  • 但今天,这里的野生动物数量同样引人关注,其中最有议的是黄石国家公园狼的数目。
    But today,its wildlife population is just as popular.The most controversial of these is Yellowstone' s wolf population.
  • 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是否算是网路恶作剧引起了论。
    It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool's day be an online prank.
  • 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是否算是网路恶作剧引起了论。
    It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool's day is an online prank.
  • 一种扩大会议(如在大学校园),对于重要并且通常有议的问题的讨论和演讲。
    an extended session (as on a college campus) for lectures and discussion on an important and usually controversial issue.
  • 这位加利福尼亚人,是个备受议的人;但他对揭示人类基因组密码的全部事业做出了无可替代的贡献。由他产生的竞压力刺激了公家研究工作的进展。
    The controversial Californian has made vital contributions to the whole enterprise,and his competitive pressure spurred on the public project.
  • 那位有议的侯选人不肯接受其党派要他退出竞选的意图。
    The controversial candidate in the election has faced out all attempts by his party to get him to stand down.
  • 信奉邪说的人持有有议观点的人,尤指公开反对官方承认的罗马天主教教义的人
    A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 希斯,阿杰尔生于1904美国政府官员。在共产主义恐慌达到高峰时被指控为间谍,后来在一个有议的案件中被认定犯有伪证罪(1950年)
    American public official. Accused of espionage at the height of the Communist scare, he was convicted of perjury(1950) in a controversial case.
  • 政府在人事上作的新的委任,引起了许多论。
    The new government appointments have caused much controversy.
  • 市长试图调解在住房建筑规划方面的议。
    The mayor will try to accord the controversy over the housing scheme.
  • 这句话引起了热烈的论。
    The remark touched off a heated controversy.
  • 意见分歧不一致或有
    A disagreement or controversy.
  • 和某人就某事进行论战[论]
    be [engage] in a controversy with [against] sb. on [about] sth.
  • 争论仍在进行。
    The controversy still progresses.
  • 爱争论的;好争辩的
    Fond of controversy; disputatious.
  • 口头辩论;争论
    A verbal controversy; a debate.
  • 卷入或者像是要导致论。
    involving or likely to cause controversy.
  • 论或者论战的,卷入论或者论战的。
    of or involving dispute or controversy.
  • 会上争论得很激烈。
    The meeting was aboil with controversy.
  • 引起混乱或争论
    To cause a disturbance or controversy.
  • 意见分歧的原因不一致或有议的原因
    A cause of a disagreement or controversy.
  • 以能够引起论为特点。
    marked by or capable of arousing controversy.
  • 新法律引起很多论。
    The new law has caused much controversy.
  • 改变立场,例如在论中
    To change sides, as in a controversy.
  • 论在论或辩论中据理力;辩论
    To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.
  • 能引起激烈的情绪或辩。
    capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy.
  • 他与她正在争论中。
    He is caught in a controversy with her.
  • 辩,辩论法辩或辩论的艺术或做法
    The art or practice of argumentation or controversy.
  • 这场论已经扩大到其它领域。
    The controversy has spilled over into other fields.
  • 保持低姿态直到议减少
    Kept a low profile until the controversy had abated.
  • 论点掀起论的主题或观点;
    A subject or point open to controversy; an issue.
  • 七年过去了,论已经解决了。
    Seven years have passed, and the controversy has been settled.