  • 所有这些要求和反要求,很难说说的是实话。
    Amongst all the claim and counterclaim it is hard to say who is tell the truth.
  • 愚蠢地把那块不同年代的笨重石头硬砌在埃尔康迪斯的加洛林王朝的石板地里呢?
    Who stupidly sealed that heavy anachronism of stone in the Carlovingian pavement of Hercandus?
  • 一般来说,每一位分析家都会被问及同一个问题:“如果让您选择一至两位ceo,您会选择呢?
    Essentially, each analyst was asked: "If you had to entrust your personal nest egg to just one or two CEOs, whom would you give it to?
  • 不论是艾丽斯还是安吉拉来干这份主管的工作都一样。
    Whether Alice or Angela get the supervisor's job is even money.
  • 安妮:谁提出来的?
    Annie: Who put it forward?
  • 国际奥委会在莫斯科开会,要宣布两件具有划时代意义的事情:第一件是宣布选举产生的2008年奥运会会主办国,第二件是宣布来接替即将卸任的朱安·安东尼·萨马兰奇。
    The IOC met in Moscow for two landmark announcements-the first the election of the 2008 host and the second the replacement of outgoing President Juan Antonio Samaranch.
  • 谁也不好吞掉谁。
    The answer is neither.
  • 也不知道那个神秘陌生人的身世。
    No one knew the antecedents of the mysterious stranger.
  • 他和我都料想不到这条路是那么崎岖漫长。
    Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road.
  • 都能告诉你公共汽车站在哪 .
    Anybody will tell you where the bus stop is.
  • 烹饪很容易,都会。
    Anybody can cook--it's easy.
  • 有谁承认了吗?
    Did anybody own up?
  • 这种事谁都难免。
    It can happen to anybody.
  • 这种事谁都难免。
    It could happen to anybody.
  • 谁那样说都是错的。
    Anybody who said that was mistake.
  • 谁那样说都是错的。
    Anybody who says that is mistake.
  • 你难道也不关心吗?
    Do not you care about anybody?
  • 看见我们家那两只狗了吗?
    Has anybody seen our two dogs?
  • 我没在等谁。
    I am not waiting for anybody.
  • 同意大卫的观点吗?
    Does anybody share David's opinion?
  • 你难道也不关心吗?
    Don't you care about anybody?
  • 我没在等谁。
    I'm not waiting for anybody.
  • 究竟最后获得冠军?
    Who won the title, anyhow?
  • 不知是想出的这个主意。不管怎么说,实在是荒唐。
    I wonder who dreamed up that idea; it's pretty absurd anyhow.
  • 谁能告诉我?
    Can anyone tell me?
  • 谁能告诉我?
    Could anyone tell me?
  • 还有谁没票的?
    Anyone with out fare?
  • 谁想发言?
    Has anyone anything to say?
  • 他对谁都不记恨。
    He had no malice toward anyone.
  • 现在看看,究竟是有怪癖?
    Now, whose qurik is this, anyway?
  • 现在还向梵蒂冈的阿波罗·贝尔维迪艺术品顶礼膜拜呢?
    Who bows the knee to the art work of the Apollo Belvedere in the Vatican now?
  • 经理认出顾客是,所以赔了一千个不是,并狠狠地斥责了店员。
    Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely.