  • 另一些著述傢(其中包麥剋庫洛赫先生和薩伊先生)則把非生産性一詞看作是貶意的,反對將這個詞用於任何被認為是有用的勞動,所謂有用的勞動,是指所帶來的好處或快樂與所付出的代價價值相等的勞動。
    There are others (among whom are Mr. M'Culloch and M. Say) who looking upon the word unproductive as a term of disparagement, remonstrate against imposing it upon any labour which is regarded as useful-which produces a benefit or a pleasure worth the cost.
  • 內部網技術的一大優點是把一個簡單的接口交給了所有用戶,包那些遠程連接的用戶。
    One advantage of Intranet technology is the presentation of a simple interface to all users including those who are connecting remotely.
  • 政治經濟學家們聲稱是講授或研究財富的性質及其生産和分配規律的,包直接或間接地研究使人類或人類社會順利地或不順利地追求人類欲望的這一普遍對象的一切因素所起的作用。
    Writers on Political Economy profess to teach, or to investigate, the nature of Wealth, and the laws of its production and distribution: including, directly or remotely, the operation of all the causes by which the condition of mankind, or of any society of human beings, in respect to this universal object of human desire, is made prosperous or the reverse.
  • 隨着采用數字識別而改進的安全方法的發展,信息係統的專業人士逃脫了建立在用戶身份識別和口令之上的第一代web安全性帶來的陷阱和頭痛,這些改進的安全方法包數字證明、對象簽名和安全的internet郵件。
    With the advent of improved security methods involving digital identification, including digital certification, object signing, and secure Internet mail, IS professionals are dodging the pitfalls and headaches of first-generation Web security built on user IDs and passwords.
  • 所有外來的東西都被去除了,包內容。
    having extraneous everything removed including contents.
  • 科勒喬,安東尼奧·阿萊格林·達1494-1534文藝復興高潮期意大利畫傢,以其運用陰暗對照法著名。他的作品包有宗教畫,如:平安夜和壁畫,例如帕爾馬市聖保羅修道院的壁畫(1518年)
    Italian High Renaissance painter known for his use of chiaroscuro. Among his works are devotional pictures, including Holy Night, and frescoes, such as those in the convent of San Paolo in Parma(1518).
  • 使概使不確定或不具體
    To render indefinite or unspecific.
  • 許多新加坡人,包受高深教育、地位優越的社會精英,仍然積習難改,時時表現出漠視他人感受的舉止。若在文明的社會裏,這些行為即使不受到直言譴責,至少也是要遭人白眼的。
    Many Singaporeans, including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites, still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, in a more polite society.
  • 租金登記簿;包承租人的名字和支付的租金數量。
    a register of rents; includes the names of tenants and the amount of rent they pay.
  • ——在商業零售方面,美國企業也進入了中國市場,其中包美國著名的沃馬特公司。
    -- Retailing: US retailers, including the renowned Walmart Co., have also entered the Chinese market.
  • 這些慶祝活動共有151項,包在各區舉行的嘉年華會、康體設施開放日、專題展覽,以及由本港與內地著名演藝團體表演的文化節目。
    A total of 151 celebration activities were conducted, including carnival-type events, open day for leisure facilities, theme exhibitions and cultural presentations by renowned local and Mainland performing groups.
  • 公屋租金現時將差餉、管理及維修開銷也計算在內,平均約為估定市值租金(包差餉)的39%。
    At present, public housing rents include rates and management and repair expenses. Public housing tenants pay, on average, 39 per cent of the assessed market rent (inclusive of rates) for the flats they live in.
  • 截至二零零一年十二月底,申請輪候公屋的住戶共有95800戶,包19500個單身住戶。
    At the end of December 2001, there were 95 800 households on the Waiting List for public rental housing, including 19 500 singletons.
  • 該計劃的目標是由一九九七年起的五年內,平均每年提供五萬個單位,當中包房屋委員會興建的租住公屋、居屋和房屋協會的單位。
    This programme includes both public rental and HOS units built by the Housing Authority, as well as Housing Society flats.
  • 人民幣特殊賬戶的支出範圍包:買入證券支付價款(含印花稅、手續費等)、境內托管費和管理費、購匯資金(用於匯出本金及收益)。
    Expense articles in the RMB special account shall include: cost of purchasing securities (including stamp tax and commission charges), domestic custodian fee and management fee, and payment for purchasing foreign exchange (to be used to repatriate principals and proceeds).
  • 這項計劃於一九九六年二月開始實施,為參加旅行團外遊時意外傷亡的人士,提供經濟援助,包在有關國傢支付的醫療及殮葬費用,或把罹難外遊人士的遺體/骨灰運返香港的費用,也包協助傷亡外遊人士的最多兩名親屬前往探問或處理身後事所引緻的費用。
    Introduced in February 1996, this scheme provides financial relief to outbound travellers injured or killed in accidents while touring abroad. It covers medical expenses and funeral expenses incurred in the relevant country, or repatriation of the body/ashes of the victim, as well as expenses incurred in compassionate visits for up to two relatives of the victim.
  • 外籍家庭傭工若符合以下條件,可獲準來港工作。條件是傭工本身須具備有關工作經驗,而其雇主為真正的香港居民,並可為傭工提供合理的聘用條件,包不低於某水平的薪金及合適的住宿安排,且願意負擔傭工在港的生活費,以及把他們送返原籍國的費用。
    Foreign domestic helpers may be admitted subject to the conditions that they have relevant experience, that their employers are bona fide Hong Kong residents who are prepared to offer reasonable terms of employment including suitable accommodation and wages not lower than a minimum level set by the Government, and that the employers are willing to provide for the maintenance of the helpers in Hong Kong as well as to meet the costs of repatriation of the helpers to their country of origin.
