  • 化学法使用对导致疾病的因素如病毒、细菌或其它微生物具有危害性的化学试剂或药品来治疾病的方法
    The treatment of disease using chemical agents or drugs that are selectively toxic to the causative agent of the disease, such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism.
  • 临床教学医生和医科学生参加的研讨会或学术会议,如对病人的临床医指导
    A seminar or meeting of physicians and medical students in which medical instruction is conducted in the presence of the patient, as at the bedside.
  • 用来治细菌感染疾病的抗生素(半合成的口服药)(商标是amoxil)。
    an antibiotic (a semisynthetic oral penicillin) used to treat bacterial infections (trade name Amoxil).
  • 先锋霉素i,头孢霉菌素头孢菌素的一种半人工合成替代物,有广谱抗生性能,注射使用,尤其用于治由过敏微有机物体引起的系统感染
    A semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin having a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity that is administered parenterally and used especially to treat systemic infections caused by susceptible microorganisms.
  • 让我们共同努力加强老年医保健制度,让所有老年人都能享受到“处方药方案”带来的益处。
    Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors.
  • 因此,我要求国会今年同我一起为通过一项《病人权利法案》而付出努力,使没买保险的工人能够享受健康福利,使老兵能够大幅增加在健康方面的支出,使那些老年人能够享受健全的、现代化的医体系,其中包括处方药。
    I ask Congress to join me this year to enact a Patients' Bill of Rights ? to give uninsured workers credits to help buy health coverage ? to approve an historic increase in spending for veterans' health ? and to give seniors a sound and modern Medicare system that includes coverage for prescription drugs.
  • ?医——改进药品和基因的传输,提供移植和探测疾病的纳米级传感器上使用的生物兼容的材料。
    Medical -- improved drug and gene delivery,biocompatible materials for implants and nanoscale sensors for detection of disease.
  • 通过注射抗酶素或者特殊的免疫血清治传染病。
    treating an infectious disease by injecting an antitoxin or specific serum.
  • 用来减少血清中的油脂的药物(商标是atromid);用来治心脏血管疾病。
    a drug (trade name Atromid-S) that reduces lipids in the blood serum; used to treat some cardiovascular diseases.
  • 抗蛇毒血清含抗蛇毒素的一种动物血清。用于药中以治动物或昆虫毒素引起的中毒
    An animal serum containing antivenins. It is used in medicine to treat poisoning caused by animal or insect venom.
  • 抗毒素血清含有抗毒素的动物或人的血清。医学上用来预防或治由生物毒素,如破伤风杆菌、肉毒杆菌或白喉杆菌引起的疾病
    An animal or human serum containing antitoxins. It is used in medicine to prevent or treat diseases caused by the action of biological toxins, such as tetanus, botulism, and diphtheria.
  • 公立医机构要适应社会和广大群众的需要,加快改革的步伐。
    The public medical institutions should accelerate the reform pace to meet the needs of the society and the wide population.
  • 对革命伤残军人等重点优抚对象实行医费用减免;
    that medical costs be reduced or waived for disabled revolutionary servicemen and other key special-care recipients;
  • 效的治起作用的或有效的
    Serving or tending to cure.
  • 另有18支外展医队,探访社区及安老院舍,为长者推行各项促进健康活动,提高他们对健康的警觉及自我照顾的能力。
    The 18 visiting health teams reached into the community and residential care settings to conduct wellness programmes with the aim of enhancing health awareness among the elderly and increasing their self-care ability.
  • 这些服务的目的,是在家居环境下为离院的精神病患者提供延续护理、治及康复服务,通过向病人及家属灌输精神健康知识,协助病人重新适应社会。
    The community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service, in particular, aim to provide continual care, treatment and rehabilitation programmes for discharged mental patients in their home settings. This helps patients' social readjustment while educating them and their families on mental health.
