a piece of paper fell out.
  • 抢得篮板球在球没有入篮而是从篮板或篮框弹来之后重新获得球的控制权
    To retrieve and gain possession of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim after an unsuccessful shot.
  • 数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索来。
    The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
  • 你应该量入为出。
    You should adjust your expenditure to your income.
  • 店主走向橱窗,取鲁本梦寐以求的东西。
    The man went to the window and retrieved Reuben's treasure.
  • 我两手抓住瓶子,将瓶颈放在固定的墙上的厚铜开瓶器下,瓶盖立即掉在一个老木箱里,我伸手将它捡了来,感觉好凉,中间已经弯曲,但我知道我需要拥有这个纪念品。
    With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it. I was cold and bent in the middle, but I knew I needed to have this souvenir.
  • 她企图凿开知识的封土,找回儒家思想的原意。虽然她只能付几个月的努力,但她不只用她的思想来探讨儒家人文主义,她也全心全力地以身体和灵魂来体会。她日后必能成为儒家思想的传播人。
    Her attempt at the archaeology of knowledge to retrieve the contemporary message of Confucian teaching lasted only a few months. Yet, since she ruminated on Confucian humanism not only with her head but with her body and soul, she was well on her way to becoming an articulate transmitter of the Confucian way.
  • 先进先存储器一组存储数据,其中最先输的项目是最先存入的
    A set of stored data in which the first item to be retrieved is the one stored earliest.
  • 通过长达十余年的工作,总计清理清宫旧藏文物七十一万余件。
    After more than a decade of painstaking effort, some 710,000 relics from the Qing palace were retrieved.
  • 把读进数据处理机的数据从计算机存储器中追溯(检索)来或寄存起来。
    Retrieving from computer storage or registering that which was read into a data processing machine.
  • 一种存储器,数据只能以计算机字为单位存入或取
    A storage device into which or from which data can is entered or retrieved only in units of a computer word.
  • 后进先存储器存入计算机的一组数字,其中最先输是最新存入的数据
    A set of data stored in a computer, in which the first item to be retrieved is the one most recently stored.
  • 字(词)处理技术中的一种装置,记录的正文可送入其中,可在其中保存和处理,而且可从其中检索来。
    In word processing, a unit into which recorded text can is entered, in which it can is retained and processed, and from which it can is retrieved.
  • 过去人们习惯于认为长久记忆是一种脑归档系统,信息储存在这种长久记忆的系统里,直到以后的某个时候再重现来。
    Long– term memory used to be thought of only as a mental filing system. Information was stored away in long-term memory, and there it sat until it was retrieved at some later date.
  • 从调制过的载波信号中检信息(数据)的过程,是调制的逆过程。
    The process of retrieving intelligence(data) from a modulated carrier wave; the reverse of modulation.
  •  宣告专利权无效的决定,对在宣告专利权无效前人民法院作并已执行的专利侵权的判决、裁定,已经履行或者强制执行的专利侵权纠纷处理决定,以及已经履行的专利实施许可合同和专利权转让合同,不具有追溯力。
    The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall have no retroactive effect on any judgement or ruling of patent infringement which has been pronounced and enforced by the people's court, on any decision concerning the handling of a dispute over patent infringement which has been complied with or compulsorily executed, or on any contract of patent license or of assignment of patent right which has been performed prior to the declaration of the patent right invalid;
  • 卷舌音的舌尖在嘴中前后上下运动而发清晰的声音;卷舌音的
    Articulated with the tip of the tongue turned back and up toward the roof of the mouth; retroflex.
  • “坚持抗战、反对投降”,“坚持团结、反对分裂”,“坚持进步、反对倒退”,这是我们党在今年的《七七宣言》里提来的三大政治口号。
    "Persist in resistance and oppose capitulation", "Persist in unity and oppose a split" and "Persist in progress and oppose retrogression" -- these are the three great political slogans our Party put forward in its Manifesto of July 7 this year.
  • 而党的任务是动员群众克服投降危险、分裂危险和倒退危险,并准备对付可能的突然事变,使党和革命不在可能的突然事变中,遭受乎意料的损失。
    The duty of the Party is to mobilize the masses to overcome the dangers of capitulation, a split and retrogression and prepare against all possible eventualities so that in case they occur, the Party and the revolution will not suffer unexpected losses.
  • 今天如果没有共产党、八路军、新四军、陕甘宁边区和各抗日民主根据地真心实意地来维持抗日的大局,反对投降、分裂、倒退的危险倾向,那就会弄得一团糟。
    And if today the Communist Party, the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the anti-Japanese democratic base areas did not step forth and sincerely sustain the resistance to Japan and combat the dangerous tendencies towards capitulation, a split and retrogression, the situation would indeed be in a terrible mess.