Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他的一点点米并不能使他免除饥饿。
    The small ration of rice can hardly satisfy his hunger.
  • 一箱标准的配食物必须分14个人。
    The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men.
  • 供给定量
    To supply with rations.
  • 战时配给;战时婚姻
    Wartime rationing; wartime marriages.
  • 政府求援肉食品的配
    The government resorted to rationing meat.
  • 他们采取严格的配措施以延长储油的使用时间。
    They eked out the oil stores by strict rationing.
  • 战时的艰苦包括食物配和燃料短缺。
    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
  • 他按定量发水水手们。
    He rationed out the water to the sailors.
  • 每周配给一个鸡蛋.
    People were rationed to one egg a week.
  • 她每周分配他们两个鸡蛋。
    She rationed them to two eggs a week.
  • 在围城期间面包被定量配
    Bread was rationed during the siege of the city.
  • 剩下的水小心地被分配生存者。
    The remaining water was rationed carefully among the survivors.
  • 士兵们抱怨他们得到的配不够数。
    The soldiers complained that they were getting short rations.
  • 今年冬天可能定量配食物。
    There may be a period of food rationing this winter.
  • 依靠配的肉和糖生活。
    got along as best we could on rationed meat and sugar.
  • 你把议事日程表(我)复印二十份好吗?
    Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?
  • 评委们对以理服人的论据以高度评价。
    The examiners put a premium on rational argument.
  • 许多在打电话时举止粗鲁的工作人员自己的行为找理由,说那是可以接受的,甚至理应如此,因为他们正在工作。但这是说不通的。
    Too many workers who are abrupt on the phone rationalize their behavior by saying it's okay or even expected since they're at work,but this isn't true.
  • 去年初步理顺了重要工业品的进出口管理体制,进一步完善了对加工贸易的监管,对少数低价倾销进口,国内相关产业造成严重损害的产品进行了反倾销立案调查。
    Last year, we rationalized the import and export management regime for important industrial products and further improved the supervision and management over processing trade and carried out antidumping investigations over a small number of products that were imported at below-cost dumping rate and had a serious impact on relevant domestic industries.
  • 余存的罐装牛奶已仔细地分配孩子们了。
    The remaining store of tinned milk was carefully rationed out among the children.
  • 扎梯绳(桅索)扎梯绳
    To secure ratlines to(shrouds).
  • 他们了他一套空荡荡的办公室,他可以在里面跑来跑去,无所事事。
    They gave him a suite of offices to rattle around in but nothing to do.
  • 迪恩说,印第安人相信,如果你把死响尾蛇挂到外面风干,它会你带来雨水。
    Dean said that Indians believe that if you hang a dead rattler out to dry, it will bring rain.
  • 年老、贫困、残疾的人的帮助。
    aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped.
  • 村子让敌人糟蹋了。
    The villages were ravaged by the enemy.
  • 新闻记者对年轻歌手的演唱都在大加赞扬。这次演唱整个城市带来了极大的欢乐。
    The newspaper reporters are all raving about the young singer's performance, which has given the whole city such pleasure.
  • 一九三四年,学习期间的褒曼在《蒙可波罗的伯爵》一片中得到了第一个角色,接着又拍了四部电影,评论界予她高度赞扬,"无人不被她的美丽和才华所折服"。
    Four films followed, and critics raved about[5] that young Miss Engrid Berman,"one must simply surrender to her beauty and talent."
  • 而且,这将鸦科鸟类(包括乌鸦、渡鸦、松鸦和喜鹊)原有的知识添加了新内容。
    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, jays and magpies.
  • 宙斯立刻现出真形并强奸了她。她在羞惭无奈下便嫁了他。
    There he at once resumed his true shape and ravished her, so that she was shamed into marrying him.
  • 给生木加保护剂
    Applied a protectant to the raw wood.
  • 原料由国家供给。
    Raw materials are provided by the state.
  • 料工业运转所需的原材料
    Raw material required for an industrial process.