  • 他写了一篇文章,然后数易其稿加以饰。
    He wrote an article, then buffed it up through several drafts.
  • 一个人从另一个人的净言中所得来的光明比从他自己的理解力,判断力中所出的光明更是干净纯粹,这是无疑的:一个人从自己的理解力与判断力中得来的那种光明总不免是受他的感情和习惯的浸影响的。
    And certain it is, that the light that a man receiveth by counsel from another, is drier and purer, than that which cometh from his own understanding and judgment; which is ever infused, and drenched, in his affections and customs.
  • 生出、产生或挣得(利,收入)
    To produce, yield, or earn(profits or income).
  • 份额,股份收益或利的一部分;股份
    A portion of profits or earnings; a share.
  • 营业损益加(减)非营业利(损失)后得到的是税前盈利或损失。
    Operating Income ± Non-Operating Items = EBT (Earnings Before Tax);
  • 获得(给定数量)纯利或纯收入
    To gain(a given amount) as net profit or earnings.
  • 市盈率指的是每股市价与每股税后净利的比率。
    The P / E tells you the ratio of share price to earnings.
  • 教会属地属于英国教区教会或某一教职的土地,为其获利的土地
    A plot of land belonging or yielding profit to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office.
  • 西藏的气候自东南向西北由暖热湿向寒冷干旱呈递次过渡,自然生态由森林、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。
    The climate in Tibet turns gradually from being warm and moist to cold and dry from its southeast toward its northwest. Ecologically, the changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert.
  • 编辑对自己的作品进行了最后的色。
    The editor put the last hand to his work.
  • 你的脸色红。那么,你暑假一定过得很愉快,是吗?
    You have a high colour. So you must have much enjoyed yourself during the summer vacation, eh?
  • 公司的雇员有资格参加利分成计划。
    Employee of the firm is eligible to join a profit - sharing scheme.
  • 乾燥的皮肤要使用肤剂.
    Use an emollient for dry skin.
  • 亚麻籽用于制亚麻油和配制药用滑膏的亚麻种子
    The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.
  • 雇员们从利分享的计划中受益。
    The employee has benifited from the profit - sharing scheme.
  • 雇员们从利分享的计划中受益。
    The employee have benefit from the profit- sharing scheme.
  • 他们兴员工分享利
    They divided the profits with the employees.
  • 因为原料成本幸运的下降了,所以利也就增加了。
    profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials.
  • 你们的做法恐怕会引起额外损失,这样下去会影响我们的利
    Afraid your practice entail extra expense if continue and affect our margin.
  • 价格产品的定价必须高到能给公司带来利,而又低到能吸引消费者来购买。
    Price The price charged for the product must be high enough to give the company a profit, but low enough to entice the consumer to buy.
  • 埃琳用强生婴儿产品洁面和肤。
    Erin uses Johnson's Baby Lotion to cleanse and moisturize.
  • 务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂地追逐那转瞬即逝的利
    The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.
  • 即使牺牲利,也须保住订单。
    Secure order even sacrifice margin.
  • 期望得到利而投入的资金。
    money that is invested with an expectation of profit.
  • 除贵金属外任何东西的进口,都被看作是国家的损失,损失额相当于进口物品的全部价钱,除非输入是为了再出口以获取利,或除非作为国内某些企业的材料或工具,因而使出口物品能以较低的成本生产并从而提高出口数量。
    Importation of anything, other than the precious metals, was regarded as a loss to the nation of the whole price of the things imported; unless they were brought in to be re-exported at a profit, or unless, being the materials or instruments of some industry practised in the country itself, they gave the power of producing exportable articles at smaller cost, and thereby effecting a larger exportation.
  • 例如,哈佛医学院的南希·埃特科夫在她所著的《美女生存:美的科学》一书中认为,男人们喜欢金发是因为它与她们的白皮肤很相配——这样容易看出她们因性激动而红的脸色,使她们看上去更丰满。
    In Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, for example, Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Medical School argues that gentlemen prefer blonds for the fairness of their skin which makes it easier to detect the flush of sexual excitement,making them appear more fertile.
  • 他们这么交谈着时,她从眼角隐隐瞧见了一些那人的相貌:红生动的脸,淡淡的一抹小胡子,一顶灰色的软呢帽。
    All the time she was conscious of certain features out of the side of her eye. Flush, colourful cheeks, a light moustache, a grey fedora hat.
  • 仿佛用水浇灌的方式使…变得肥沃或充满活力
    To make fertile or vital as if by watering.
  • 湿肥沃的土地散发出清新的泥土气息。
    The moist fertile land gave off the fragrance of fresh earth.
  • 从油中清除杂质以滑内燃机的过滤器。
    a filter that removes impurities from the oil used to lubricate an internal-combustion engine.
  • 同时还应尽量避免以口代鼻呼吸,因为以口呼吸时,不仅空气未能得到过滤,人体内防御系统的一部分──黏膜也无法保持湿
    You should also try to avoid breathing through your mouth rather than your nose because this means not only is the air not filtered, but you are also drying up the mucous membrane, part of your body’s defence mechanism.
  • 吴先生正在对他的汇报作最后的色。
    Mr.Wu was putting the finishing touches to his report.