  • 在整个70年代和80年代,空军一直在研制更好的炸系统。
    The Air Force continued working on better bombing systems throughout the l970s and l980s.
  • 将军作最后一次努力,下令猛烈炸敌军阵地。
    At a last effort, the general called down heavy bombing on the enemy position.
  • 实际上,一小时以后,日本空军部队在美国的瓦胡岛开始炸。
    Indeed, one hour after, Japanese air squadrons have commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu.
  • 由于敌人炸,这家公司的厂全损失掉,因此1945年他们又从头干起。
    The company lost all its palnts through enemy bombing, so that in 1945 they started from scratch.
  • 炸员,投弹手战机上操纵炸瞄准器和投弹的人员
    The member of a combat aircraft crew who operates the bombsight and drops the bombs.
  • 演员被倒彩声下了台.
    The actors were booed off the stage.
  • 炸药隆一声,山石崩裂。
    Boom!The dynamite sent the rocks flying.
  • 炸药隆一声,山石崩裂。
    Boom! The dynamite sent the rocks flying.
  • 在洞穴的这块地方,他们能够听到持续的响。
    In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound.
  • 相对较小的茶棕色鹭,夜间活动、叫声然作响;常见于沼泽地带。
    relatively small compact tawny-brown heron with nocturnal habits and a booming cry; found in marshes.
  • 他们能够听到持续的响,这响,他们发现是从洞穴顶部喷向水潭的一个小喷水孔所发出的。
    They could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small-spout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave.
  • 他还大胆地接拍了黑帮喜剧片《米奇的蓝眼睛》,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一名势利的艺术商人,再就是引起动的《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 文学艺术创作硕果累累,《天山彩虹》、《木卡姆先驱》等一批优秀艺术作品获国家级大奖,大型歌舞《我们新疆好地方》动全国,一批具有浓郁民族风格的文学艺术作品走出新疆,走向世界;
    Literary and artistic creation is flourishing. The Rainbow of the Tianshan Mountains, Pioneers of Muqam and a spate of other outstanding artworks have won national awards. The full-length song-and-dance ensemble Bravo Xinjiang has caused a great stir throughout the country. A number of literary and artistic works with strong ethnic characteristics have been well received nationwide and even abroad.
  • 这个剧本在百老汇首演时极为
    The play is a riot when it is first produced on Broadway
  • 这个剧本在百老汇首演时极为动。
    The play is a riot when it was first produced on Broadway.
  • 桑德拉·布洛克是继梅格·瑞安之后又一动好莱坞的甜姐,她具有让事业充满成功和收获的所有基本素质。
    Sandra Bullock, the cutest woman to hit Hollywood since Meg Ryan, has all the necessary elements needed to have a career filled with success and abundance.
  • 因而,在尼克松时期,美国对国际事务的干涉(如对柬埔寨的恐怖性炸)党政军不得不以秘密诡诈的方式进行。而今,杰拉尔德?福特却公然挥舞他的大棒。
    Thus, during the Nixon era, interventions such as the terror bombing of Cambodia had to be conducted by stealth and deception. Now Gerald Ford waves his big stick openly.
  • 在不到两年的时间里伯恩斯坦就发表了他的第一首交响乐,成功地创作了他们一个芭蕾舞剧(“自由遐想”),写了一部动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇里”),并在卡内基音乐厅首次指挥当今已成为传奇的纽约爱乐乐团。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ("Fancy Free"), had a hit Broadway show ("In the Town") and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic conducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 在不到两年的时间里,伯恩斯坦发表了他的第一部交响乐作品,写了一出很成功的芭蕾舞剧(“自由的想像”),搞了一出动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇上寻欢作乐”)并在卡内基音乐厅首次指挥纽约爱乐乐团演出(今天这已成为传奇)。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ( Fancy Free ), had a hit Broadway show ( On the Town ) and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic con- ducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 骑兵部队隆地向敌人猛冲过去。
    He cavalry pounded down on the enemy.
  • 海浪永不停息的鸣声;不断的痛苦;每日每夜我们都生活在城市永不停息的噪音中;不懈的寻求幸福;保持民主水平的不懈努力;人类与干旱和隔绝之间不懈的斗争;不断的饥饿。
    the ceaseless thunder of surf; in constant pain; night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city; the never-ending search for happiness; the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy; man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation; unremitting demands of hunger.
  • 这场音乐会在芝加哥曾动一时。
    The concert was quite a hit in Chicago.
  • 烈火隆隆冲上烟囱。
    The fire roared up the chimney.
  • 英国双人冰舞搭档简尼·托唯尔和克里斯多夫·迪恩在艺术表现上得了满分——九位裁判全都给了他们满分,即六分。他们的表演动四座,他们在萨拉热窝了成为无可争议的明星。
    British ice dance pair Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean achieved a perfect score for artistic presentation-all nine judges awarded them the maximum six points-and their performances brought the house down.They were the undisputed stars in Sarejeve.
  • 雷声轰响
    A clap of thunder.
  • 尽管机器人cog和kismet在九十年代问世时曾经引起了动,但是时至今日他们的创造者已经不满足于他们了。
    They caused a sensation when they first appeared in the 1990s but now robots COG and Kismet are not enough for the man who helped create them.
  • 飞机撞击大楼,出现滚滚浓烟,巨大的建筑物然坍塌。这情景令我们难以置信,使我们的心中充满了极度的悲痛和难言而又无法妥协的愤怒。
    The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.
  • 没有人能明确知道,如果下令炸旅馆,这些飞机会炸死什么人,但情报分析家确信,“基地”组织的高层官员正在旅馆里开会,塔利班在全国山崩瓦解的时候,他们下一步将采取什么行动。
    Nobody knew precisely who they would kill if the order to attack the hotel was given, but intelligence analysts felt certain that senior Al - Qaeda officials were meeting in the hotel to consider their next moves as the Taliban regime was collapsing all over the country.
  • 炸机一种设计用于运送和投掷炸弹的飞机
    A combat aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs.
  • 第二次世界大战的海军战斗;联盟军的地基炸机在1943年3月的俾斯麦海破坏一日本护航舰。
    World War II naval battle; Allied land-based bombers destroyed a Japanese convoy in the Bismarck Sea in March 1943.
  • 侦察员更换了电池,并重新向正在飞近的b-52炸机传送gps坐标。
    The spotter changed the battery and relayed the GPS coordinates to a B-52 approaching the target.
  • 岩石隆一声砸在汽车上.
    The rocks crashed (down) onto the car.