  • 王公地位在邦主之上的印度国王或贵族,尤指从前某土著王国的君主
    A king or prince in India ranking above a rajah, especially the sovereign of one of the former native states.
  • 把枯叶耙在一起。
    Rake up the dead leaves.
  • 赌徒们获取各自份的抽头。
    Gamblers get their shares of the rake-off.
  • 个患有老花症的人;个由于长期以来晶状体弹性的逐渐丧失而成为远视眼的人。
    a person with presbyopia; someone who is farsighted resulting from the progressive loss with aging of the elasticity of the crystalline lens.
  • 工作时,性是个非常敏感的问题,哪怕是性骚扰的点暗示也会带来场严重的官司。
    Sex is a particularly touchy subject at work, where even a hint of sexual harassment can bring on a dam-aging lawsuit.
  • 我叫孩子们把落叶耙到处。
    I set my children to rake the fallen leaves.
  • 用耙子把叶子收在起堆在汽车库旁边。
    Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage.
  • 他们在政府的采购上获得大笔私人佣金。
    They get a big private rake-off on government purchases.
  • 这个出租汽车司机从夜总会赚得笔外快。
    The taxi-driver gets a rake-off from the night club.
  • 我凑不够买辆新自行车的钱。
    I couldn't rake together enough money for a new bike.
  • 而如何防止颜色的退变和老化,则是又门很深的独立学问。
    But we have another profound and independent branch of learning to deal with--how to prevent color from fading and aging.
  • 剧场的地板斜度太大了点。
    The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep.
  • 营救队在这地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。
    The rescue team rake the area for a trace of lose traveller.
  • 从党的十大开始出现这个问题。
    The problem of aging didn't manifest itself until the Eleventh National Party Congress [held in August 1977].
  • 阿涅利曾是个跟世界上些顶尖美女们混在起的浪荡公子,后来转而专心经商。
    Once a rakish companion to some of the world's most beautiful women,Agnelli later turned his mind to business.
  • 部分应该以渐慢的方式演奏。
    this passage should be played rallentando.
  • 种把年轻等同为美的文化中,大多数美国人直都在与衰老作斗争。
    In a culture that equates youth with beauty,a majority of Americans is constantly at war with aging.
  • 什麽是一个回合?
    What is a rally?
  • 这可能是在对打中花费时间最短的次了。
    And the shortest rally possible.
  • 不幸的是,变老是人生不可避免的事情之,谁都不能例外。
    Unfortunately aging is one of the inevitabilities of life and it happens to the best of us.
  • 日子天天过去,我母亲的病情开始好转。
    Days passed,and Mom started to rally.
  • 暂停下,以让他们恢复体力
    Paused to refresh themselves and rally their strength.
  • 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品retroactive,并举获得巨大成功。
    Last winter, Avon launched Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit.
  • 如果发球后在这回合中取胜可得1分。
    If the server wins a rally, he scores a point.
  • (用来指烟草)像防腐过程样被熏干(“aged”读为个音节)。
    (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable).
  • 股票经过次短暂回升后回落到个新的低点。
    After a brief rally share fall back to a new low.
  • 发球方如果在这回合中取胜,可得1分。
    If the server wins a rally, he or she scores a point.
  • 拉尔夫经营起来依然像个老板样。
    Ralph carries on as if he were the boss.
  • 他们参观的第个是拉夫服装厂,厂主叫拉夫.莫罗,位位意大利裔美国人。
    The first factory they visit is Ralph's Garments, a company owned by Ralph Moro, an American Italian.
  • 位成熟的老政治家如何保持对选民的控制,使他们投他的票呢?
    How does an aging politician retain his hold on the loyalty of the voters?
  • (因工作的关系ralph与ken认识已有段时间。
    ( ralph and ken have know each other for some time through work.
  • 基米来到了普兰特旅馆登记时签的是拉尔夫·d·斯宾塞,他在那里租赁了个房间。
    Jimmy went to the planters’ Hotel, registered as Ralph D.Spencer, and engaged a room.