  • 生产商都常常忘记申请注册续展,法律会给予6个月的宽限期。
    Even the producer forget to apply for the registration renewal, the law grant a 6 month grace period.
  •  高利贷利滚利,造成永远还不完的“子孙债”和以借贷人和担保人全部破产而告终的“保债”。
    Snowballing interest of usurious loans created debts which could never be repaid by even succeeding generations and debts involving a guarantor resulted in the bankruptcy of both the debtor and the guarantor.
  • 我很喜欢听他们妙语珠的对答。
    I enjoy listening to their witty repartee.
  • 宴会上妙语珠对答如流
    The repartee flies back and forth across the dinner table
  • 宴会上妙语珠对答如流。
    The repartee fly back and forth across the dinner table.
  • 旧债不仅减息,老本也不许债主有逼取之事。
    Not only is the interest on such old loans reduced, but the creditor is actually forbidden to press for the repayment of the principal.
  • 续的失败使他很难过。
    Repeated failures embittered him.
  • 连续地敲击
    To inflict repeated blows.
  • 敌军连战皆北。
    The enemy suffered repeated defeats.
  • 续不断的敲打声、吵闹声。
    with repeated strokes and noise.
  • 他们的热诚在接二三的挫折之后消失殆尽
    Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.
  • 猛烈地续不断地打击。
    strike violently and repeatedly.
  • 续重击续地、用力地击打
    To strike repeatedly and forcefully.
  • 快瞧,刘易斯用刺拳续有效地击中马丁。
    Look Lewis effectively jabs Martin repeatedly.
  • 罗伯特续有效地击中威廉斯。
    Robert has effectively hit Williams repeatedly.
  • 连续不停地猛击
    To pound repeatedly with heavy blows.
  • 打击,续打击打击,敲击,尤指续续性的
    To hit or beat, especially repeatedly.
  • 受到暴风雨或灾祸续的打击或碰撞。
    pounded or hit repeatedly by storms or adversities.
  • 敲碎,捣毁以续猛击来捣毁,砸烂,击伤
    To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows.
  • 续猛击,痛击强烈且重复地击打、捶打或殴打
    To strike violently and repeatedly; batter or maul.
  • (市场)将出现五类硬件产品,为向千兆位过渡服务,它们是千兆位以太网卡(nic)、接100兆和1千兆位/秒以太网段的混合交换机、全千兆位以太网交换机、全千兆位以太网中继器和千兆位使能的路由器。
    Five types of hardware will appear to serve the gigabit migration: Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards (NIC), aggregating switches that connect 100M and 1G bit/sec Ethernet segments, all-gigabit Ethernet switches, all-gigabit Ethernet repeaters and gigabit-enabled routers.
  • 响亮的、续的、产生共鸣的声响。
    a loud resonant repeating noise.
  • 毛瑟枪一种发步枪和手枪的商标名
    A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol.
  • 他不用草稿,一讲了一个多钟头一句话也没重复。
    He spoke more than an hour without a note-never repeating himself.
  • 续重复同一操作或同一组操作。
    The continued repeating of the same operation or group of operations.
  • 聚醚一种聚合物,其中重复性的单位含有由一个氧原子结的两个碳原子
    A polymer in which the repeating unit contains two carbon atoms linked by an oxygen atom.
  • 我用水为你们施洗,是叫你们悔改。继我而来的那个人,能力比我大,我给他脱鞋也不配。
    I baptize you with water, for repentance; but the one who comes after me is mightier than I. I am not fit to take off his shoes.
  • 原因恐怕日后被受牵,得不偿失。
    He was afraid of repercussions and getting more than he had bargained for.
  • 把单词或者词组用作续分句的句首的重复。
    repetition of a word or phrase as the beginning of successive clauses.
  • 结尾两个或者多个续句子、诗行等的重复。
    repetition of the ends of two or more successive sentences, verses, etc..
  • 续的词语中的重读音节重复相同的元音。
    the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words.
  • 冷静的审慎和敏感的自私同对可能事物的迅速感知——这些就使老练的政治家区别于其他人;熟练的讲了一个故事;熟练的新闻广告员;一个熟练的安排。
    cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician; came up with a clever story; an ingenious press agent; an ingenious scheme.