  • 素有“八百里秦川文武盛地”之称的关中平原,是国家天、空、兵器、机械、电子、仪器、仪表、农业等方面的重要科研基地,特别在电子信息、空间技术、光机电一体化、生物工程、新材料和高效节能等高新技术领域的专业优势比较明显。
    The middle plain of Shaanxi entitled with "a prosperous birthplace of civil and military officials of Shaanxi occupying the zones of 4 hundreds of kilometers", is a key scientific and research base in the fields including national aerospace, aviation, weapons, mechanics, electronics, instrument and meter, and farming,etc, in particular, professions take obvious advantages for the high and new technological fields of electronics information, space technology, mechanic-electrical as the whole, biochemical engineering, new material and resources economizing with high efficiency,etc.
  • 新中国成立以来,在海洋调查和海洋科学考察方面做了大量的工作。其调查范围从近海逐步扩展到大洋,调查方式从海面观测逐步发展到天遥感、海面观测、水下探查。
    Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 a large amount of work has been done in the field of oceanographic surveys and research, which started in offshore areas with surface observation of the sea and later expanded to deep-sea regions by means of aerospace remote sensing and underwater detection, as well as surface observation.
  • 同时,中国国防科技工业大力推进和平利用军工技术,充分发挥军工行业的优势,优先发展民用核电、天、空和船舶等产业,实现军民相互促进的良性循环。
    Meanwhile, China's defense science, technology and industry, by strongly promoting the peaceful use of military industry technology and bringing the advantages of military industry into full play, gives priority to the development of civilian-use nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation, and shipbuilding industries, and thereby forms a benign circle of mutual military-civilian progress.
  • 1993年,中国与德国合资成立了华德宇技术公司。1995年中国与德国、法国的宇公司签订了"鑫诺一号"卫星的研制生产合同,并于1998年发射成功。这是中国与欧洲宇界的首次卫星合作。
    In 1993, a Sino-German joint venture - EurasSpace GmbH - was established, and a contract on the development and manufacture of Sinosat-1 was signed with German and Franc space navigation company in 1995. Sinosat-1, which was successfully launched in 1998, was the first cooperative project on satellite development between the Chinese and European aerospace industries.
  • 1993年,中国与德国合资成立了华德宇技术公司。1995年中国与德国、法国的宇公司签订了“鑫诺一号”卫星的研制生产合同,并于1998年发射成功。这是中国与欧洲宇界的首次卫星合作。
    In 1993, a Sino-German joint venture - EurasSpace GmbH - was established, and a contract on the development and manufacture of Sinosat-1 was signed with DASA and Aerospeciale in 1995. Sinosat-1, which was successfully launched in 1998, was the first cooperative project on satellite development between the Chinese and European aerospace industries.
  • 这次的民意调查是由一家马里兰空咨询公司furtoncorp.委托佐格比国际公司进行的,furton公司与美国国家空和宇宙行局签定了价值180万美元的合同,该公司将在未来的20年中和空和宇宙行局合作开发太空旅行的申请的有关事宜。
    The poll by Zogby International was commissioned by Futron Corp., a Maryland aerospace consulting group which has a $1.8 million contract with NASA to explore the commercial applications of space travel, including what space tourism could look like in the next 20 years.
  • 空机械工人工会主席贝克说,“我们将要尽力争取大幅增加一般工资。当公司需要我们让步的时候,我们让了步。现在我们的待遇要改善了。”
    "We're going to go very hard for a very substantial general wage increase," Thomas F.Baker, president of the aerospace machinists' local, said. "We took our lumps when the company seemed to need it and now we're going to get well."
  • "国家天器"项目开始于1994年,目的是设计一种超音速喷气机,能够像天飞机一样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作轰炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
    The National Aerospace Plane program,created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours,was scrapped in1994.
  • 圣巴巴拉美国加利福尼亚南部一城市,位于洛杉矶西北偏西方的圣巴巴拉海峡。它是西班牙早期的要塞和传道区之一,现为居住及疗养区,有天和电子研究与发展业。人口85,571
    A city of southern California on the Santa Barbara Channel west-northwest of Los Angeles. Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population,85, 571.
  • 美国近年来的实践就充分证明了这点:电脑、电子、电讯和天等高科技、知识密集型产业已成为美国社会经济文化发展的龙头。
    The fact that the US has enjoyed high economic growth all these years proves this point: those high-technology and knowledge-based industries such as computers, electronics, telecommunications and aerospace are now the driving forces of the country's economy.
