  • 严格拥护宗教义;宗主义
    Strict adherence to a denomination; sectarianism.
  • 许多人皈依他们父母所属的教
    Many people adhere to the church of their parents.
  • 放纵吟游诗人在中世纪的欧洲追崇享受和不受拘束的生活,作一些通俗或讽刺的拉丁歌谣的流浪学者
    A wandering student in medieval Europe disposed to conviviality, license, and the making of ribald and satirical Latin songs.
  • 顽固的保守;固执的共和党人。
    an inflexible (or die-hard) conservative; rock-ribbed republican.
  • 拉拉扯扯,吹吹拍拍,好搞宗活动的;
    persons who are adept at mutual flattery and the exchange of favours and who are keen on factional activities;
  • 只对你自己党的成员演讲是不会得到新选票的,因为他们本来就是你的支持者。
    You can't win new votes by addressing your speech only to members of your party, since you will simply be preaching to the converted.
  • 性的头头不服从调动怎么办?
    What if a factional ringleader refuses to be transferred?
  • 汪精卫是公开的投降的主要头目;蒋介石是暗藏在抗日阵线内部的投降的主要头目。
    While Wang Ching-wei was the ringleader of the open capitulationists, Chiang was the ringleader of those hiding in the anti-Japanese front.
  • 对闹性的头头要不要调开?
    Will they support the transfer of factional ringleaders or not?
  • 第十二、逮捕各亲日首领,交付国法审判。
    Arrest the ringleaders of the pro-Japanese clique and bring them to trial in accordance with the law of the land.
  • 中国亲日首要分子,早已潜伏在国民党党政军各机关中,为数颇多,日夕煽诱。
    A considerable number of ringleaders from the pro-Japanese clique have long entrenched themselves in the party, government and army organizations of the Kuomintang and have been carrying on agitation day and night.
  • 我们怎么能够容忍那些一直紧跟林彪、“四人帮”的“造反”以及继承他们那一套的少数坏头头,再来搞第二次“文化大革命”呢?
    How can we allow those "rebels" who so closely followed Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, or the handful of ringleaders who have persisted in following their evil course, to launch a second "Cultural Revolution"?
  • 新教各教之间的一些差异与宗教仪式有关。
    Some of the differences between Protestant denominations have to do with ritual.
  • 他们挥动木棍和刀子袭击与其作对的帮
    They charged the rival gang swinging clubs and knives.
  •  明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小别各踞一方,为有利于治理,给西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism."
  • 明朝第三个皇帝明成祖(1403—1424年在位),以西藏佛教和政治合为一体,大小别各踞一方,为有利于治理,给西藏各地宗教领袖封以“法王”、“王”、“灌顶国师”等名号。
    The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu (reigned 1403-1424) saw the advantage of combined Buddhist religious and political power in Tibet and rivalry between sects occupying different areas. So he conferred honorific titles on religious leaders in various parts of Tibet such as the "prince of Dharma," "prince" and "national master in Tantrism", etc.
  • 我是刘少奇之后第二号“走资本主义道路的当权”,刘少奇是“统帅”,我是“副统帅”。
    I was labelled the "No. 2 Capitalist Roader" after Liu Shaoqi. Liu was called "commander-in-chief of the bourgeois headquarters" and I "deputy commander-in-chief".
  • 生物心理学一个精神治疗学,该学以人对生物,社会,文化和环境因素的适应性反应来解释性格,行为和精神病症
    The school of psychiatry that interprets personality, behavior, and mental illness in terms of adaptive responses to biological, social, cultural, and environmental factors.
  • 警方探员盯住那个抢劫疑犯。
    The police put a shadow on the suspected robber.
  • 他是身穿贝尼蒂克教长袍的英国人。
    He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe.
  • 每日举行聚会的莉亚堂(传统),以及只在安息日和节期举行聚会的香港联合犹太会(改革),均于香港岛半山罗便臣道聚会。
    Daily services are held at the Ohel Leah Synagogue(orthodox), and sabbath and festival services at the United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong (reform) both in Robinson Road, Hong Kong Island.
  • 宇航员可出一个在未知星球上工作的机器人,并在上面建立一个永久观察站。
    An astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown planet, putting up a permanent observation stallion on it.
  • 宇航员可以出机器人在这颗陌生的行星上工作,收集岩石和矿物;建立永久性观察站,或向四面八方走动。
    The astronaut can send out a robot which will work on the unknown plant, collecting rocks and minerals, putting up a permanent observation station or traveling far and wide.
  • 再次选演员使其表演不同的角色。
    cast again, in a different role.
  • 亚当斯先生病了,因此另外了个人做他的工作。
    Mr Adams was ill, so someone else was seconded to do his work.
  • 他固执的拒绝改变自己的想法;月亮女神是坚定的,她不会接受任何一个他——w·丘吉尔;反对任何自由主义倾向的固执的保守
    he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind; Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him- W.Churchill; an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendancy.
  • 受古希腊罗马影响的建筑流
    architecture influenced by the ancient Greeks or Romans.
  • 这位昔日及未来的国防部长,当时以普通公民的身份,被里根总统当作特使往巴格达。
    The once and future Defense secretary, at the time a private citizen, had been sent by President Ronald Reagan to Baghdad as a special envoy.
  • 而在同一天,巴黎近郊板结的土地上某些农户的简陋的小披屋里也很可能有一些大车在那儿躲避风雨。那些车很粗糙,溅满了郊野的泥浆,猪群在它旁边嗅着,家禽在它上面栖息。这东西也极有可能已被“死亡”这个农民看中,要在革命时给它上死囚囚车的用场。
    It is likely enough that in the rough outhouses old some tillers of the heavy lands adjacent to Paris, there were sheltered from the weather that very day, rude carts, be spattered with rustic mire, snuffed about by pigs, and roosted in by poultry, which the Farmer, Death, had already set apart to be his tumbrils of the Revolution.
  • 国民党政府扩军的一种办法,是军警四处捉拿人民去当兵,捉来的兵用绳捆索绑,形同囚犯。
    The Kuomintang expanded its army by press-ganging. Its military and police seized people everywhere, roping them up and treating them like convicts.
  • 职务,职责分的职责或指定的活动
    Assigned duty or activity.
  • 八个民主党的中央领导机构中,女性有203人,八届全国人大常委会副委员长、著名学者和社会活动家雷洁琼女士,即是中国民主促进会的主席。
    There are 203 women in the central leading organs of the eight democratic parties. Madam Lei Jieqiong, vice-chairperson of the Eighth NPC Standing Committee, a noted scholar and social activist, is the chairperson of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy.