  • 为使蟋蟀作出反应,她把它们的叫声录下来播放。但几次试验都失败了。之后她发现,它们对她的脚步声似乎比中传来的同类的叫声更感兴趣。
    After many failed attempts to provoke a reaction by playing recordings of cricket song to them, she realised that they were actually more interested in her own footfalls than in the airborne music of their fellow crickets.
  • 气传播的污染物与大气中的水分结合,形成硫酸和硝酸,然后以雨或雪的形式降回地面,形成了酸雨。
    Acid rain results when the airborne pollutants combine with moisture in the air to form sulfuric and nitric acids that fall back to Earth, usually in rain or snow.
  • 在罗斯福大道,上下班时间通勤人士坐在车里寸步难移,羡慕地仰望眷上升机。别气馁,交通拥塞中也有份。
    To those rush hour-commuters who sit immobilized in traffic on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive, gazing enviously at the helicopters above, take heart. Gridlock has gone airborne.
  • 军由航兵、地导弹与高射炮兵、雷达兵、降兵等兵种和专业部队组成。
    The Air Force has such arms as the aviation, surface-to-air missile and antiaircraft artillery, radar, and airborne, as well as other specialized units.
  • 这给e-4b提供了充足的燃料,可在中飞行12小时无需加油;若在中加油,则可飞行72小时。
    This provides sufficient fuel for the E-4B to remain airborne for 12 hours without refueling or 72 hours with in? flight refueling.
  • 气生物学关于气传播的生物物质,例如花粉、孢子和微生物之起源、分散以及影响的学科
    The study of the sources, dispersion, and effects of airborne biological materials, such as pollen, spores, and microorganisms.
  • 气过敏原能导致过敏性反应的各类气传播的物质,如花粉或孢子
    Any of various airborne substances, such as pollen or spores, that can cause an allergic response.
  • 减低震波通过在地下爆炸来减弱或消除(爆炸)在中的震波
    To decrease or eliminate airborne shock waves from(an explosion) by having it take place underground.
  • k-8军用飞机,f-10战斗机,直-11军用直升机,载预警飞机;
    K-8 military aircraft; F-10 fighter; H-11 military helicopter;airborne warning aircraft;
  • 受到性情愫刺激的脑,作用要比该情愫沉寂缺的时候快速许多。
    The brain which has been stimulated by the emotion of sex, vibrates at a much more rapid rate than it does when that emotion is quiescent or absent.
  • 通过利用降传感器从中目视观测的侦察。
    reconnaissance either by visual observation from the air or through the use of airborne sensors.
  • 从地面上发射或者设计用来从地面上发射来攻击中目标。
    operating from or designed to be launched from the ground against an airborne target.
  • 突击队和降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。
    The Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.
  • 突击队与降部队在村庄附近会合起来。
    The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the village.
  • 不过,跟从前不同,世界贸易中占有额日益增加的是运。
    However, unlike the past, an increasing share of world trade is airborne.
  • 中可溶解的污染物质又以雨的形式重新落到地上
    Dissoluble airborne pollutants brought back to the earth as rain.
  • 从船上射击的针对中目标的定轨导弹。
    a guided missile fired from shipboard against an airborne target.
  • 中相撞两架或几架全速飞行的飞机的相撞
    A collision involving two or more aircraft while fully airborne.
  • 经由气旅行;运的。
    travel through the air; be airborne.
  • 气中花粉的过敏性反应
    An allergic reaction to airborne pollen.
  • 空中预警和控制系统
    airborne warning and control system
  • 飞机升空时禁止吸烟.
    Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne.
  • 暖空气向上流动
    Warm air convecting upward.
  • 美国空军部队
    United States Air Force.
  • 这台机器压缩空气。
    This machine compresses air.
  • 烟道气流以这种方法被强迫下流的
    The air so forced.
  • 空气是看不见的。
    The air is invisible.
  • 空气转凉了。
    The air gets cooler.
  • 自燃的在气中自发地燃烧的
    Spontaneously igniting in air.
  • 气受到有害物质的侵害。
    pollution of the air.
  • 生活在空气中的
    Living in the air.
  • 用航空邮寄吗?
    Is it by air?