  • 别告诉我,让我
    Don't tell me, let me guess.
  • 这纯属猜测。
    It's mere conjecture.
  • 可是那“樵夫”和“农民”尽管忙个不停,却总是默不作声,蹑手蹑脚,不让人听见。因此若是有人想到他们已在行动,反倒会被看作是无神论和大逆不道。
    But that Woodman and that Farmer, though they work unceasingly, work silently, and no one heard them as they went about with muffled tread: the rather, for as much as to entertain any suspicion that they were awake, was to be atheistical and traitorous.
  • “上周我叔叔来伦敦,到我那简陋不堪的家里来看我,恰好我不在,外出找工作去了。我他见到我那一贫如洗的境况后,会感到应该寄点什么给我。”
    "Last week my uncle came to London and called on me at my horrible rooms when I was out, looking for a job. I suppose when he saw the naked ness of the land, he felt he ought to send me something."
  • 他说他想去巴黎学艺术,但我他的真正动机是为了玛丽。
    He said he wanted to study art in Paris, but I guessed that Mary was the nigger in the woodpile.
  • 想法;猜想
    A notion; a fancy.
  • 让我现在随口说,我这部车要花一千五百美元修理费。
    Offhand, I will guess that this car repair will cost us$1, 500.
  • 他的出身只能猜测。
    His origins can only be guessed at.
  • 测,礼物来自简的富裕朋友们。简是个孤儿,一直和他们住在一起。但面对礼物,简神态尴尬,缄默不语。
    It was presumed to have come from some rich friends with whom Jane, an orphan, had lived, but Jane herself seemed embarrassed with the present and refused to discuss it.
  • 不要猜测结果.
    Don't try to second-guess the outcome.
  • 不要对结果妄加猜测.
    Don't conjecture about the outcome.
  • 字谜游戏一种词或短语以哑剧的形式体现的游戏,有时是一个音节接一个音节出现,直到被其他游戏参加者中为止
    A game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime, sometimes syllable by syllable, until they are guessed by the other players.
  • 怀疑电话可能被窃听的多疑
    A paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged.
  • 别那麽疑,我不是在讲你的事。
    Don't be so paranoid. I wasn't talking about you.
  • 她有时站在窗边,注视行人,通过行人的外表和举止测他们的性格,继而仿造故事,逗查理和西尼乐。
    She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney.
  • 不知情而光是想,则易摧毁恒心毅力。
    "guessing" instead of "knowing" destroys persistence.
  • 起初,他的测是这两个人之间的全部矛盾都是由于各不相容的个性而引起的。
    At first sight, his guess was that the whole trouble between the two men resulted from personalities that did not agree.
  • 我猜他的年龄有50岁。
    I placed his age at 50.
  • 想老师会知道这篇(论文)是抄的。
    I guess the teacher will know this is plagiarizing.
  • 她用一个似真的故事消除了疑。
    She lulled suspicions with a plausible story.
  • potluck是个有趣的表达法。elyn和我刚才正在谈论这个问题,我们想它来自于美洲早期文化,人们在锅中烹煮食物,然后把食物带来放在一起共同进餐。那么luck在这里是什么意思呢?
    "Potluck" is a funny word, Elyn and I were just discussing it, And our guess is from maybe native American culture or early American culture, where they cooked the food at pots and everyone brought the food together, and the lucky part is what?
  •  因此,公关如果是对行销经理负责,后果大概不难想——就是沦为继子,受到冷淡对待。
    Thus, if the PR person were to report to the marketing manager, the outcome is not difficult to predict -- PR activities will endup with step-child treatment.
  • 因此,公关如果是对行销经理负责,后果大概不难想——就是受到继子般的对待。
    Thus, if the PR person were to report to the marketing manager, the outcome is not difficult to predict -- PR activities will end up with step-child treatment.
  • 他的测是对的;要下雪的预报是准确的。
    his guess was on the nose; the prediction for snow was right on the button.
  • 就典型钥匙的位长而言,因为素数的数目是非常少的,故公开密钥系统必须使用非常大的密钥,以防止穷尽研究把使用的素数出来或把密钥的因子算出来。
    Because, at the bit-length of typical keys, very few numbers are primes, public-key systems must use very large keys to prevent exhaustive searches that try to guess the prime numbers used or to factor the keys.
  • 纽约电话公司曾经做过一项调查,研究在电话中,最常用到的是什么宇,这个答案也许你早对了,那就是人称代名词中的「「我」」。
    The New York Telephone Company made a detailed study of telephone conversations to find out which word is the most frequently used. You have guessed it: it is the personal pronoun “I.
  • 你所说的是测还是有证据呢?
    Is what you say a guess or have your proof?
  • 我猜想的全错了。
    My speculations proved totally wrong.
  • 从引擎慢慢熄火的情况来看,我想我们准是没汽油了。
    The way the engine puttered out, I imagine that we are out of petrol.
  • 你能得出这个谜吗?
    Can you get the puzzle out?
  • 你能猜出这个谜吗?
    Can you work out the puzzle?
  • 他们不出他的意图。
    They could not puzzle out his intertions.