  • 該酒館安了一塊斜坡,這樣坐輪椅的人可以進入花園。
    The pub has have a ramp install so that people in wheelchair can get into the garden.
  • 但各公司正在改進dslmodem的生産,發誓要在年內把每個置價格降至250美元。
    Companies, however, are ramping up DSL modem production and vow to have the price down to $250 per device within a year.
  • 科學家曾用移植的大腦微電極和小型的無綫電接受置從500多碼以外引導五衹老鼠穿過一個復雜的由梯子、臺階、鐵圈和坡道組成的迷宮。
    Scientists used brain implants and tiny radio "backpacks" to guide five rats through a complex maze, composed of ladders, steps, hoops and ramps, from a distance of more than 500 yards.
  • 武器間壁上放置武器的甲小房間
    An armored compartment for artillery on a rampart.
  • 她衹要受到譴責,就會出一副受委麯的樣子。
    Whenever she was reprimanded she would put on an aggrieved look.
  • 在這樣的時候,他就會出一副可憐相。
    In such cases he would put on an aggrieved look.
  • 在柯立芝“繁榮”時期,美帝國主義的擴張和反動行為極為猖獗。它的總的掠奪精神表現在:海陸軍備的龐大擴張;屢次武侵入加勒比海區和中美洲各國……利用所謂“門戶開放”政策打進中國。
    During the Coolidge "prosperity” period American imperialism was aggressively expansionist and reactionary. Its general predatory spirit was exemplified by the huge growth of military and naval armaments, repeated armed invasions of Caribean and central American countries…and inroads upon China through the device of the "Open Door" policy.
  • 各種各樣雜種的飾用的歐洲緑蔭樹的任意一種,大小從矮小的到高大的不等。
    any of various hybrid ornamental European shade trees ranging from dwarf to tall.
  • 除了食物的數量大大增加以外,質量和品種也大大改善和增加了,與此同時,食物以外的便利品和奢侈品不再衹限於供人數很少的富裕階級享用,已大量普及到很多日益擴大的社會階層手中.這種社會的集體財力是空前巨大的,可以用來作一番驚人的事業:例如供養艦隊和軍隊,修建公共工程,不論是有用的還是飾性的;
    Besides this great increase in the quantity of food, it has greatly improved in quality and variety; while conveniences and luxuries, other than food, are no longer limited to a small and opulent class, but descend, in great abundance, through many widening strata in society. The collective resources of one of these communities, when it chooses to put them forth for any unexpected purpose; its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves;
  • 一個口出狂言者得意洋洋地駡一倉房的莊稼漢萬劫不復的聲音使苔絲在倉房門口停了一會兒。那裏麥包壘成的平臺上站着亞歷剋·德伯,他留着假神聖的絡腮鬍子,穿着半牧師式的黑服。
    The voice of a"ranter" triumphantly consigning a barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway, and there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.
  • 隨着有關對聯合國人員攻擊事件的報告的改善,僅在2000年,就有830個有關遭到攻擊、強姦、武搶劫和其他此類攻擊的報告。
    With better reporting of attacks against UN personnel, there were more than 830 reports of assault, rape, armed robbery and other such attacks in 2000 alone.
  • 士兵們迅速子彈發射。
    The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity.
  • 貨櫃船裝貨速度很快
    Container ships can load rapidly.
  • 我想我們的關係很好,但當他扮不同時,這種關係也不太一樣。
    But I guess, you know, after a while it's the rapport that we have when he is big momma is a lot of different than when he is Malcolm.
  • 許多年輕人一提到時尚服就興高采烈。
    Many young people always go into raptures at the merely mention of buying fashion clothes.
  • “請告訴令妹,就說我聽到她的竪琴彈得進步了。真覺得高興,還請你告訴她說,她寄來給我飾桌子的那張美麗的小圖案,我真喜歡極了,我覺得比起格蘭特小姐的那張真好得太多了。”
    "Tell your sister I am delighted to hear of her improvement on the harp, and pray let her know that I am quite in raptures with her beautiful little design for a table, and I think it infinitely superior to Miss Grantley's."
  • 小擺設用作飾的小物件,由於其獨特、稀有、新穎或有情感的聯繫而有價值
    Small, usually ornamental objects valued for their antiquity, rarity, originality, or sentimental associations.
  • 任何一件産生在古代且因此而有價值的傢具、飾品及類似物品。
    any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity.
  • 想想看,就在80年代,私人電話還是稀罕物。一部電話要5000元,而那時的月平均工資纔100元左右。因此尋常百姓沒有幾傢安那玩藝兒的。
    Just think,even in the eighties,private telephones were still a rarity,and very few homes had phones installed.It cost as much as five thousand yuan to have one installed,and it was at a time when the average monthly wage was only about a hundred yuan.
  • 威廉斯是個流氓,卻扮成某種學者。
    Williams, a rascal, was dressed up as some kind of scholar.
  • 推動車輪嚮前或阻止嚮後移動的嵌在棘齒凹巢的鉸鏈置。
    a hinged device that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward.
  • 棘爪機器部件上的一個突出部分,例如在一個觀察棘輪置中控製棘輪運轉的棘爪,用來銜接棘輪的齒,以將往復運動轉換為旋轉運動;反之亦然
    A projection on a machine part, such as a pawl for controlling the motion of a ratchet wheel in a watch escapement, that engages the teeth of a ratchet wheel to convert reciprocating motion to rotary motion or vice versa.
  • 輕型置器的額定功率
    The power rating of a light fixture.
  • 美國部隊發佈的罐食物定量標準。
    a canned field ration issued by the United States army.
  • 餘存的罐牛奶已仔細地分配給孩子們了。
    The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children.
  • 響葫蘆,沙球一種由內卵石或豆粒的中空葫蘆構成的且通常成對使用的打擊樂器
    A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow-gourd rattle containing pebbles or beans and often played in pairs.
  • 他的恐嚇威脅是很少見諸行動的,通常衹是張牙舞爪,模作樣罷了!
    He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber –rattling.
  • 那窗戶老是發出格格的響聲,我必須敲進一塊楔子把它牢。
    That window keeps rattling; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.
  • 竜舌蘭一種原産於新大陸炎熱乾燥地區的竜舌蘭屬數種植物,具有由粗糙、呈劍形、帶刺邊的葉子構成的基生蓮座。竜舌蘭作為飾品、纖維和食品而被種植
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Agave, native to hot, dry regions of the New World and having basal rosettes of tough, sword-shaped, often spiny-margined leaves. Agaves are grown for ornament, fiber, and food.
  • 高爐供料和裝料係統
    blast furnace raw material charging system
  • 瑪瑙製工具一種有瑪瑙的工具,如頂端有瑪瑙的拋光器
    A tool with agate parts, such as a burnisher tipped with agate.
  • 毛葛由絲、人造絲、羊毛或棉花織成的有羅紋的織物,用來做衣服及
    A ribbed fabric of silk, rayon, wool, or cotton, used in making clothing and upholstery.