Chinese English Sentence:
  • 房委会于一九九八年一月出租者置其屋计划,以期在未来十年内,让至少25万个公屋家庭以合理及可负担的价格,购买现居公屋单位。
    The Tenant Purchase Scheme, launched in January 1998, will provide the opportunity for at least 250000 families living in public rental housing to buy their rental flats at reasonable and affordable prices in the next 10 years.
  • 第二步,是综合感觉的材料加以整理和改造,属于概念、判断和理的阶段。
    The second step is to synthesize the data of perception by arranging and reconstructing them; this belongs to the stage of conception, judgement and inference.
  • 这就是我们记忆“想”的一种情形。
    This is one sense in which our memories are "reconstructive."
  • 二零零一年四月,督导委员会再次召开会议,讨论多个工作小组行更大型的金融服务网络、直通式交易程序和无纸化市场的工作进展。
    The Steering Committee reconvened in April to discuss the progress of its various working groups tasked with the implementation of the larger financial services network (FinNet), straight-through processing and a scripless market.
  • --可持续发展能力不断增强,生态环境得到改善,资源利用效率显著提高,促进人与自然的和谐,动整个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。
    -- The capability of sustainable development will be steadily enhanced. The ecological environment will be improved. The efficiency of using resources will be increased significantly. We will enhance harmony between man and nature to push the whole society onto a path to civilized development featuring the growth of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem.
  • 度假胜地的宾馆在旅游旺季招揽比较有钱的游客,在淡季则出广告以低价吸引其他消费群。
    Hotels in resorts may go after affluent consumers at the height of their season, then try to attract other groups by advertising lower prices in the off-season.
  • 然而当这座城市的领导人意识到倒所有的古旧房屋将会使旅游业受到影响时,他们便展开了一项恢复历史传统的运动。
    But when the city's hands-on leaders realized tourism would drop if they tore down all the old buildings, they launched a campaign to recreate the past.
  • 在两端都有把手的长方形框架;它可被两个人着。
    a rectangular frame with handles at both ends; carried by two people.
  • 就实际情况来说,要确定一个人是不是影子董事并不容易,这牵涉到是否能够证明:有关的董事会长久以来卸董事应尽的责任,而仅遵照被断言为影子董事的人的指导、指示办事。
    In practice, it is not always easy to establish a person as a shadow director of a company, which involves the proof that the relevant board of directors has been failing to exercise any discretion or judgment, contending instead to act upon the directions and instructions of the alleged shadow di-rector as a matter of practice over a period of time.
  • 3月8日,当沃德·康奈利,这位在加州结束少数民族优先政策的过程中起动作用的人在该校进行演讲时,这是他的全国竞选运动的一部分,愤怒的学生猛烈地敲击墙壁以示抗议。
    On March 8th, angry students pounded the walls while Ward Connerly, the driving force behind the demise of affirmative action in California, was inside making a speech as part of his national campaign.
  • 《二零零一年财政预算案》额外拨款2.42亿元经常开支和1.225亿元非经常开支,以行连串新措施,为残疾人士提供更妥善的照顾和支援服务。
    The 2001 Budget earmarked additional funds of $242 million in recurrent expenditure and $122.5 million in non-recurrent expenditure for a package of new initiatives to provide better care and support to people with disabilities.
  • 继续行固体废物减量化、资源化和无害化政策,按照循环经济思路加强废物管理。
    Waste management policy, reduction, recycle and safe treatment, will be carry on and waste management will be tightened based on the principle of recycle economy.
  • 基本策略是通过实施总量控制计划,贯彻全过程控制和循环经济的思想,调整产业结构和工业布局,强化企业内部环境管理,广泛行先进生产技术,淘汰落后工艺并关停严重污染企业,继续深入开展污染防治特别是大气污染物无组织排放的控制。
    The primary approaches include implementation of total discharge quantity control program, application of life-cycle control and recycle economy, readjusting the industrial structure and layout, improvement of environment management within the enterprise, popularization of advanced technology, elimination of the outmoded technique and closing the enterprises with heavy pollution. It should be continued to control over pollution especially, the fugitive emission of air pollutants.
  • 每一次这样的机会双方都达成一种共识,即我们可以通过共同动知识的发展来拓展人类自由的疆界。
    In each occasion there is an affirmation that by together advancing knowledge we can extend the frontiers of human freedom.
  • 促进工业固体废物、商业垃圾和居民生活垃圾减量化;进城市生活垃圾分类收集、回收、处理工作;加快城市生活垃圾无害化处理设施建设和郊区城镇、村镇垃圾处理处置设施和消纳场所建设;
    we will quicken the reduction of industrial, commercial and domestic solid wastes, push forward the separate collection, treatment and recycling of urban domestic wastes, speed up the construction of facilities for the treatment and dumping of domestic wastes produced in urban and suburban areas.
  • 自一九八八年房屋委员会行整体重建计划以来,已重建的屋区大厦有515幢,约173300个家庭的居住环境得以改善。
    Since the launching of the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme in 1988, 515 housing blocks have been redeveloped to improve the living conditions of some 173 300 households.
