  • 广告可被视为一种长久蔽人类智慧以期从中赚钱的技巧。(加拿大经济学家 斯蒂芬 L)
    Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it. (Leacock Stephen, Canadian economist)
  • 画是无言之诗,诗是有声之画。(古希腊作家 西尼特斯)
    Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a apeaking picture. (Simonides, ancient Greek writer)
  • 腾格拉尔一面说着一面写了起来,他用左手写下了几行歪歪斜斜的根本看不出是他自己的笔迹的文字,然后他把那篇文字交给弗尔南多,弗尔南多低声读道:“检察官先生台鉴,敝人拥护王室及教会之人士,兹向您报告有爱德·唐太斯其人,系法老号之大副,今晨自士麦拿经那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠费拉约港。此人受缪拉之命送信与逆贼,并受逆贼命送信与巴黎拿破仑党委员会。
    And Danglars, uniting practice with theory, wrote with his left hand, and in a writing reversed from his usual style, and totally unlike it, the following lines, which he handed to Fernand, and which Fernand read in an undertone:--"The honorable, the king's attorney, is informed by a friend of the throne and religion, that one Edmond Dantès, mate of the ship Pharaon, arrived this morning from Smyrna, after having touched at Naples and Porto-Ferrajo, has been intrusted by Murat with a letter for the usurper, and by the usurper with a letter for the Bonapartist committee in Paris.
  • 1995年她第三次夺取托尼奖,这次扮演的是《日落大道》中无声电影时代孤芳自赏的影星诺玛·德丝德。
    In 1995,she snagged a third Tony,this time for her performance as Sunset Boulevard's narcissistic silent?screen star Norma Desmond.
  • 1995年她第三次夺取托尼奖,这次扮演的是《日落大道》中无声电影时代孤芳自赏的影星诺玛·德丝德。
    In 1995,she snagged a third Tony,this time for her performance as Sunset Boulevard's narcissistic silent screen star Norma Desmond.
  • 害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕 的痛苦了。(法国散文家 田 M E)
    A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. (Michel Eyquem Montaigne, French essayist)
  • 这间书房的装饰品中,有几张国王乔治六世同哥马利的合影,上有国王的签名。
    Among the decorations in this study were several signed snapshots of King George VI together with Montgomery.
  • 权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。(英国政治家 埃德.B.)
    The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British statesman)
  • 灰熊生活在加拿大、美国的阿拉斯加洲、大拿洲、爱达荷洲、怀俄明洲和华盛顿洲。
    Grizzlies are found in Canada, Alaska, and reserves in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Washington.
  • 埃得顿加拿大阿尔贝塔省的首府和最大城市,位于该省中部加尔各利的北面。建于1795年,当时是一座堡垒和哈德逊湾公司的贸易点。人口532,246
    The capital and largest city of Alberta, Canada, in the central part of the province north of Calgary. It was founded in1795 as a fort and trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company. Population, 532,246.
  • 世界上最大的室内湖是在加拿大albeta的西埃德顿购物中心。
    The world’s largest indoor lake is in the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta, Canada.
  • 大拿州,渔业、野生生物和狩猎区(国家公园)部,迈克尔·j·马德尔领导一项灰熊管理项目。
    "I have had bears that range into Alberta and have been lost," said Michael J.Madel, who runs the Grizzly Bear Management Program for the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
  • 埃得顿加拿大阿尔贝塔省的首府和最大城市,位于该省中部加尔各利的北面。建于1795年,当时是一座堡垒和哈德逊湾公司的贸易点。人口532,246
    The capital and largest city of Alberta, Canada, in the central part of the province north of Calgary. It was founded in1795 as a fort and trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company. Population,532, 246.
  • 卡尔加里加拿大艾伯塔省南部的一座城市,位于埃德顿南部。是每年一度的卡尔加里牧人竞技会的举行地和自1912年始著名的牛市场,该城是加拿大汽油工业中心。1988年冬季奥运会在此举行。人口592,743
    A city of southern Alberta, Canada, south of Edmonton. Site of the annual Calgary Stampede, a famous rodeo dating from1912, the city is the center of Canada's petroleum industry. The1988 Winter Olympics were held here. Population,592, 743.
  • 文斯的助手亚历克斯·德拉德把销售损失归咎于马歇尔所吸引的众多蓝领阶层的买主,以及这些买主目前担忧经济问题这一事实。
    Vince's assistant, Alex Drummond, blames the loss of sales on the many blue-collar buyers Marshall attracts and the fact that those buyers are currently worried about the economy.
  • 戈壁沙漠位于中国北部和古东南部的沙漠,主要由一系列浅平的碱性盆地构成
    A desert of southeast Mongolia and northern China. It consists mainly of a series of shallow alkaline basins.
