  • 毛茛一种毛茛属草本植物,主要产于温带和寒带,有苦的汁液,齿形或圆形叶片,通常开黄色或白色多雌蕊的
    Any of numerous herbs of the genus Ranunculus, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils.
  • 黄黄的油菜总使我想起我在农村时的童年。
    Yellow flower of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.
  • 海甘蓝任一种旧大陆十字科两节荠属的某些一年生植物,因其种子能榨出类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽培
    Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.
  • 南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开
    In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.
  • 钢、煤、水泥、化肥、电视机和谷物、肉类、棉生、油菜籽、水果等重要工农业产品的产量已跃居世界第一。
    Now China leads the world in the output of steel, coal, cement, chemical fertilizer, TV, crops, meat, cotton, peanuts, rapeseed, fruit and other important industrial and agricultural products.
  • 她暗地里高兴得心怒放。
    Her heart melted away in secret raptures.
  • 我私下里高兴得心怒放。
    My heart melted away in secret raptures.
  • 稀薄的气体;在稀薄的高山空气中人头昏眼
    rare gasses; lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air.
  • 这种变得稀罕起来了。
    This type of flower is becoming a rarity.
  • 这美丽兼稀有的朵顿时成了权力和威望的象征,只要是有钱人都千方百计找几朵种在自己的庭院供玩赏。
    Flowers of such beauty and rarity soon became symbols of power and prestige and the rich tried their utmost to lay their hands on some to display in their gardens.
  • 他由于乱钱而背上沉重的债务。
    He contracted huge debts by rash spending.
  • 过敏性反应对某些物质的不正常的极度敏感,如粉、食品或微生物。常见过敏症状包括喷嚏、痒痛和皮疹
    An abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or microorganisms. Common indications of allergy may include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes.
  • 钱很随便[大手大脚]。
    He spent money rashly [lavishly].
  • 乱花(钱),挥霍
    To spend(money) freely and rashly.
  • 当然,绝不能轻易使用武力,因为我们精力要在经济建设上,统一问题晚一些解决无伤大局。
    Of course, there can be no question of using force rashly, because we have to devote our energies to economic development, and if the question of reunification is postponed, that will do no harm to the overall situation.
  • 北美西部的一种大的、直立的、开红的悬钩子,结鲑肉粉红色的巨大浆果。
    large erect red-flowered raspberry of western North America having large salmon-colored berries.
  • 北美西部和墨西哥北部的一种开白的悬钩子,具有套环形的桔红色浆果。
    white-flowered raspberry of western North America and northern Mexico with thimble-shaped orange berries.
  • 中国和日本的一种悬钩子,具有供观赏的浅的粉红色朵和小的红色酸果。
    raspberry of China and Japan having pale pink flowers grown for ornament and for the small red acid fruits.
  • 北美东部的一种蔓生灌丛,具有艳丽的、玫瑰红色至微紫色朵和红色或桔红色套环状果实。
    shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit.
  • 藿香蓟一种产于西半球的菊科胜红蓟属植物,尤指熊耳草,具有鲜艳的彩色头状
    Any of various New World plants of the genus Ageratum in the composite family, especially A. houstonianum, having showy, colorful flower heads.
  • 对生叶、蓝或白色小的藿香蓟属植物。
    any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers.
  • 类藿香蓟植物序与藿香蓟类似的植物
    Any of several other plants having flower clusters similar to the ageratum.
  • 直立半灌木,浅紫色,成熟的种子在鼓胀的荚里哗哗响;印度。
    erect subshrub having purple-tinted flowers and an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle; India.
  • pholidota属的任何一种兰白色至褐色、成螺旋形、棍状、总状序,苞微微膨大、像响尾蛇的尾巴。
    any of various orchids of the genus Pholidota having numerous white to brown flowers in wandlike spiraling racemes clothed in slightly inflated bracts and resembling a rattlesnake's tail.
  • 任何属于萝芙木属的灌木或小树,有轮生体的叶子和聚伞序的;产生的物质用在医药上,特别是催吐剂和泻剂。
    any shrub or small tree of the genus Rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.
  • 石英由硅石组成的一种非常坚硬的矿物质,sio2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包括沙岩和岗岩。石英种类包括玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶
    A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal.
  • 有班驳的纹像玛瑙。
    veined and mottled to resemble agate.
  • 舌状舌状或这种
    A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower.
  • 一个产于美洲的草本属,黄色舌状;喷嚏草。
    genus of American herbs with yellow-rayed flowers: sneezeweeds.
  • 南非和澳洲一种类似于毛发的灌木,兰色放射形类似于雏菊的冠。
    hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.
  • 一种广泛分布的具有白色放射状冠和黄色盘的臭草。
    widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs.
  • 一种草本植物(菊科),头状序的边白色,呈伞房序,包片呈鳞片状,瘦果具绢状绒毛。
    herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits.