  • “為我自己申辯?”格蘭爾咕噥着,“我為自己辯護什麽呢?”
    "Defend myself? "whispered Gringoire,"Defend myself against what?"
  • 傻瓜智力有缺陷的人
    A person of deficient intelligence.
  • 白癡智力缺陷的人;傻
    A mentally deficient person; an idiot.
  • 命運是暴君施虐的權威,傻失敗的藉口。(比爾斯)
    Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime, and a fool's excuse for failure.( A. Bierce)
  • “衹有傻纔認為把權力下放給蘇格蘭會對它有好處。”“對不起,我不同意你的看法。”
    "Only a fool could think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution." "I'm sorry but I don't agree."
  • 這個哈密瓜特別甜。
    This honey-dew melon is especially sweet.
  • 黛安娜衹不過是個大傻而已。
    Diana is nothing but a fool of the firstwater.
  • 徹底的自由;徹頭徹尾的傻;徹底的謊言;完完全全的故意傷害;徹底的謊言;十足的失敗者;許多徹底的墮落;完全通過堅持纔得到了這份工作;十足的愚蠢。
    absolute freedom; an absolute dimwit; a downright lie; out-and-out mayhem; an out-and-out lie; a rank outsider; many right-down vices; got the job through sheer persistence; sheer stupidity.
  • 樹熱帶美洲的長緑,通常為雌雄異株的喬木(番木番木屬),葉掌狀分裂形成樹冠,有葉狀裂片和大的黃色可食果實
    An evergreen, usually dioecious, tropical American tree(Carica papaya) having a crown of palmately divided leaves with pinnate lobes and large, yellow, edible fruit.
  • 根據格萊格所提供的政府行文,布什有很多機會獲得足夠有關伊朗軍售及挪用款項援助尼加拉叛軍的細節。
    Those memos show that, thanks to Gregg, Bush had plenty of opportunity to get his fill of details about the sale of arms to the Iranians and the diversion of money to the Nicaraguan contras.
  • 將某物分割成份或片;
    Divide sth into parts or slices
  • 他們瓜分了贏得的錢.
    They divvied up the winnings between them.
  • 盜賊們同意把贓物分掉。
    The thieves agreed to divvy up with the spoils.
  • 笨蛋;傻瓜
    A dunce; a fool.
  • 他們種早西瓜。
    They grow early water melon.
  • 厄瓜多爾共和國
    The Republic of Ecuador
  • 多爾的貨幣單位。
    monetary unit in Ecuador.
  • 爾厄多爾的最大城市。
    the largest city of Ecuador.
  • 多爾的本地人或居民。
    a native or inhabitant of Ecuador.
  • 蘇剋雷流通於厄多爾的一種基本貨幣
    A basic unit of currency in Ecuador.
  • 當他衹參加了對厄多爾的首場賽。
    He only participated in the opening match against Ecuador
  • 多爾的基本貨幣單位。
    the basic unit of money in Ecuador; equal to 100 centavos.
  • 屬於或關於厄多爾、厄多爾人的,或有其特點的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Ecuador or its people.
  • 如果說b類國傢是指厄多爾,那麽a類國傢當然就是指阿根廷。
    "Country A," of course, is Argentina, while "Country B" is Ecuador.
  • 他母親來自厄多爾,父親則是中國派駐華盛頓的一名外交官的兒子。
    His mother came from Ecuador; his father was the son of a Chinese diplomat in Washington.
  • (海洋學)在聖誕節期間由厄多爾嚮南流動的一支弱勢暖流。
    (oceanography) a weak warm ocean current that flows S off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time.
  • 馬查拉厄多爾西南部一城市,位於亞基爾以南。是采金地區的加工中心。人口108,156
    A city of southwest Ecuador south of Guayaquil. It is a processing center in a gold-mining region. Population,108, 156.
  • 遠離南美洲的一個太平洋中的一群島嶼;厄多爾所有;因其非凡的動物生命而聞名。
    a group of islands in the Pacific off South America; owned by Ecuador; known for unusual animal life.
  • 多爾和秘魯的一種小型樹種,葉巨大且有光澤,大型粉紅色圓錐花序;樹皮可入藥。
    small tree of Ecuador and Peru having very large glossy leaves and large panicles of fragrant pink flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark.
  • 亞基爾厄多爾的最大城市,位於該國西部,靠近太平洋內灣亞基爾灣。該城於1535年建立,17世紀屢遭海盜襲擊。人口1,204,532
    The largest city of Ecuador, in the western part of the country near the Gulf of Guayaquil, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. Founded in1535, the city was frequently subject to pirate attacks in the17th century. Population,1, 204, 532.
  • 近年來,根據某些發展中國傢經濟發展的需要和要求,中國分別派草麻編、玉米皮編和刺綉技術小組赴莫桑比剋、墨西哥、毛裏求斯、烏幹達和厄多爾等國傳授技術,幫助培訓當地婦女,受到當地政府和人民的好評。
    To meet the needs of these countries, China has in recent years dispatched technical groups specializing in straw, flax and corn straw weaving and embroidery to Mozambique, Mexico, Mauritius, Uganda and Ecuador to help raise the production skills of local women. These contributions have received high praise from the local governments and people.
  • 近年來,根據某些發展中國傢經濟發展的需要,中國分別派草麻編、玉米皮編和刺綉技術小組赴莫桑比剋、墨西哥、毛裏求斯、烏幹達和厄多爾等國傳授技術,幫助培訓當地婦女,受到當地政府和人民的好評。
    To meet the needs of these countries' economic development, China has in recent years dispatched technical groups specializing in straw, flax and corn straw weaving and embroidery to Mozambique, Mexico, Mauritius, Uganda and Ecuador to help raise the production skills of local women. These contributions have received high praise from the local governments and people.