  • 在西藏牧区实行免费医疗,在城镇实行个人医疗资金账户和公助相结合的医疗费用承
    Medical treatment is free in farming and pastoral areas, and is financed jointly by personal medical insurance and the state in cities and towns.
  • 广大牧区已初步形成了县、乡、村三级医疗预防保健网。
    A three-tier medi-care and disease-prevention network at the levels of county, township and village has been preliminarily formed in the agricultural and pastoral areas.
  • 西藏88%的人口在牧区,1991年,西藏牧区有卫生机构850个,医院床位2300张,专业卫生人员3700人。
    Now, 88 percent of Tibetans are living in rural and pastoral areas, where there were 850 health establishments containing a total of 2,300 beds and 3,700 medical workers in 1991.
  • 在西藏广阔的城乡建立了电影放映发行网络,有电影发行放映单位650个,在牧区实行免费放电影。
    A film projection and releasing network covers both urban and rural areas, including 650 local units, giving free film shows to people in agricultural and pastoral areas.
  • 一般是在牧民中提倡一对夫妇生育两个孩子,对部分确有困难的、牧民还可以放宽。
    In general, a couple in agricultural and pastoral areas is allowed to have two children; and a more flexible policy is adopted to farmers and herdsmen with actual difficulties.
  • 从1985年起,又对部分藏族中小学学生实行包吃、包穿、包住政策,在广大牧区学校推行寄宿制。
    Since 1985, free food, clothing and accommodation have been provided for some Tibetan primary and middle school students, and boarding schools have been introduced in the vast rural and pastoral areas.
  • 夫打开门,把公牛放到草地上。
    The farmer opened he gate and let the bull loose in the pasture.
  • 夫打开了门把牛放进了牧场。
    The farmer opened the gate and let the bull loose in the pasture.
  • 民打开门,把马放到草地上去。
    The farmer opened the gate and let the horse loose in the pasture.
  • 工业中的行会制度,业中的宗法经济,----这就是它的最后结论。
    Its last words are: corporate guilds for manufacture, patriarchal relations in agriculture.
  • 六、由于帝国主义和封建主义的双重压迫,特别是由于日本帝国主义的大举进攻,中国的广大人民,尤其是民,日益贫困化以至大批地破产,他们过着饥寒交迫的和毫无政治权利的生活。
    Under the twofold oppression of imperialism and feudalism, and especially as a result of the large-scale invasion of Japanese imperialism, the Chinese people, and particularly the peasants, have become more and more impoverished and have even been pauperized in large numbers, living in hunger and cold and without any political rights.
  • 有保障的业劳动报酬
    warranted payment for agricultural work
  • 对于村宁静生活的美处,他们称赞不已。
    They extol the virtues of the peaceful life.
  • 联合国系统每年开支120亿美元,这包括联合国、联合国维和行动、各方案和基金以及专门机构的开支,但不包括世界银行、国际货币基金组织(货币基金组织)和国际业发展基金(发基金)的开支。
    The UN system spends some $12 billion a year, taking into account the United Nations, UN peacekeeping operations, the programmes and funds, and the specialized agencies, but excluding the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
  • 作物歉收民就要受灾.
    The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers.
  • 他是农民出身.
    He sprang from peasant stock.
  • 此处所谓半无产阶级,包含:(一)绝大部分半自耕⑽,(二)贫,(三)小手工业者,(四)店员⑾,(五)小贩等五种。
    What is here called the semi-proletariat consists of five categories: (1) the overwhelming majority of the semi-owner peasants[10], (2) the poor peasants, (3) the small handicraftsmen, (4) the shop assistants[11], and (5) the peddlers.
  • 民们想清了,出了新法子,就是大涨轿工价,以此惩富人。
    Seeing the point, the peasants have worked out a new tactic -- considerably to increase the fares charged by the chair carriers so as to penalize the rich.