  • 这些服务都是精神科社区服务的重要环节,目的是在家居环境中为精神病康复者提供延续护理、治及康复服务,协助病人重新适应社会,并向病人及他们的家人灌输精神健康知识。
    These services, which form an integral element of community psychiatric service, aim to provide continual care, treatment and rehabilitation programmes for discharged mental patients in their home settings. Not only can these services help patients' social readjustment, they can also educate patients and their families on mental health.
  • 是否需要抗生素治取决于炎症的轻重。
    Depending on the severity of the problem, you may or may not need antibiotics.
  • 用来治哮喘和肺气肿以及其他肺部疾病的支气管扩张剂;口服或吸入;副作用包括心跳过速和心跳不稳定。
    a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness.
  • 得到一种特殊的(抽象的)治
    receive a specified treatment (abstract).
  • 皮下的通过皮肤吸收而产生医作用的
    Acting medicinally by absorption through the skin.
  • 为了避免这些悲惨之事,美国人搬到郊区、装汽车报警器、买保险、不吃贝壳类食物、接受治、参加单身俱乐部、去找婚姻顾问,但是,让同病相怜的人互相接触常常只是加剧了他们的焦虑。
    To prevent these dire events Americans move to the suburbs, install car alarms, buy insurance, avoid shellfish, go into thera-py, join clubs for singles, and see marriage counsel-lors. Often this only makes the anxiety worse by bringing sufferers into contact with people who have the same problem.
  • 纳什维尔县的治安法官盖尔·雷说:“我们在尽最大的力量去做,但是对警官们来说肯定是非常令人头疼的。”纳什维尔有142个囚犯在治精神病,占监狱中1630囚犯的8.6%,他们被收容在刑事审判中心的一层楼中。
    "We are doing the best we can, but it is definitely frustrating for the officers," said Gayle Ray, the county sheriff for Nashville, where 142 inmates on antipsychotic medication, 8.6 percent of her jail system's 1,630 inmates, are housed on one floor of the Criminal Justice Center.
  • 紧紧围绕当前的突出问题,着力抓好以下几个方面:一是进一步严厉打击各种制售假冒伪劣商品的违法犯罪活动,特别是狠狠打击严重危害人民生命健康的食品、药品、医器械等方面的制假售假行为。
    We need to pay great attention to the current outstanding problems and concentrate on the following tasks: First, we need to severely crack down on all illegal and criminal activities related to the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, especially food, medicines and medical apparatus that seriously endanger people's lives and health.
  • 雅克的精神要崩溃了,他的家庭医生把他送往精神病医生那儿去接受治
    Jacques is falling apart; his family physician sent him to a head shrinker.
  • 在书的最后有一个精神病治统计表附录。
    At the end of the book there is a statistical appendix tabulating the heads that have been successfully shrunk.
  • 不到一勺子的碳疽病菌,只如此微乎其微的一点盛放在信封中的病菌便于2001年秋使整个美国参议院瘫痪,数名人员接受紧急治,两名邮政工作人员丧生,这一切只因信封中如此微量的碳疽病菌而致。
    Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit about this amount--this is just about the amount of a teaspoon--less than a teaspoon full of dry anthrax in an envelope shutdown the United States Senate in the fall of 2001. This forced several hundred people to undergo emergency medical treatment and killed two postal workers just from an amount just about this quantity that was inside of an envelope.
  • 现在他们可以治需要进行腹部手术的病症了。
    Now they can handle cases requiring abdominal surgery.
  • 他希望,修复不育基因只是治镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。
    Fixing infertility genes, he hopes, would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia.
  • 一种用来治运动病的药物(商标是晕海宁)。
    a drug (trade name Dramamine) used to treat motion sickness.
  • 在多伦多的谢拉法律保护基金会主管律师斯图尔德·a·g·埃尔吉说:“这就像一个医院,让病人挂了号,但不给他们治
    "It's like a hospital that registers its patients but doesn't treat them," said Stewart A.G. Elgie, managing lawyer for the Sierra Legal Defense Fund in Toronto.
  • 一次医误诊使她双目失明,突然间她被抛进了一个黑暗、愤怒、沮丧和抑郁的世界。
    Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self? pity.