  • 1998年《新共和》杂志刊登了一篇文章可能最能说明格林斯潘被神化了的形象。这篇人们议论得非常多的文章说,一家纽约的债券交易司设了一个格林斯潘的神龛来供奉他的纪念物(两支他曾经用过的大班笔,一张他曾经坐过的椅子),还在墙上写满了他的“教诲”。
    The strongest case for Greenspan's deified status was probably made in the much -- talked-about 1998 New Republic article that told of a New York bond?trading firm with a Greenspan shrine, complete with relics (two Bicpens he had used; a chair he had once sat in) and a wall covered with his “teachings”.
  • 司要打入范围正在缩小的市场是有困难的。
    The company has difficulty selling into a shrinking market.
  • 司要打入范围正在缩小的市场是有困难的。
    The company is having difficulty selling into a shrinking market.
  • 因为没有一个男人愿意把他们和这种女人的暧昧关系开化,而她们又不堪寂寞,因此总是随身带着女伴。这些陪客有些是因为境况不如她们,自己没有车子;有些是怎么打扮也好看不了的老妇人。如果有人要想知道她们陪同的那位马车女主人的任何私情秘事,那么尽可以放心大胆地向她们去请教。
    Since no man would ever consent to flaunt by day the predilection he has for them by night, and because they abhor solitude, they are usually attended either by less fortunate associates who have no carriages of their own, or else by elderly ladies of refinement who are not the least refined and to whom an interested party may apply without fear, should any information be required concerning the woman they are escorting.
  • 当我们能够从大局看清楚问题,那些用来突出“不平制度”的间接证明,便成为不足为虑的小事。
    When we see the bigger picture, we can shrug off the petty incidences, which have been put forward as circumstantial evidence meant to highlight the “injustices of the system”.
  • 政府拥有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、将军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营司根据管理合约经营及管理。
    The government owns six of the road tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 计划中的七号干线(坚尼地城至香港仔段)全长八里,落成后会为港岛南区提供急需的交通设施,并有助该区的策略性发展。
    The eight-kilometre section of Route 7 connecting Kennedy Town to Aberdeen will provide a much-needed linkage to the southern part of Hong Kong to support the strategic development of the area.
  • 香港仔隧道在一九八二年启用,全长1.9里,连接港岛南北。年内每日行车量6万架次,每程收费5元。
    The Aberdeen Tunnel, opened in 1982, links the north and south sides of Hong Kong Island. It measures 1.9 kilometres and was used by 60 000vehicles daily in 1997. The toll was $5.
  • 香港仔隧道连接港岛南北,在一九八二年启用,全长1.9里,每程收费五元,年内平均每日行车量达58000架次。
    The Aberdeen Tunnel, opened in 1982, links the northern and southern parts of Hong Kong Island. It measures 1.9 kilometres and was used by 58 000 vehicles daily in 1998. The toll was $5.
  • (作者是安本信托基金管理司的投资经理。本栏是新加坡投资管理协会与股票交易所联办的众教育计划。)
    (The writer is Investment Manager of Aberdeen Asset Management. This column has the support of Investment Management Association of Singapore and the Stock Exchange of Singapore. ) ]]
  • 狮子山、香港仔、机场、城门、将军澳及长青6条港府拥有的隧道,已交由私营司根据管理合约经营管理。
    The six government-owned tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 他把文件弄得乱七八糟就离开了办室。
    He shuffled the papers and left the office.
  • 像新近被阿伯丁资产管理司以年薪超过100万英镑聘为首席投资官的凯瑟琳·加勒特-考克斯(33岁)这样的女性就是sassy族的偶像。
    Icons for the Sassies are women such as Katherine Garrett Cox, 33, recently named the chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management at £1 million plus a year.
