  • 当他走到巴士站时,发现钱包不见了,急得在路边哭了起来,这时一辆汽车然停在他的面前,从车里走出一位先生,他问清楚了情况,立即叫他上车,然后载他回家。
    At the bus stopped, he noticed that his wallet was missing. Scared and nervous, he began to cry on the roadside. Then, a car pulled up beside him, and a man got out. On learning the boy's plight, he invited him into his car and drove him home.
  • 当我走进厨房时,那只猫然从窗口跳了出去。
    As I walked into the kitchen the cat jumped out of the window before you could say Jack Robinson.
  • 经过33天的逃亡,被控杀死警察的鲁宾逊昨天在一项破晓前的袭中,在费城他的女友公寓中被捕。
    After 33 days on the lam, accused cop killer Johnny Ray Robinson was bagged yesterday in a predawn raid at his girl friend's apartment in Philadelphia.
  • 在布鲁明顿的印地安那大学,由rogerinners率领的小组发现实验用草arabidopsis的变异种能够发动比正常情况下强大得多的防御。
    A group led by Roger Innes at Indiana University in Bloomington discovered mutants of the laboratory weed Arabidopsis that induce their defences much more strongly than normal.
  • 罗杰斯消失了整整一年,然又出现在玻利维亚各地。
    Rogers disappeared for a whole year, then popped up in Bolivia, of an place.
  • 突然的摇晃或坠落
    An abrupt rolling or pitching.
  • 眼睛出的或眼睛转动的
    Having prominent or rolling eyes.
  • 为筹备实际过渡并协调业界处理任何发事故,证监会、各交易所和结算所均设立控制中心。
    To prepare for the actual rollover and to co-ordinate the efforts of the industry to deal with any contingency matters, command centres were set up by the SFC, the exchanges and clearing houses.
  • 坎斯帕尼亚区的说欧斯干语并且和古罗马人不断发生冲的远古民族的人。
    an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans.
  • 两三座水塔,两三个钉广告牌的铜架,一两座尖塔,一望相连的沥青的屋顶材料和砖头,形成一些四方形的、矗立的、垂直的轮廓,完全没有什么组织或次序,点缀着一些泥土,退色的烟,以及几条晒着衣服的绳索和交叉着的无线电天线。
    Two or three water towers, the backs of two or three steel frames for billboards, perhaps a spire or two, and a stretch of asphalt roofing material and bricks going up in square, sharp, vertical outlines without any form or order, sprinkled with some dirty, discolored chimneys and a few washlines and crisscross lines of radio aerials.
  • 如今华盛顿凭借暴力警匪片《训练日》中的阿洛佐·哈里斯这一角色成为了奥斯卡影帝。在片中,阿洛佐·哈里斯是一位老练但是十分腐败的缉毒警官,他在洛杉矶毒品战场上考验理想主义的新手杰克·霍伊特,二人的道德理念处在矛盾冲之中。
    Now Washington has won for his part as Alonzo Harris in the violent police thriller Training Day, playing a charismatic but corrupt narcotics detective who bullies his narcotics squad trainee while ruling the roost in a Los Angeles battle zone.
  • 然地限制一个活动。
    sudden restriction on an activity.
  • 一种行为活动的然爆发。
    a sudden burst of activity.
  • 然一蹶不振而连连失败。
    A rot sets in.
  • 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的然变化的政治主张或态度
    A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.
  • 中子星旋转周期的然变化
    A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.
  • 分配器中的节点;转动体把联系着分配器和电流的出的胳膊为活力塞。
    a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts distributor points and current flows to the spark plugs.
  • 然间世界似乎如此完美,然间世界如此优雅地运行,然间我的人生不再是一种浪费,它完全围绕着你转动。——《红磨坊》
    Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place, suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace, suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,it all revolves around you. ——《Moulin Rouge》
  • 猛烈或突然地移动
    To move roughly or suddenly.
  • 具有无粗糙、无颠簸、无规则部分的表面或无起的表面的。
    having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities.
  • 他突然转身。
    He wheeled round suddenly.
  • 圆形的隆起或突起
    A rounded hump or protuberance.
  • 一个圆形的起或结节。
    a rounded projection or protuberance.
  • 出物肿起或拱起的结节
    A swelling or rounded protuberance.
  • 圆形小丘,山出的圆形丘陵或山岳
    A prominent rounded hill or mountain.
  • 具有圆形或钝锯齿形起形状的。
    having a margin with rounded scallops.
  • 隆凸,圆枕一块脓包或圆形的起或肿胀
    A bulging or rounded projection or swelling.
  • 肿块一个起的或圆形的点;肿瘤
    A raised or rounded spot; a bulge.
  • 结节圆形起或肿胀部分;结节
    A rounded projection or swelling; a tubercle.
  • 狮子然转身扑向猎人。
    The lion suddenly rounded on the hunter.
  • 崩溃指然的、灾难性的倒塌、衰败或失败;溃败
    A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout.
  • 但刘秀利用王莽的将军王寻、王邑轻敌懈怠,以精兵三千破王莽军队的中坚,乘锐进击,大破敌军。
    But taking advantage of the negligence of Wang Mang's generals, Wang Hsun and Wang Yi, who underestimated the enemy, Liu Hsiu with only 3,000 picked troops put Wang Mang's main forces to rout. He followed up this victory by crushing the rest of the enemy troops.