  • 使减细,使减小;使减,使变薄
    To make slender, fine, or small.
  • 细枝样的像细枝一样的,如在纤细脆
    Resembling a twig or twigs, as in slenderness or fragility.
  • 的人,细微的东西纤、瘦或轻微的人或物
    One that is thin, frail, or slight.
  • 碱化的变成碱的;碱性的
    Becoming alkaline; slightly alkaline.
  • 他的体格非常瘦弱。
    He is very slightly built.
  • 趋向于成为碱;微的碱性。
    tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline.
  • 我总记得她是一个纤的小女孩。
    I shall always remember her as a slim young girl.
  • 所以在冀南单独提出削封建的口号,是值得考虑的。
    Therefore, standing by itself, the slogan for weakening the feudal forces introduced in southern Hebei needs reconsideration.
  • 强者影响他人,而者则受影响。
    Strong personalities react on others, while weaker personalities are reacted on.
  • 减慢,放松速度、力量或强度减;放慢
    A reduction in pace, force, or intensity; a slowdown.
  • 其后,由于市场忧虑美国经济显着放缓,美元兑日圆及欧元转,港汇指数轻微下跌。
    Thereafter, the EERI decreased slightly, along with the weakening of the US dollar against the Japanese Yen and the Euro, amid concerns on a marked slowdown in US economic activity.
  • 火车从地下驶上地面,进入微的天光中。随后,贫民窟和城市隐隐地提醒布雷克,使他想起了跟踪他的那个女人。
    The train traveled up from underground into the weak daylight, and the slums and the city reminded Blake vaguely of the woman who had followed him.
  • 人人都有弱点。
    Every man has his weak side.
  • 美国的反应不单是一种报复的心理,也是一个脆的政府寻求政治支持的手段。
    The backlash is not only emotionally driven but also smack of a need for political legitimacy of an erstwhile fragile administration.
  • 另一方面,对自己的点(没有经验,力量小),也不了解。
    Moreover, they had no understanding of their own weaknesses (i.e., lack of experience and smallness of forces).
  • 因此,虽然中国无产阶级有其不可避免的点,例如人数较少(和农民比较),年龄较轻(和资本主义国家的无产阶级比较),文化水准较低(和资产阶级比较);然而,他们终究成为中国革命的最基本的动力。
    Therefore, in spite of certain unavoidable weaknesses, for instance, its smallness (as compared with the peasantry), its youth (as compared with the proletariat in the capitalist countries) and its low educational level (as compared with the bourgeoisie), the Chinese proletariat is nonetheless the basic motive force of the Chinese revolution.
  • 一个有待解决的问题是:基于是害怕无休止的惩罚而产生的行为是被视作有道德的呢,还是应该被视作懦的?(美国人文学家 米德.M.)
    It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded as merely cowardly. (Magaret Mead, USA humanist)
  • 皮质醛酮增多症由于皮质醛酮激素分泌过量而导致的紊乱,可造成虚、心脏异常和异常高血压
    A disorder marked by excessive secretion of the hormone aldosterone, which can cause weakness, cardiac irregularities, and abnormally high blood pressure.
  • 我的祖父亚历山大使我为自己的无知和对自学的能感到羞愧。
    Alexander, my grandfather, made me ashamed of my ignorance and weakness of education by personal study.
  • 用来预防消化道气体的形成或减气体的通过的药物。
    medication that prevents the formation of gas in the alimentary tract or eases its passing.
  • 该署领导和支持旨在预防艾滋病毒传播、降低个人和社区脆性、提供护理和支助以及缓解艾滋病的影响的工作。
    It leads and supports work to prevent the transmission of HIV, reduce the vulnerability of individuals and communities, provide care and support, and alleviate the impact of the epidemic.
  • 欢乐因痛苦削弱了。
    Pleasure alloyed with pain.
  • 剧中多处幽默地提到人类的点。
    There are many humorous allusions to human foibles in the drama.
  • 举世公认的美貌,加之这种柔的天性让她成为一颗明星。"
    "Alongside her beauty, this evident fragility made her a star."
  • 仍然存在尽管逐渐减或者逐渐垂死。
    remain present although waning or gradually dying.
  • [14]这似乎很简单,如此合理且源于常识:使体育充满乐趣,把它组织好,那样孩子们就会赞美自己的优点,不断克服自己的点,而这些又将使像阿曼达.布什这样的人对体育充满热情,帮助他们养成终生的健康习惯。
    [14] It seems simple, so sound and rooted in common sense: make PE fun, structure it so children celebrate their strengths and work on their weaknesses and that, in turn, will keep people like Amanda Bush enthusiastic about physical education and help them establish lifelong fitness habits.
  • 体弱雄心减。
    Failing health dwindled ambition.
  • 听从劝说的一些人;精神上确实是愿意的,但肉体却是虚的——《马太福音》。
    someone amenable to persuasion; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak- Matthew 26:41.
  • 不过,由于实质利息成本相对高昂,加上银行信贷持续紧绌,企业在投资计划上仍然相当审慎,以致私营机构的机器和设备投资开支持续疲
    Yet investment spending on machinery and equipment in the private sector stayed weak, as companies remained cautious in their investment plans amidst a relatively high real interest cost and continued stringency in bank credit.
  • 因为,爱情底报酬永远是这样,要不是回爱,就是一种内心的隐藏的轻蔑,这条定理是真的。由此可见人们更应当如何提防这种情欲,因为它不但使人失去别的事物,简直连自己也保不住。至于其他的损失,古诗人的故事表现得极好;就是喜爱海伦的人是舍弃了攸诺和派拉斯底赏赐的。因为无论何人若过于重视爱情,则自将放弃财富与智慧也。这种情欲泛滥的时候正是在人心力极的时候;那就是在一个人最繁荣或最困厄的时候——虽然困厄是不甚受人注意过的。这两个时候都是燃起爱火并使之更为热烈的,由此足见“爱”是“愚”之子也。有些人,即在心中不能不有爱的时候,仍能使它受约束,并且把它与人生底要务严格分开,这些人可算做事极当;因为“爱”若是一旦参与正事,就要扰害人们底福利,并且使他们无术坚守自己底目的。我不懂为什么,可是武人最易堕入爱情。我想这也和他们喜欢喝酒一样;因为危险的事业多需要娱乐为报酬也。人性之中有一种隐秘地爱他人的倾向和趋势,这种倾向若不消耗在一个人或少数人身上,将很自然地普及于众人,并使人变为仁慈的,例如在僧侣之中有时就看得到这样的情形。
    For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection,quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness;which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter:and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love:I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.
  • 哌醋甲酯一种药,c14h19no2,与苯丙胺有化学上的联系,用作中枢神经系统兴奋剂,尤其以其氢氯化物形式来治疗成人的发作性睡眠病和儿童的运动功能亢进失调
    A drug, C14H19NO2, chemically related to amphetamine, that acts as a mild stimulant of the central nervous system and is used especially in the form of its hydrochloride for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children.
  • 前置放大器电子线路或装置,用来探测并加强无线电接收机所发出的微信号,从而使其达到更加有力的增幅程度
    An electronic circuit or device that detects and strengthens weak signals, as from a radio receiver, for subsequent, more powerful amplification stages.