  • 我们香港人全都知道,贵国不但以白兰地酒和时装驰名世界,更在天、电子、电讯、银行业务,以及其他科技和以知识为本的领域取得骄人成就而蜚声国际。
    You are not just renowned - as we in Hong Kong all know - for your brandy, for your fashion, but also renowned for your remarkable achievements in aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, banking, and other technological and knowledge-based advances.
  • 美国近年来的实践就充分证明了这点:电脑、电子、电讯和天等高科技、知识密集型产业已成为美国社会经济文化发展的龙头。
    The fact that the US has enjoyed high economic growth all these years proves this point: those high-technology and knowledge-based industries such as computers, electronics,telecommunications and aerospace are now the driving forces of the country's economy.
  • 计划的第一步,是由国防部高级研究计划局、国家天局、波音公司和鲍尔天与技术公司联手,在未来几年内制造一颗名为nextsat(下一代卫星)的可修理卫星实物模型。
    The first step is a joint effort between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,NASA,Boeing,and Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. to build a mock-up of a repairable satellite called NextSat in a couple of years.
  • 北美空间防御司令部和美军天司令部司令官埃德·埃伯哈特将军说,太空飞机也能用来"攻击目标"。
    And,says Gen.Ed Eberhart,commander in chief of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S.Space Command,a space plane could also be useful for"putting steel on target."
  • 有关适性的警告性备忘录
    An advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.
  • 中国目前共有11个军工集团公司,即中国核工业集团公司、中国核工业建设集团公司、中国天科技集团公司、中国天科工集团公司、中国空工业第一集团公司、中国空工业第二集团公司、中国船舶工业集团公司、中国船舶重工集团公司、中国兵器工业集团公司、中国兵器装备集团公司和中国电子科技集团公司。
    Currently, China has 11 military industrial group corporations, namely, China National Nuclear Corporation, China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation I, China Aviation Industry Corporation II, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China North Industries Group Corporation, China South Industries Group Corporation, and China Electronic Science and Technology Corporation.
  • 研究人员说,这对天业的价值尤其重要。因为他们正在研制的这种材料(一种称作复合材料的增强塑料),可用在飞机和卫星上。
    The work will be particularly valuable to the aerospace industry, the researchers say, because the material they were working with, a reinforced plastic known as a composite, is used in planes and satellites.
  • 大草原城美国德克萨斯州东北部城市,位于达拉斯和沃思堡中间。座落在一个高度城市化的地区,该城有天工业并为一个大型游乐园的所在地。人口99,616
    A city of northeast Texas halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Located in a highly urbanized area, the city has an aerospace industry and is the site of an enormous amusement park. Population,99, 616.
  • 但是,它们没有反映当前最先进的天技术发展情况,因而都未能起到有效防止外空武器化或防止外空军备竞赛的作用。
    However, these instruments have not reflected the development of the most advanced aerospace technology today, and therefore are unable to effectively prevent the militarization of or an arms race in outer space.
  • 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures, 1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
  • 肯特市美国华盛顿州中西部城市,位于西雅图南部。是一个位于原农业区的新近城市化了的社区,同时又是一个天工业的食品加工中心。人口37,960
    A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population,37, 960.
  • 这是中国与欧洲宇界的首次卫星合作。
    Sinosat-1, which was successfully launched in 1998, was the first cooperative project on satellite development between the Chinese and European aerospace industries.
  • 喂,我是宇工业公司的steverogers,我打电话来是想跟hammer先生约定会面。
    Hello, my name is Steve Rogers with Aerospace Industries. I'm calling to set up a meeting with Mr. Hammer.
  • 错误之处大到对中国天技术的误述,小到一些日期和计算机硬件名称的错误。
    Mistakes range from substantial misrepresentation of Chinese aerospace technology to minor errors in dates and hardware designations.
  • 民用天在应用卫星、运载火箭技术、载人天等方面取得长足进步。
    Civil aerospace technologies have made remarkable achievements in the applied satellite, carrier rocket, and manned spaceship.
  • 菲亚特还广泛涉足天、动力、电信等领域,并取得了不同程度的成功。
    It diversified widely into areas such as aerospace,power and telecommunications to varying degrees of success.
  • 5.载人天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了天医学和空间生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备天员,研制了一批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high- reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 5.载人天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了天医学和空间生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备天员,研制了一批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high-reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 喂,我是宇工业公司的
    Hello, my name is Steve Roger with aerospace industry.
  • 天医学模拟实验设备
    aerospace medical test device and simulator
  • 航空航天文艺
    aerospace literature and art
  • 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.