  • 在它们的部分色羽毛上用红色染料做上记号,这样它们就易于被发现,然后飞机把它们带到伦敦附近的克罗伊登距离有400英里。
    They were marked with a red dye on some of their white feathers, so that they could easily be seen. Then they were taken by aeroplane to Groydon, near London; this is a distance of 400 miles.
  • 一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的线。
    An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor.
  • 午宴上喝的葡萄酒是roussettedesavoie,一种产自萨瓦地区的葡萄酒。
    The wine, Roussette de Savoie, was a regional white.
  • 托尼对航空术所具有的知识使他明,这种像蜜蜂形状的巨型飞机将轰动报界。
    Tony knew enough of things and the problems of aeronautics to realize that this gigantic imitation of a bee would give the newspapers fits.
  • 生活在伊利沙统冶时期的人。
    a person who lived during the reign of Elizabeth I.
  • 伊丽莎一世的英国伊丽莎一世或其统治的、与之有关的或表现为之的
    Of, relating to, or characteristic of Elizabeth I of England or her reign.
  • 他的支持者试图使总统重新入主宫的努力失败了。
    His supporters failed in their attempt to reinstate the President in the White House.
  • 在敌人看来,一方面根据地使他们畏进,一方面打到区去的红军是他们的主要的危险物。
    consequently there was opposition to concentrating our forces and advocacy of dividing them up for defence, but in the end all this proved to be wrong.
  • 但研究者们现在宣称已经合成出一种药物,可以使心脏和肌肉恢复青春活力,办法是破坏那些在人体老化过程中形成的僵硬的糖一蛋质结合键。
    Researchers now claim to have developed a compound that might rejuvenate hearts and muscles -- by breaking the stiff sugar-protein bonds that accumulate as we get older.
  • 劝服嫌疑犯对当局坦
    Advised the suspect to level with the authorities.
  • 就大多数人来说,相对论原理是很难对他们讲明的,但有一次爱囚斯坦给一群年轻学生却讲得非常好。
    To most people the law of relativity is difficult to explain. But once Einstein explained it very well to a group of young students.
  • 肾上腺素色到褐色之间的晶体化合物,c9h13no3,由某些哺乳动物的肾上腺提取或人工合成,用作心脏兴奋剂、血管收缩剂和支气管肌松弛剂
    A white to brownish crystalline compound, C9H13NO3, isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and bronchial relaxant.
  • 日梦是我的一种轻松方式
    daydreaming is a relaxation to me
  • 日做梦是一种很好的休息方式。
    It is a good means of relaxation.
  •  他还强调,除了愉悦和放松的感觉,蹦极还使他明,在日常生活中做事要认真。
    Besides the enjoyment and relaxation, Zhang emphasized that bungee had taught him to be careful in everyday life.
  • 红血球的破坏或溶解,释放出血红蛋
    lysis of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin.
  • 这位老邻居来了官,林肯跟他说了数小时关于解放黑奴的问题。
    The old neighbor called at the White House, and Lincoln talked to him for hours about the advisability of issuing a proclamation freeing the slaves.
  • 25岁的伊丽莎成为女王,妹妹玛格丽特不可避免地退到了不引入注目的位置,这不符合喜欢奢华的玛格丽特的本性。
    With that, 25-year-old Elizabeth became Queen, inevitably relegating her kid sister to the background -- not the flamboyant Margaret's natural habitat.
  • 而在宫,你将成为奴隶,处在没完没了的事务的无情压力之下?quot;
    In the White House,on the other hand,you would be a slave and under the relentless pressure of never finished business."
  • 很遗憾,我确实不明这事有什么重大关系。
    I really can't see what relevance it has, I'm afraid.
  • 很遗憾,我确实不明这事有什么重大关系。
    I really can not see what relevance it has. I am afraid.
  • 处空未印字的区域,如广告上的空部分
    A blank unprinted area, as of an advertisement.
  • 在旧西藏,文物保护几乎是空
    In old Tibet, cultural relic protection was virtually nonexistent.
  • 苔丝和安吉尔坐进一辆大马车时代笨重的老古董(老德伯家族罪孽传说的象征)里,来到了教堂。在他们最后离去时,一只公鸡啼了三次。
    In a lumbering old relic of coach days (symbolic of an ancient D'Urberville legend of crime) Tess and Angel are carried to church, and upon their final departure a white cock crows thrice.
  • 特别是1989年到1994年之间,中央人民政府拨出5500万元巨款以及大量黄金、银等贵重物资维修了布达拉宫,这在中国文物保护史上是空前的。
    In particular, between 1989 and 1994, the Central People's Government allocated 55 million yuan and a great quantity of gold, silver and other precious materials to repair the Potala Palace, which was unprecedented in China's history of historical relic preservation.
  • 那寡妇登了告注明“无儿女牵累”。
    The widow advertised herself as "without encumbrance".
  • 那寡妇登了告注名“无儿女牵累”。
    The widow advertised herself as"without encumbrance".
  • 这些乐队通常都不用钢琴,因为它们的业务种类很多:有在夜晚为跳舞伴奏的,有在天为行军奏乐的,有为出殡举哀的,也有坐在马车上四处为商品作广告的。
    Usually there was no piano because these bands served many purposes: playing for dances at night, marching in daytime parades, playing for funerals or riding around the city on wagons to advertise products.
  • 大选至今的一年多来,涉及华社的诸多课题逐一引爆,这包括宏愿学校课题、诉求的争议、沙罗华小事件及华族优秀生无法进入国立大学等事件。
    Since the last election, issues involving the Chinese community have been triggered one after another. These include rows over the planned vision schools, Chinese pressure group Suqiu, relocation of a Chinese primary school in Damansara, and outstanding Chinese students who have failed to gain entry into national universities.
  • 她认为行间故意留下的空代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。
    She think the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that david is reluctant to tell her.
  • 她认为行间故意留下的空代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情
    She thought the deliberate blankness between the line represented the thing that David was reluctant to tell her
  • 最后,在她勉强订下的婚期前的那个礼拜里,她下决心写了一封四页长的自信,慌慌张张地塞进他的门下。
    Finally, within a week of the wedding-day which she had reluctantly set, her resolution takes shape in writing---a four-page confession is breathlessly thrust under his door.