Chinese English Sentence:
  • 而言,搜索引擎将web牵引程序分散开以为网络畅通铺平道路,以及对现有文件的索引进行编译。
    Search engines typically disperse Web crawlers to scour the network and compile an index of existing documents.
  • 她雕塑美丽的容貌;表现出雕塑逼真的效果;运动员的身体展现出一种雕塑的美。
    her finely modeled features; rendered with...vivid sculptural effect; the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes' bodies.
  • 而她们又被一群噩梦的奇形怪状的妇女所代替,白教堂大路边慢吞吞臭烘烘的女人,窑子里酗酒的浮肿的妓女,还有一大群从地狱出来的女鬼,她们满嘴粗话,一身肮脏,乔装成妇女模样,掳掠着水手,搜索着海港的垃圾和贫民窟的残渣。
    All these were blotted out by a grotesque and terrible nightmare brood - frowsy, shuffling creatures from the pavements of Whitechapel, gin-bloated hags of the stews, and all the vast hell's following of harpies, vile-mouthed and filthy, that under the guise of monstrous female form prey upon sailors, the scrapings of the ports, the scum and slime of the human pit.
  • 头皮屑形成并脱落于头皮的鳞片的头垢,有时由皮脂溢出引起
    A scaly scurf formed on and shed from the scalp, sometimes caused by seborrhea.
  • 来说,承运人会与船长、船员相互勾结,共同进行这类经济犯罪。
    Generally speaking, the carrier, captain and seamen collaborate with one another to commit this kind of economic crime.
  • 使用一个公共外特网的所有单位都必须确保他们做生意的系统和过程能做到天衣无缝地结合。
    All organisations of a common extranet must ensure the seamless integration of their business systems and processes.
  • 在海边的小屋度过的田园诗的假日
    An idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage.
  • 根据名声;根据人们一相信的程度。
    by repute; according to general belief.
  • 欧芹的香草,用于调味或装饰。
    parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish.
  • 旧货的售价一总是比它们的实值为低。
    Secondhand goods are, as a rule, sold away under the price they are worth.
  • 兵力转移,一都要秘密迅速。
    In general, shifts of position should be made with secrecy and speed.
  • 公务员事务局经常与各个主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一职系处,负责管理28500名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
    The bureau is also the focal point for consultation with major staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 28500 executive, clerical and secretarial staff.
  • 公务员事务局经常与各主要职工会协商。该局辖下的一职系处,负责管理30800名行政、文书和秘书职系人员。
    It is also the focal point for consultation with the principal staff associations and its General Grades Office manages the 30 800 executive, clerical and secretarial staff.
  • 而言,vlan是用来把大的第2层局域网分解成小一些的网段。
    In general, a VLAN is used to break up large Layer 2 LANs into smaller segments.
  • 给半导体加上杂质以便减少或改变它的道具;一用在电子学中。
    add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties; in electronics.
  • 如果发送端站确定目的地址不在本地,该包就被送到第一跳路由器,一来说,该路由器是在附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。
    If the sending endstation determines that the destination address is not local, the packet goes to a first-hop router, typically one that is close and has been preassigned to the sender.
  • 习惯于怀疑一被公认的信仰的一些人。
    someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs.
  • 詹姆斯·克莱顿(科林·法雷尔饰)也许和一新兵的心态不同,但他却是美国最聪明的大学毕业生之一--而且他正是沃尔特·伯克(艾尔·帕西诺饰)在中情局需要的人。
    James Clayton(Colin Farrell) might not have the attitude of a typical recruit,but he is one of the smartest graduating seniors in the country? and he's just the person that Walter Burke(Al Pacino)wants in the Agency.
  • 针刺般的感觉,刺痛
    A tingling or pricking sensation.
  • 流亡在外的达赖对旧西藏普遍的践踏人民群众基本人权的状况只字不提,竭力掩饰,却对新西藏的发展、进步百诋毁和攻击,以编造耸人听闻的谎言欺骗世界舆论。
    Making no mention whatsoever of the situation where trampling the people's basic human rights was commonplace in old Tibet, the exiled Dalai Lama has tried by every means to cover it up and vilify and attack the development and progress in new Tibet. He also fabricates sensational lies to befuddle world opinion.
  • 读着迪斯尼乐园中那些富有人情味的动物故事长大的绝大多数人,都会认为这两种猜测是正确的,而且更使他们确信动物能感受到如人类一的强烈情感。
    Most people, raised on Disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts, would say that these tales, both true, simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense, humanlike emotions.
  • 在这片地势起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美国黑松随处可见,但与巨大的红杉相比,它们看起来都如小枝小条一
    The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodgepole pines,but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia.
  • 公民均可获得血清。
    The serum is available to the general public.
  • 天使的笑容;天使的面容;他睡觉的样子看起来那么象天使;美好的性格。
    an angelic smile; a cherubic face; looking so seraphic when he slept; a sweet disposition.
  • 其次,一主妇都喜爱栽种花卉,并把五颜六色的盆花排列在窗外,以美化环境,所以,我们无论去到哪里,都看到五彩缤纷的花朵摆设在设计优美的窗户外,构成一幅幅美丽、幽静的景致,可见瑞士人能自动自觉地保护环境,使整个国家整洁美观,获得全世界的赞许。
    Most Swiss housewives have green thumbs and like to arrange their colourful potted plants and flowers on their windowsills. Wherever we went, we could see all the windows dotted with splendid colours, each a pretty little vignette of serenity. It can be seen that the Swiss take it upon themselves to beautify their country and keep it clean, and in the process, earning praise from the world over.
  • 本地的mpeg-2视频流一是通过称作数字视频广播异步串行接口传输出去的。
    Local MPEG-2 video streams are typically transported via an interface known as digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface.
  • 弗尔南多脸色苍白,全身颤抖,象看见了一条赤练蛇的游人一,他向后缩去,踉踉跄跄地靠在椅子上,一下子坐了下去。
    Fernand, pale and trembling, drew back, like a traveller at the sight of a serpent, and fell into a chair beside him.
  • 龙一种传说中的怪物,一被描述成有狮爪、蛇尾、翅膀及带鳞的皮肤
    A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.
  • 通常含有酒精的准备用来服务的混合冰饮料;一盛在盛潘趣酒的大酒杯里。
    an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl.
  • 但是,成年人一每天食用几份以下4类主要食品便可达到饮食均衡。它们是:奶制食品2份或更多(牛奶、奶酪、酸奶以及其他奶制食品);
    But adults can generally get a balanced diet by including several servings daily from the four main food groups: two or more from the milk group (milk,cheese,yogurt,and other dairy foods);
  • 学术、职业及一的分轨制课程
    Academic, vocational, and general tracks.
  • 一组频率相同,相位彼此相差均匀的交流供电电路(一是三相)。
    A set of ac power-supply circuits(usually three) carrying currents of equal frequency with uniformly-spaced phase differences.