  • 侵略军仍赖在那里不肯撤走。
    The aggressor troops still hang on there.
  •  让我吃惊的是警铃竟又响了。
    I was shocked when it rang again.
  • 他的行动在当时看来就像一场闪电战,但他后来却后悔自己没能更快。
    And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
  • 公司要求员工为推出成功产品出谋划策,并对这些设想加以广泛论证,以确保其质量和安全性,后积极地将这些设想付诸实施,推向市场,传递给消费者。
    Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer.
  • 职位高的执行官理应行使职权,发号施令--要不,身居高位有什么意义?
    The ranking executive is expected to pull rank and give orders--or what is the point in having that rank?
  • 搞打砸抢的(当不一定是大干部,“四人帮”用了那么一些“小螃蟹”,专门搞打砸抢,还搞特务活动,安“钉子”);
    persons who engaged in beating, smashing and looting (these latter, of course, are not likely to be among the high-ranking cadres, for the Gang of Four employed lackeys to do such things and to act as secret agents or informers within our ranks);
  • 他对我的粗暴无礼使我仍忿恨不已。
    His rudeness to me still rankles.
  • 而时至今日,尽管已经过去108年了,那段包办婚姻仍让哈瓦感到不满。
    Now, 108 years later, the arranged marriage still rankles.
  • 我知道,他们过去那样冷落我们,至今仍令人气愤,但是现在我们应该把它置之脑后,因为我们必须同这些人合作。
    I know the way we were snubbed still rankles, but it's got to be put behind us now. We must cooperate with these people.
  • 两人间的战时关系通过往来的信号不断发展,只因盟国调遣坎贝尔所在的船只投入诺曼底登陆行动而突终止。
    Their wartime relationship, which blossomed over the signals, came to an abrupt end when the Allies ordered Campbell's ship, the Matt W. Ransom, into service for the D-Day invasion at Normandy.
  • 最初,一家人可以开着车度周末,后就在路边的餐馆旁停下买饭,这样吃饭时也能呆在他们那辆漂亮的车里。
    In the beginning, families would go for weekend drives and end the day by going to a drive-in restau- rant so they could eat while still in their wonderful car.
  • 当夜幕降临菜茵河岸的时侯,阿尔特斯塔特古城突间充满了生机:爵士乐俱乐部和迪斯科舞厅开门营业,餐馆里充满了欢声笑语,当地酿造的阿尔特啤酒从无数啤酒桶中流出。
    As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
  • 我会和她交换意见的,看她对此事有何想法。
    Of course I'll rap with her and see what she thinks of the matter.
  • 正义战争必要战胜侵略战争。
    Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.
  • 第五节 第三,除了劳动对象材料和帮助劳动的工具外,还必须防止劳动受到干扰,防止劳动产品受到损害。这些干扰或损害或是来自破坏性的自力量,或是来自人们的暴力或强取。
    5. Thirdly: Besides materials for industry to employ itself on, and implements to aid it, provision must be made to prevent its operations from being disturbed, and its products injured, either by the destroying agencies of nature, or by the violence or rapacity of men.
  • 很多孩子已经听说过艾滋病、强奸和虐待儿童,虽他们对其羞于启齿,但是他们对这些事情很好奇。
    Most of them have also heard about AIDS, rape, and child abuse, and they wonder about these things even if they are too shy to talk about it.
  • “那当,总统先生,”一名内阁成员笑着说,“你令人信服地驳斥了原先的犯有诱奸罪的控告,但你又令人信服地证实了你犯有强奸罪。”
    "Of course,Mr.President,"one cabinet member said with a laugh,"You have convincingly refuted the original accusation of seduction,but you have convincingly proved that you have committed a rape."
  • 突进,猛冲突快速的移动
    A sudden, rapid movement.
  • (例如水的)突、快速的流出。
    a sudden rapid flow (as of water).
  • 媒体详细报道大量的科技成就,但是,最近的调查显示,把它们迅速转化为生产力还需要做出很多努力。
    Although media reports expound on the volume of scientific and technological achievements , recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming same into productive forces leaves much to be desired.
  • ,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的名字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更遭殃。
    Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud.
  • 即使雄鸡巷的幽灵在咄咄逼人地发出它的预言之后销声匿迹整整十二年,去年的精灵们咄咄逼人发出的预言仍跟她差不多,只是少了几分超自的独创性而已。
    Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally deficient in originality) rapped out theirs.
  • 主席重重地敲了几下桌子,后开始讲话。
    The chairman prefaced his remarks with some sharp raps on the table.
  • 但是,有多少人认识他并不重要,他是个印度族也不重要,重要的是他和各族、各阶层民众所结下的善缘,使他能以身作则,告诉全体新加坡人,我们虽都爱护本身的文化、传统和语文,但仍可以不分彼此,共同爱护我们的国家。
    However, it does not matter how many people know him, orthat he is an ethnic Indian. What matters is the good rapport he has established with Singaporeans of all races and all social backgrounds. This enables him to set a good example for all Singaporeans, telling them that though we love our own cultures, traditions and languages, we can still overlook the differences among ourselves and love our nation as one.
  • 但是,有多少人认识他并不重要,他是个印度族也不重要,重要的是他和各族、各阶层民众所结下的善缘,使他能以身作则,告诉全体新加坡人,我们虽都爱护本身的文化、传统和语文,但仍可以不分彼此,共同爱护我们的国家。
    However, it does not matter how many people know him, or that he is an ethnic Indian. What matters is the good rapport he has established with Singaporeans of all races and all social backgrounds. This enables him to set a good example for all Singaporeans, telling them that though we love our own cultures, traditions and languages, we can still overlook the differences among ourselves and love our nation as one.
  • 我的友人,多数生活在城市。而,一提起农村,他们总是欣喜若狂。
    Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country.
  • 当前,一提到即将开始的学校生活,许多学生都会兴高采烈。而,对多数年轻人来说,校园刚开始的日子并不是什么愉快的经历。
    Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.
  • 工业与高雅的学术气氛结合的唯一结果,就是满街的尘土和笼罩着某些学院的茫若失的可怜相。
    Industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some the colleges.
  • 除非去度假,不他们很少驾车远行。
    Except when they take a vacation, they rarely drive long distances.
  • 如果人类的基因库被视为一种物种的自来源,那么明智的做法就是要倍加小心地去培养、保护那些最罕见的基因。这样,每一代人都会从中受益。
    If the human gene pool can be seen as a sort of species-wide natural resource, it's only sensible for the rarest of those genes to be husbanded most carefully, preserved so that every generation may enjoy their benefits.
  • 一位民兵偶注意到了这个坏家伙。
    A militiaman happened to notice the rascal.
  • 这坏家伙讲的恐怖故事使我们毛骨悚
    The horror story the rascal told made our flesh creep.