  • 具有浮叶的水池草;生长于美国北部和欧洲。
    pondweed with floating leaves; of northern United States and Europe.
  • 雪从屋顶上的裂缝进屋里。
    Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.
  • 旗帜迎风飘扬。
    A flag ruffled in the breeze.
  • 感受到雪花落在她面庞上的感觉
    Felt the touch of snowflakes on her face.
  • 我抬头看见苏联的国旗在月球上扬。
    I look up and see the Soviet flag on the moon.
  • 在单一平面上的不规则的蛛网看上去像扁平的吊床。
    an irregular spider web woven in a single plane and looking like flattened hammocks.
  • 大雨已经停了,但是还在著小雨。
    It's not raining heavily any more, but it's still spitting a bit.
  • 变得高高在上,欲仙,或沉迷。
    get high, stoned, or drugged.
  • 在黄昏的时候,让我拿着您的灯走过风雨摇的道路吧。
    In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.
  • 忽悠扬的旋律使人联想到河水的荡漾,这是典型的施特劳斯风格。
    Its swaying melodies, suggesting the flowing river, are typical of Strauss's style.
  • 她的长发在风中扬。
    Her hair streamed in the wind.
  • 五朔节花柱饰有带的柱子,五朔节时人们持带围此柱舞蹈
    A pole decorated with streamers that those celebrating May Day hold while dancing.
  • 北美东部产的一种普通水生植物,浮叶长圆形至倒卵形,基部常具缺刻,花白色,有黄斑点。
    common aquatic plant of eastern North America having floating and submerged leaves and white yellow-spotted flowers.
  • 生长在池塘或缓慢溪流中的植物,具有浮的叶子和白色的花;生长于欧洲或北美。
    plant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America.
  • 星期天下去玩飘游
    Went tubing on Sunday afternoon.
  • 爆炸後灰尘浮於空中。
    After the explosion dust was suspended in the air.
  • 一片云从我的眼前过去。
    A cloud swam across my vision.
  • 使动使…以动或摇动的状态移动或摆动
    To cause to move or sway with a fluttering or waving motion.
  • 而店的两边有许多停车位,每当一辆车开过或驶进车位,灰尘就漫天扬起人店内。
    On two sides of the store, the doors had to be wide open to the road and parking lot. Every time a car drove by or pulled into the parking lot, dust would swirl and settle in the store.
  • 悬挂扬在办公室窗口的彩色纸带
    Trails of ticker tape floated down from office windows.
  • 斯诺老人虽然似乎有点醉意—正如人们所说的,有一点然,但他的醉意并没有超过平日的程度。
    Though Snow pere might be a thought tipsy—a sheet or so in the wind, as folks say, he was not more tipsy than was customary with him.
  • 在夜晚的寒风中,我把气球放掉,看着它过树顶,融进黑暗的夜空。
    In the cold night air I released it and watched as it floated past the treetops and into the dark sky.
  • 脱离人身而四处荡时便叫做“魂”。
    when unattached to a body and floating about as spirit it is called hwen.
  • 从别的日子里浮道我的生命里的云,不再落下雨点或引起风暴了,却只给予我的夕阳的天空以色彩。
    Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky.
  • 想流浪的;飘流的
    Tending to wander; vagabond.
  • 从编织物中离出来的纱线(像在毯子或天鹅绒中)。
    the yarn (as in a rug or velvet) that stands up from the weave.
  • 温柔的声音已经消逝,音乐仍在记忆中荡。
    Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory.
  • 波浪将船送到岸边。
    The waves wafted the boat to shore.
  • 乐声随着微风送到我们耳中。
    The breeze wafted the sound of music to us.
  • 他们的声音过湖面传到我们这里
    The sound of their voice wafted across the lake to us
  • 船出海时,妇女们的歌声在海面土扬。
    As the boats put out to sea, the women's songs were wafted over the water.
  • 忽不定的没有固定的或规律性的行踪;游荡
    Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.