  • 对它人研的纯粹重复不是真实的科学研
    A mere repetition of other people's research is not a true scientific research.
  • 对它人研的纯粹重复不是真实的科学研
    A mere repetition of other people 's research is not a true scientific research
  • 人工智能领域中的一个专门分支,研完成重复工作的机器人的工业应用。
    A specific area of the field of artificial intelligence applied to the industrial use of robots doing repetitive tasks.
  • 不仅应研战略战术,而且还应以最大努力,利用一切可能,动员广大民众加入军队,补充现有兵团,组织新的部队,积蓄与扩大国家的武装力量,以支持长期艰苦的战争。
    We should not only study strategy and tactics, but also do our utmost in every possible way to build up and expand the national armed forces by mobilizing the people to join the army, replenishing the existing corps and organizing new armed units in order to support an arduous, long-drawn-out war.
  • 当然,人们总是对地外生命的说法持特别警惕的态度,过去一提到地外生命,人们就充满痴心与妄想,这个提法总是以讲实际的实验科学的面目出现。
    the history of the subject is replete with wishful thinking masquerading as tough-minded empirical science.
  • 假设复制的个人不仅能从事抽象的物理研,还能解决医学上亟待解决的问题。
    And suppose the person being replicated were researching not just abstruse questions of physics but pressing questions of medicine.
  • 每一种有机生命体中都存在着dna,这种分子作为一种超级计算机装置的吸引力在于其已经得到证实的存储大量信息的能力--事实上复制生命所需的全部指令都存储在dna中。尽管这种化学物质不会在短期内取代个人计算机,但是科学家组成的两个研小组上个月已经向人们演示了这些满载信息的分子也许可以通过怎样的方式在未来的计算机中执行计算任务。
    DNA is present in every living organism, and the appeal of the molecule as a supercomputer mechanism lies in its demonstrated ability to store a vast amount of information, indeed, all of the instructions for replicating life. Although the chemistry set won't be replacing your PC anytime soon, two groups of scientists demonstrated last month how these information-laden molecules might perform calculations in future computers.
  • 一九九八至一九九九年度立法会会期内,政府账目委员会曾研审计署署长提交的一九九七至一九九八年度香港特别行政区政府账目审计结果报告书及衡工量值式审计结果报告书(第30、31及32号报告书)。
    During the 1998-99 legislative session, the PAC examined the Director of Audit's Report on the Accounts of the Government of the HKSAR for the year ended March 31, 1998, and the Director's Reports on the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report Nos.30, 31 and 32).
  • 一九九九至二零零零年度会期内,政府帐目委员会曾研审计署署长提交的一九九八至九九年度香港特别行政区政府帐目审计结果报告书及衡工量值式审计结果报告书(第33a、33及34号报告书)。
    During the 1999-2000 session, the PAC examined the Director of Audit's Report on the Accounts of the Government of the HKSAR for the year ended March 31, 1999 and the Director's Reports on the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report Nos. 33A, 33 and 34).
  • 多年的研并没有什么值得报告的结果。
    years of research produced no reportable results.
  • 本文报告...的研究
    A study of...is reported
  • 寻求事实的委员会;研性报告。
    a fact-finding committee; investigative reporting.
  • 他的论点是在仔细地研事实的基础上提出的。
    His argument reposed on a close study of the facts.
  • 资料汇总,包括代表了染色体中完整dna信息的dna片断;
    A repository of research materials including ordered sets of DNA fragments representing the complete DNA in chromosomes.
  • 尽管我不是一名观察研野鸟的学者,但是当我第一眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。
    Although I was not a bird? watcher, my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over.
  • 心理分析由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德创立的一套精神治疗的方法,用自由联系、对梦的阐释和对抵抗和移情的分析来研被压抑或无意识的冲动、焦虑和内心冲突
    The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts.
  •  伪造、倒卖特许猎捕证或者允许进出口证明书,情节严重、构成犯罪的,比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追刑事责任。
    If anyone who forges or sells or resells a special hunting and catching license or an import or export permit, and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law.