  • 問題是怎樣善於使用,怎樣使每個項目都能夠比較快地見效,包解决好償付能力問題。
    The cardinal issues are how to make efficient use of foreign capital, how to make every project bring about economic returns as quickly as possible, and how to solve the problem of repayment.
  • 布什總統1.6萬億美元的減稅計劃中包廢除遺産稅。
    President Bush has included the repeal of the tax in his $ 1.6 trillion tax cut proposal.
  • 這裏的特點是包了資産階級,這是因為資産階級在今天的環境下,又有重新參加抗日的可能,所以無産階級政黨不應該拒絶他們,而應該招致他們,恢復和他們共同鬥爭的聯盟,以利於中國革命的前進。
    The salient feature here is the inclusion of the bourgeoisie; the reason is that in the present circumstances there is a possibility that the bourgeoisie will once again co-operate with us and join in the resistance to Japan, and the party of the proletariat should therefore not repel but welcome them and revive its alliance with them for the common struggle, so as to help the Chinese revolution forward.
  • 一九九八年,由於受到區內金融風暴影響,包本地生産總值及對外要素收入流動淨值的本地居民生産總值,以價值計算,減少3.3%至12,900億元。
    In 1998, the Gross National Product (GNP), comprising GDP and net external factor income flows, contracted by 3.3 per cent in value terms to $1,290 billion, upon the repercussions of the regional financial turmoil.
  • 這也包采取一種循序漸進的方法,而它的效用主要取决於歐元的順利流通和歐洲央行穩定政策的獨立實施。其帶來的影響將主要表現在以下幾個方面:
    As this involves a progressive approach, whose effectiveness mainly rests with the smooth circulation of euro and the independent execution of the stability-oriented policies by the European Central Bank (ECB), its repercussions will be most manifest in the following aspects:
  • 自一九九六年移居加拿大以來,劉芳每年定期在歐洲國傢巡回演出,活躍於歐美的音樂舞臺上,並參加各種藝術節,每年舉行近百場音樂會,包個人獨奏及與其他音樂傢和樂隊合作,得到了專傢和聽衆極高的贊譽.
    Since moving to Canada in 1996, Liu Fang has built a remarkable artistic profile by captivating audiences and critics with the richness and grace of her playing as well as her wide ranging repertoire.
  • 在時分多路復用(tdm)係統中,由所有信道的信號采樣中産生的重複信號組,它包為同步要求的附加信號和其它需要的係統信息。
    In a time division multiplex(TDM) system, a repetitive group of signals resulting from a signal sampling of all channels, including any additional signals for synchronizing and other required system information.
  • 馬剋思主義衹能包而不能代替文藝創作中的現實主義,正如它衹能包而不能代替物理科學中的原子論、電子論一樣。
    Marxism embraces but cannot replace realism in literary and artistic creation, just as it embraces but cannot replace the atomic and electronic theories in physics.
  • 當然,所有部件均可更換,我方報價包零部件的價格。
    Naturally all parts are replaceable, and our quotation includes prices of spare parts.
  • 南非的榜樣促動其他方面嘗試在整個非洲推行這一經驗,途徑包非洲發展新夥伴關係和區域機構。
    South Africa’s example has inspired others to try to replicate this experience Africa-wide though the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and regional bodies.
  • 前期階減數分裂的第一個階段,由一係列的事件組成,包脫氧核糖核酸的復製,同種染色體結合、交叉,染色體形成以及染色體的收縮
    The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.
  • 阿布魯齊意大利中部一地區,瀕臨亞得裏亞海。大部分為山區,包亞平寧山脈的最高峰--科諾峰
    A region of central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Mostly mountainous, it includes Mount Corno, the highest peak of the Apennines.
  • 這方面所涉及的貨品包戰略物品、儲備物品、藥用製品及藥物、除害劑、放射性物質及幅照儀器、左浹車輛、耗蝕臭氧層的物質、光碟母版及光碟復製品的製作設備。
    Items covered include strategic commodities, reserved commodities, pharmaceutical products and medicines, pesticides, radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, left-hand-drive vehicles, ozone-depleting substances and optical disc mastering and replication equipment.
  • 須申領進出口許可證的貨品包戰略物品、食米、冷藏或冷凍肉類及傢禽、藥用製品及藥物、除害劑、放射性物質及輻照儀器、左?車輛、耗蝕臭氧層物質、光碟母版及光碟復製品的製作設備。
    Products that require import or export licences include strategic commodities, rice, chilled or frozen meat and poultry, pharmaceutical products and medicines, pesticides, radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus, left-hand-drive vehicles, ozone-depleting substances, and optical disc mastering and replication equipment.
  • 國會的一些條款已在fy97ndaa禁止(傳聞李文皓已經下載了幾乎所有的檔案)任何與中國的有關武器關係的合作項目,其中包“stockpilestewardship”,國會有確鑿證據懷疑剋林頓政府參與了與中國的“stockpilestewardship”項目。
    But note again that Congress prohibited in the FY 97 NDAA(after Wen Ho Lee had reportedly already downloaded nearly all the 'legacy' files ) any cooperative nuclear weapons-related programs with the PRC including "stockpile stewardship." Congress must have had some reason for suspecting that the Clinton Administration was engaged in, or was proposing to engage in, some sort of cooperative 'stockpile stewardship' program with the PRC.