  • 正在进行的工程包括南区鸭洲临时市政大厦和涌尾壁球及网球场馆、东区西湾河康乐中心、旺角乐群街园、观塘康宁道园(第ⅰ期)、三家村临时市政大厦和顺利游乐场,以及九龙城何文田游乐场,全部进展良好。
    Good progress was made in the development of the Ap Lei Chau Complex and the Squash and Tennis Complex at Chung Mei in the Southern District, the Sai Wan Ho Leisure Centre in Eastern District, the Lok Kwan Street Park in Mong Kok District, the Hong Ning Road Park (Phase I), the Sam KaTsuen Complex and Shun Lee Tsuen Recreation Ground in Kwun Tong District, and the Ho Man Tin Recreation Ground in Kowloon City District.
  • 前两者和年资、收入有关。制订裁员名单时,一些司发现裁掉他们,成本可省得最多;
    They are also likely to be shunned in any recruitment exercise because their salary is generally higher than young new recruits due to their longer length of service.
  • (作者是安本信托基金管理司的投资经理。
    (The writer is Investment Manager of Aberdeen Asset Management.
  • 老板把他降职到分司工作。
    The boss shunted him to a branch office.
  • 由于司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托--从前充满阳刚之气的圣地--目前的男性人口比例仅49%。
    Thanks to company shutdowns, Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male.
  • 区间共汽车将游客载至狄斯奈乐园。
    The buses shuttle visitors to Disneyland.
  • 路上卡车和汽车正来往奔驰穿梭。
    Truck and car are shuttle to and fro on the highway.
  • 路上卡车和汽车正来往奔驰穿梭。
    Truck and car is shuttle to and fro on the highway.
  • 区内建议设置多项环保设施,包括以铁路及无烟环保穿梭运输系统作为共交通工具;
    Environmentally friendly measures to be implemented include public transport by a railway and a smoke-free shuttle system;
  • 他们到达时,安东尼奥和夏洛克已被带到爵面前,审判已经开始了。
    When they arrived, Antonio and Shylock had been brought before the Duke, and the trial had begun.
  • 雅纳河一条流经苏联西伯利亚中部和北部的河流,长约1,207里(750英里),向北流入拉普帕夫海
    A river, about1, 207 km(750 mi) long, of central and northern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing northward to the Laptev Sea.
  • 奥卡河源于苏联西伯利亚中南部的山脉的河,大体向北,流程965里(600英里),注入安加拉河
    A river rising in the Sayan Mountains of south-central Siberian U.S.S.R. and flowing about965 km(600 mi) generally north to the Angara River.
  • 叶尼塞河苏联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾流入喀拉海
    A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about4, 023 km(2, 500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary.
  • 鄂毕河原苏联西西伯利亚的一条河流,流长约3700里(2300英里),向北流至大西洋的一个海湾鄂毕湾
    A river, about3, 700 km(2, 300 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing generally northward to the Gulf of Ob, an arm of the Arctic Ocean.
  • 勒拿河前苏联西伯利亚东部的一条河流,发源于贝加尔湖附近,向东北和北部流入拉普捷夫海,流程约4,296里(2,670英里)。其三角洲宽约402里(250英里)
    A river of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. rising near Lake Baikal and flowing about4, 296 km(2, 670 mi) northeast and north to the Laptev Sea. Its delta is some402 km(250 mi) wide.
  • 司还称这个娃娃形象还可以帮助5至8岁的孩子表达自己对于新家庭成员诞生的所感所想。
    It said the dolls can help children aged 5 to 8 to act out their feelings before the arrival of a new sibling.
  • 从来没有听说过为了争夺父母藏书的继承权而兄弟姐妹反目成仇、对簿堂的。
    I have yet to come across a case of siblings falling out with each other over some collections of books handed down to them by their parents and taking the dispute to court.
  • 猪腰和肾脏内壁的脂肪,用于炼猪油。
    fat lining the abdomen and kidneys in hogs which is used to make lard.
  • 意大利西西里岛东南部一城市,元前世纪由科林斯殖民者创建。
    a city in southeastern Sicily that was founded by Corinthians in the 8th century BC.