  • 四月里森林中野生的银莲花,黎明时分最后一趟满载夜草的车行进在小路上,那时你简直辩认不出马的身影,夫们正赶着它驶向庄。然而最微妙莫测、沁人肺腑,动人心弦的还是秋日黄昏时分袅袅升起的柴烟的气味。远在几万年前,当我们的祖先作为游牧民还游历在欧洲大陆的森林和原野的时候,当他们带着一天收获来的草料回家的时候,他们肯定都看到过那木柴的清烟。
    The wild anemones in the woods in April, the last load at night of hay being drawn down a lane as the twilight com es on, when you can scarcely distinguish the figures of the horses as they take it home to the farm, and above all, most subtle, most penetrating and most movin g, the smell of wood smoke coming up in an autumn evening, that wood smoke that our ancestors, tens of thousands of years ago, must have caught on the air when they were coming home with the results of the day's forage, when they were still namads, and they were still roaming the forests and the plains of the continent of Europe.
  • 彩电、音响、电话机和一些元器件等产品的产量居世界第一位,程控交换机、新型元器件等投资类和基础类产品的研制生产达到了一定的规模和水平。城市彩电普及率已达每百户1008台,村电视机普及率达到每百户70台以上(其中彩电普及率达每百户27.2台)。
    China is second to none in outputs of TV sets, audio systems and telephones and a number of components and devices, with the penetration of color TV sets for cities reaching 100.8 sets per hundred households and that for rural areas 27.2 sets (overall rural penetration of TV sets being over 70 sets). R&D and manufacture of SPC exchanges and innovative components and devices have reached a certain scale and level.
  • 卡明斯是一个建在场上的大型监狱,它坐落在小石城东南70英里处的荒凉村,那里到处散落着棚屋和烧毁的教堂。
    Cummins is a vast farm-based penitentiary that sits in bleak countryside, strewn with shanties and burned-out churches, 70 miles south-east of Little Rock.
  • 奴主运用成文法或习惯法,设立监狱或私牢。
    Making use of written or common law, the serf-owners set up penitentiaries or private jails.
  • 鲍德温宾夕法尼亚州西南部一自治村镇,位于莫加希拉河沿岸,匹兹堡的近郊。人口21,923
    A borough of southwest Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh on the Monongahela River. Population, 21,923.
  • 黎巴嫩美国宾夕法尼亚州东南一城市,位于哈里斯堡东北偏北方。它是荷裔宾州人区内的一个工业中心。人口24,800
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania east-northeast of Harrisburg. It is an industrial center in the Pennsylvania Dutch farm country. Population,24, 800.
  • 连年歉收使小陷入了一贫如洗的困境。
    A succession of bad harvests had reduced the small farmers to penury.
  • 夫把干辣椒串起一串,挂在墙上。
    The farmer strung the dry peppers together and hung on the wall.
  • 目前,城市98%和村70%的孕产妇都能得到产前检查。
    Around 98 percent of urban women and 70 percent of rural women have prenatal examinations.
  • 定期有集市的农村
    A rural village that has a market or fair periodically.
  • 主要是,国内有效需求不足和供给结构不适应市场需求的变化;民和部分城镇居民收入增长缓慢;失业人员增多,有些群众的生活还很困难;收入分配关系尚未理顺;国有企业改革任务还相当繁重;市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范;重大安全生产事故时有发生;有些地方社会治安状况不好;部分地区生态环境恶化;一些政府工作人员脱离群众,形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、奢侈浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出。
    They are, in the main, as follows: insufficient domestic effective demand and inability of the supply structure to respond to changes in market demand, slow growth in the income of farmers and some urban residents, rise in the unemployed and serious difficulties in some people's livelihood, continued inequities in the distribution of income, arduous tasks remaining in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the need to continue to rectify and standardize the order of the market economy, sporadic occurrence of major industrial accidents, poor public security in some places, degradation of the ecological environment in some areas, continued isolation from the people and perpetration of formalism, bureaucracy, falsification, extravagance and waste among some government officials, and certain types of corruption remaining conspicuous.
  • 一天有个年高德劭的佛教祭司拜访了这个波斯夫,该祭司算得上东方的一位贤明之士。
    One day there visited that old Persian farmer, one of these ancient Buddhist priests, one of the wise men of the East.
  • 种子跟药都准备好了。
    The seeds and the pesticide are both ready.
  • 农药废水处理
    treatment of pesticide wastewater