  • 着眼睛手执天平的形象象征着正义
    The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.
  • 本年精彩节目包括谭盾的原创歌剧"马可波罗"、特利尔交响乐团的两个演奏会、翩娜.包殊取材自香港的新编舞蹈作品、皇家莎士比亚剧团上演举世推崇的"仲夏夜之梦"、马克.莫里斯舞团的"欢笑、忧伤、悲喜之间",以及中央实验话剧院的"棋人"。
    Highlights from this year's festival included Tan Dun's boldly original new opera Marco Polo, two programmes by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, a new dance piece by Pina Bausch inspired by Hong Kong, the acclaimed production of A Midsummer Night's Dream by the Royal Shakespeare Company, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ed il Moderato by the Mark Morris Dance Group and Chess Man by Beijing's Central Experimental Theatre.
  • 过去一些根本没有工业的民族地区,兴建了许多现代化的大工业,如克拉玛依油田(新疆)、包头钢铁公司(内古)、龙羊峡水电站(青海)、大坝电厂(贵州)、羊八井热电站(西藏)、贵州铝厂(贵州)、霍林河煤田(内古)、北疆铁路(新疆)、川藏公路(四川—西藏)、青藏公路(青海—西藏)等。
    In some of these areas where there was no industry at all in the past, many large modern industrial enterprises have been set up. These include the Karamay Oilfield in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Baotou Iron and Steel Co. in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Longyang Xia Hydroelectric Power Station in Qinghai, the Daba Power Plant in Guizhou, the Yangbajin Thermal and Power Station in Tibet, the Guizhou Aluminium Works in Guizhou, the Holingol River Coalfield in Inner Mongolia, the North Xinjiang Railway in Xinjiang, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway.
  • 剩下的少数荒野地区包括阿拉斯加、加拿大和俄罗斯的北部森林,中国和古的高原以及亚马孙河流域的大部分地区。
    The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia; the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; and much of the Amazon River Basin.
  • "...刘芳无疑是琵琶艺术在欧美最伟大的使者..."-盖-马尔梭(guymarceau),特利尔法文日报lapresse(montreal),lemardi26mars2002
    "... Liu Fang is without question the greatest ambassadress of the art of the pipa in America and Europe..."- Guy Marceau, La Presse(Montreal), Le mardi 26 mars 2002
  • 她迫使他羞作了道歉。
    She shamed him into making amends.
  • 迪斯尼与派拉将合作拍摄以畅销书《死里逃生》为蓝本的电影,描写一支足球队所乘飞机在安底斯山中坠毁为求生而奋斗。
    Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book"Alive", about a rugby team's battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains.
  • 吉尔吉斯与中国西北部接壤的苏联中亚部分东南部的一个地区。它大约在13世纪前由讲突厥语的古人居住,1864年被俄罗斯占领
    A region of southeast Central Asian U.S.S.R. bordering on northwest China. It was probably inhabited before the13th century by a Turkic-speaking Mongolian people and was annexed by Russia in1864.
  • 马特尔法国巴黎北部一座小山和一个区,位于右岸地区。以其夜生活和与梵高、土鲁斯-劳特累克和优特里洛等艺术家有关联而著名。原属马特尔的村庄,于1860年被巴黎兼并
    A hill and district of northern Paris, France, on the Right Bank. It is noted for its nightlife and for its associations with artists such as Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Utrillo. The original village of Montmartre was annexed by Paris in1860.
  • “和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。我们的对手是我们的救星”(埃德·伯克)
    "We that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper"(Edmund Burke).
  • 夏尔科,简·马丁1825-1893法国神经学家,以其对神经系统疾病的研究闻名。西格·弗洛伊德是他的一个学生
    French explorer who led two missions to the Antarctic(1903-1905 and1908-1910). He died when the Pourquoi Pas? sank off Iceland.
  • 垂体机能过剩前垂体荷尔病理性的过度生成,尤其是生长荷尔
    Pathologically excessive production of anterior pituitary hormones, especially growth hormones.
  • 控制黑色素着色的程度的由脑下垂体分泌的荷尔
    a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that controls the degree of pigmentation in melanocytes.
  • 塔古,阿什利生于1905英裔美国人类学家,其著作如女性的自然优越性(1953年),促进了人类学的普及
    British-born American anthropologist whose books, such as The Natural Superiority of Women(1953), helped popularize anthropology.
  • 当斯科特抵达南极的时候,发现阿森比他到得更早。
    When scott reach the south pole he find amundsen have anticipate him.
  • 当斯科特抵达南极的时候,发现阿森比他到得更早。
    When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him.