  • 我几乎认不出她就是我上学时认识的那个孩儿。
    She was barely recognizable as the girl I had known at school.
  • 你能认出那个人是谁了吗,玛丽?
    Can you recognize that woman,Mary?
  • 你能认出那个人是谁了吗,玛丽?
    Can you recognize that woman, Mary?
  • 凯特:米莉,你能认出那个人吗?
    Kate: Can you recognize that woman, Millie?
  • 不过,伊丽莎白的为人一贯温柔乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何人也不曾使他这样着迷过。
    but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her.
  • 我认出她是我同志的儿。
    I recognized her as my comrade's daughter.
  • 价值还未被得到公认的孩。
    a girl whose merits have not been recognized.
  • 公认为浪漫主义小说的主要作家
    Recognized as the first lady of romantic fiction
  • 朕调解整个欧洲较诸调解两个人更快。
    I can sooner reconcile all Europe than two women.
  • 朕调解整个欧洲较诸调解两个人更快。
    I could sooner reconcile all Europe than two women.
  • 他们在愤怒的王面前瑟瑟发抖;但是因为他在发怒,短暂的斗争就只好以和解告终。
    they trembled before the wrathful queen; but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation.
  • 今天正赶上“把儿带到工作场所活动日”。数百万9到15岁的孩子拥入全国各地的工作场所。在过去5年内许多活动的参加者说这种参与已经产生了影响,那就是有助于孩子们选择职业或重新考虑职业的选择,而且还使孩子们更富于进取心。
    As millions of girls 9 to 15 years of age invaded workplaces all across the country today on Take Our Daughters to Work Day, many of the participants over the last five years say the experience has made an impression that helped them pick a career or reconsider career choices, and become more ambitious.
  • 一千四百年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信的历代踵修,终于建成了庞大的佛教禅林和文化圣地。
    After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims, it finally became an enormous Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.
  • 所员获释后,能完成3年善后监管而没有再被定罪的男犯比率,分别为59%及91%。
    After being discharged from training centres, 59 per cent of the male offenders and 91 per cent of the female offenders completed the three-year supervision without reconviction.
  • carrie和她所代表的"新新人"认为穿着华丽比实际富有更重要。
    Carrie and other women like her act as if it is more important to look affluent than it is to actually be affluent.
  • 尽管他可能是富裕的,但他一点不知道该付多少小费给看门人和清理卧室的服务员。
    Affluent he may be, But he is by no means sure what to tip the doorman or the chambermaid.
  • 他和妻子并没有责备儿,而是把水渍擦得干干净净。儿抬起头看着他们说:“谢谢爸爸妈妈!
    After the water was cleaned up without any recriminating remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, " You know, I really want to thank you guys for not being like other parents.
  • 在另一方面,在接收党员的工作中,也有过关门主义的错误,例如,某一个时期曾经没有着重在产业工人中发展党员,另一个时期又曾经忽视在革命的知识分子中发展党员,在某些农村中曾经不注意吸收青年积极分子和妇积极分子入党,等等。
    At the same time, the mistake of "closed-doorism" was also made in admitting new members. At one time the Party failed to attach importance to recruiting new members from among industrial workers; at another time it neglected to recruit new members from among revolutionary intellectuals; in certain rural areas the Party organizations neglected to recruit activists among youth and women.
  • 根据需要,也可吸收性公民参加基干民兵。
    The primary militia may recruit female citizens when necessary.
  • 我们雇了六个孩作为电脑展览会的讲解员。
    We have recruit six girls to act as hostess at the computer show.
  • 男士士都应咨询有关结肠癌、直肠癌的检查情况。
    Both men and women should also discuss screening for colon and rectal cancers.
  • 无腿方形的大键琴;在、世纪通常由性演奏。
    a legless rectangular harpsichord; played (usually by women) in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • 但伊林却坚持认为,人酷爱金发纯粹是环境造成的,她将当今文化中再度出现的三种主要的金发类型作了归纳:第一种是主要出现在神话故事中与性无关的、流行时间很短的纯金发,如睡美人、灰姑娘,还有戴安娜王妃。
    But Ilyin insists our fascination is purely environmental. She has defined three major blond types that recur in the culture.There's the ephemeral and asexual innocent blond who appears mostly in fairy tales: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella??but also Princess Diana.
  • 作为一名军人的妻子,我更期望人人都珍惜和平,珍惜生命,人人都献出一点爱,在新的世纪里,不要再让战争的阴云再现,不要再让父母失去儿,妻子失去丈夫,孩子失去爸爸的悲剧重演!
    As the wife of a serviceman,I hope,more than anybody else,that everyone will cherish peace and life,that everyone will offer love to others so that the misery of war,parents’ loss of their children,wives’ loss of their husbands and sons’ loss of their fathers will not recur in the new century.
  • 红粟女式服装
    Red Chestnut Dresses for Ladies
  • 他们断言这个孩子读了不少书。
    They affirmed that the girl did quite a bit of reading.
  • 尤其是对青少年罪犯,要求监管工作人员要象父母对待子、医生对待病人、教师对待学生那样真诚地、耐心地、细致地做好教育、感化、挽救工作。
    The prison staff need to work especially hard on the education, conversion and redemption of juvenile delinquents, working in a sincere, patient and painstaking manner like parents with children, doctors with patients and teachers with students.
  • 不是同一农奴主的男农奴结婚要缴纳“赎身费”,有的是采取男换男,的交换,有的是婚嫁后,夫妻双方的领属关系不变,将来生男孩归夫方领主,生孩归妻方领主。
    Male and female serfs not belonging to the same owner had to pay "redemption fees" before they could marry. In some cases, an exchange was made with a man swapped for man and a woman for woman. In other cases, after a couple wedded, the ownership of both husband and wife remained unchanged, but their sons would belong to the husband's owner and their daughters to the wife's owner.
  • 他与一个漂亮的红发郎结婚了。
    He married a beautiful redhead.
  • 现代编故事的人已经把这些形象编在了他们推销的从跑车到花园中穿的木底鞋等每一样商品中,而且他们并不需要拼命推销。1991年的一份调查发现,只有16%的美国孩天生是金头发,而80%的美国男孩喜欢她们甚过那些浅黑色或红头发的孩。
    Modern storytellers have tapped into those images to sell everything from sports cars to gardening clogs.They don't need to push too hard:A 1991 study found that while only 16 percent of American girls are born blond,80 percent of American boys prefer them to brunets or redheads.
  • 我们发动人民的生产热忱,反对懒汉,组织劳动力并实行调剂,改良种子,解决牲畜农具的需要,发动儿童拾粪,号召妇参加生产,调解租佃关系和主雇关系,以及发动植树、修渠、打井、造水车等事业,所有这些,无一不是非常具体的工作。
    We arouse the people's enthusiasm for production work, criticize idleness, organize and redistribute the labour force, improve seed strains, supply the necessary draught animals and farm tools, mobilize children to collect manure, call upon women to participate in production work, mediate between landlords and tenants and between employers and employees, mobilize the people to plant trees, build irrigation ditches, dig wells, make waterwheels, and so on. These are all very concrete jobs.
  • 饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男
    Hunger deepens my knowledge of the reality and gives me more courage to live. From now on, I'm going to redouble my efforts to struggle not only for myself, but also for thousands upon thousands of young men and women who, like me, are on the brink of starvation.