  • 乔治敦暴力研中心的执行董事艾伦·李普曼说:"当一些青春期的孩子表现出天不怕地不怕的样子时,他们心中都隐藏着或多或少的恐惧,实际上他们害怕受到任何的伤害。
    "When you have adolescent bravado and nothing can hurt you, underneath that is really a tremendous fear that everything can hurt you," said Alan Lipman, executive director of the Center at Georgetown for the Study of Violence.
  • 生态环境科学研开始关注人类活动对生态环境影响的监测和跟踪,开展了如西藏“一江两河”中部流域农业综合开发生态环境遥感动态监测、西藏粮食中有机氯残毒污染普查、工业污染源调查等方面的工作,并提出了污染防治的相关政策措施。
    Eco-environment researchers have begun to monitor and trace the impact of human activities on the ecological environment, carried out various projects such as dynamic remote-sensing monitoring of the eco-environment for comprehensive agricultural development on the middle reaches of the “three rivers,” overall survey of the grain pollution caused by residual organochlorine, and investigation on the sources of industrial pollution, and have proposed relevant policies and measures for pollution prevention and control.
  • 孙中山终未能实现他的理想,在“革命尚未成功”的忧愤中病逝。
    His dream unfulfilled, Dr. Sun died in sorrow and indignation, which found expression in his famous admonition: "The revolution has not yet succeeded."
  • 这种平等的权利包括入学、升学、毕业分配、授予学位、派出留学等各个方面,以及妇女从事科学技术研和文学艺术创作等。
    These cover school admittance, advancement to higher levels of schooling, job assignment after graduation, conferment of academic degrees and being dispatched for study abroad, plus women's rights to engage in scientific and technological research and literary and artistic creation.
  • 他们在学习革命的理论,研抗日救国的道理和方法。
    You have been learning the theory of revolution and studying the principles and methods for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 组成合法词语的规则研
    studies of the rules for forming admissible words.
  • 组成合法句子的规则研
    studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences.
  • 由布莱特领导的研小组使用磁力共振绘图法,得到了12个人在参加一次赌博游戏中大脑的反应曲线。
    The research team led by Breiter used magnetic resonance imaging to map the brain responses of 12 men while they participated in a game of chance involving winning or losing money.
  • 有些研利用了先进的大脑成像技术,如正电子发射x线断层摄影和功能性磁共振成像,以及较为传统的检测如脑电图,这些技术确实有助于我们理解大脑的什么部分参与厂哪些情感无论正常还是不正常。
    There have been some studies using advanced brain-imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging , as well as older-style tests such as electro-encephalography. They're really helped us to understand which bits of the brain are involved in which bits of emotion -- normal or abnormal.
  • 约翰逊研者塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的崇拜者或研
    An admirer or a student of Samuel Johnson or his work.
  • 早年与近年的语言心理研都显示,学双语的儿童,思想结构比只学单语的儿童复杂。
    Psychological studies show that bilingual children are more resourceful and complex intellectually when compared with their monolingual peers.
  • 早年与近年的语言心理研都显示,学双语的儿童,思想结构比只学单语的儿童复杂。
    Earlier and recent psychological studies show that bilingual children are more resourceful and complex intellectually when compared with their monolingual peers.
  • 他令人景仰地提出了与这一现象研相称的非常精确的理论,为这一新兴学科提供了支柱。
    he has provided a backbone for the new science, in the form of a very precise theory admirably suited to the study of the phenomena.
  • 后来,从美国解密的资料中发现,中美科学家几乎同时在各自的研工作中提出了类似概念。
    Later, it was found from the US declassified documents that Chinese and American scientists almost simultaneously advanced a similar concept in their respective research.
  • 瓦尔堡,奥托·亨利希1883-1970德国生化学家。因其对细胞呼吸的研而获得1931年的诺贝尔奖
    German biochemist. He won a1931 Nobel Prize for research on the respiration of cells.