  • 为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清拆户自置居所,房屋委员会于一九九八年九月行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年内获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
    The Mortgage Subsidy Scheme was implemented in September 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme and households affected by Cottage Area clearance exercises. Under the scheme, eligible applicants buying HOS or PSPS flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years.
  • 二零零一年,房屋委员会和房屋协会共提供70527个单位,编配给各类别的申请人,其中49900个为新单位、19700个为翻新单位,另有927个为空置单位。这些单位有56%编配给公屋轮候册上的申请人、29%编配给受房屋委员会整体重建计划影响的租户、1%编配给受清拆计划影响的家庭、2%编配给初级公务员。其余获编配单位的包括火灾和天灾灾民、位处危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住户,以及由社会福利署荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  • 现代编故事的人已经把这些形象编在了他们销的从跑车到花园中穿的木底鞋等每一样商品中,而且他们并不需要拼命销。1991年的一份调查发现,只有16%的美国女孩天生是金头发,而80%的美国男孩喜欢她们甚过那些浅黑色或红头发的女孩。
    Modern storytellers have tapped into those images to sell everything from sports cars to gardening clogs.They don't need to push too hard:A 1991 study found that while only 16 percent of American girls are born blond,80 percent of American boys prefer them to brunets or redheads.
  •  中部地区要加大结构调整力度,进农业产业化,改造传统产业,培育新的经济增长点,加快工业化和城镇化进程。
    The central region should redouble its efforts toward structural adjustment, giving impetus to industrialized operation of agriculture, transforming traditional industries, cultivating new economic growth points and speeding up industrialization and urbanization.
  • 要大力加强两岸人员往来和经济文化等方面的交流与合作,鼓励台胞投资和发展两岸贸易,保护台胞的正当权益,动早日实现两岸直接“三通”。
    We will redouble our efforts to promote mutual visits of people from both sides, expand exchange and cooperation in areas such as the economy and culture between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, encourage our compatriots in Taiwan to invest in the mainland and develop cross-straits trade, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of our Taiwan compatriots.
  • 新中国成立以后,各民主党派和工商联动和帮助各自的成员以及所联系的人们,接受社会主义改造,参加社会主义建设,参加反对国内外敌人的斗争,也都作出了宝贵的贡献。
    Since the founding of the People's Republic, all the democratic parties as well as the federations of industry and commerce have made valuable contributions in urging and helping their members and people with whom they have affiliation to accept socialist transformation and to participate in socialist construction and in the fight against enemies at home and abroad.
  • 全面深化科技、教育体制改革,积极进科技教育与经济社会发展紧密结合。
    Reforms of the science, technology and education systems were deepened, and efforts were redoubled to promote their integration with economic and social development.
  • 不时,这声响,这喧哗,随着涌向中央大台阶的人流的折回、混乱或旋转,益发振耳欲聋了。这是因为府衙的一名弓箭手在人,或是一名捕头骑马横冲直撞,拼命维持秩序。
    From time to time the uproar redoubled, the current which bore the crowd towards the grand stairs was choked, thrown back, and formed into eddies, when some archer thrust back the crowd, or the horse of one of the provost’s men kicked out to restore order;
  • 协会属下的多个体育总会,本身都是国际体育协会的会员,分别致力发展和广不同的体育活动。
    Members of the ASF & OC are NSAs which are in turn affiliated to their international federations.
  • 为获得宣誓书,上诉被迟。
    The appeal is adjourned for affidavit to be obtained.
  • 他们还荐了有关的参考资料。
    They also recommended related reference material.
  • 如获面谈机会,将非常高兴;如需人荐,本人亦可提供。
    I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.
  • 有些项目失败,是因为太多的注意力放在准备数据上,而不是放在敲挖掘模型上。
    Some projects suffer because too much attention is spent on preparing the data instead of refining the mining models.
  • 巩固和扩大纺织、冶金、煤炭等行业淘汰落后生产能力取得的成果,继续进石化、建材、机械、医药、制糖、烟草等行业压缩过剩、落后生产能力的工作。
    " They cannot engage in redundant construction or only expand their production capacity. The achievements made by the textile, metallurgical and coal industries in eliminating outmoded production capacity need to be consolidated and expanded. The petrochemical, building materials, machinery, pharmaceutical, sugar refining and tobacco industries should continue to reduce their surplus and outmoded production capacities.
  • 在这个过程中,不仅要继续采取必要的末端治理措施,更要加快源头削减,通过广清洁生产、建设循环经济、提高标准、完善规划、调整能源结构、完善工业布局、提高机动车质量等工作,使污染物排放总量有较大幅度的降低,城市的环境污染控制水平达到一个新的高度。
    To tackle both symptoms and causes, this process needs not only the traditional end-of-pipe measures, but also the source reduction instruments like promoting cleaner production, developing recycled economy, raising higher standard, refining city plan, adjusting energy structure, improving industrial layout, and introduction of automobiles at higher quality. In this way, the total discharge of pollutants should be reduced significantly, leading environmental pollution control to a new stage.
  • 沉思;思考,反省,理。
    ponder; reflect on, or reason about.