  • 在丁太太送晚飯來時,我裝着打聽關於我的住所必需的東西,請她坐下來守着我,真誠地希望她是一個地道的愛絮叨的人,希望她的話不是使我興高采烈,就是催我入眠。
    and, under pretence of gaining information concerning the necessities of my establishment, I desired Mrs Dean, when she brought in supper, to sit down while I ate it; hoping sincerely she would prove a regular gossip, and either rouse me to animation or lull me to sleep by her talk.
  • (編按:原信毀損缺文)尤其是你的母親,她在這個星期中,飯也不,晚上也不睡,纍到我精神大感不安,白天學校回來,一到傢,她就要提出問題,晚上要改課,她也要吵,睡中亦被喚醒。
    (words lost due to damage in original document) , especially your mother.In this whole week, she could not eat, and at night she could not sleep, straining even my own mental frame causing me great anxiety. I taught during the day and as soon as I returned home from school, she would raise the subject with me. When I was engaged in marking the students' scripts in the evening, she would pester me.she would even rouse me from my sleep.
  • 吃進食的動作
    The act of eating.
  • 白幹酪一種味淡的、白色的並有彈性的意大利奶酪,通常融化放在比薩餅上
    A mild, white Italian cheese that has a rubbery texture and is often eaten melted, as on pizza.
  • 那好。我們那天中午在紅寶石酒店碰面,我請人午飯。
    That's good. Let's meet at ruby restaurant at noon. I'll buy you lunch.
  • 那好。我們那天中午在紅寶石酒店碰面,我請人午飯。
    That 's good. Let 's meet at Ruby Restaurant at noon. I 'll buy you lunch.
  • 不聽好人言,虧在眼前。
    Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.
  • 她那粗魯的丈夫大聲喊着要飯。
    Her rude husband bawled for his dinner.
  • 我對他的粗暴無禮感到驚。
    I wonder at his rudeness.
  • 他的粗野使我大一驚。
    I was astonished at his rudeness.
  • 他那樣粗魯無禮使我大一驚。
    I was taken aback by his rudeness.
  • 她突如其來的粗魯語言使我大一驚。
    Her unexpected rudeness made me gasp for breath.
  • 他粗俗無禮,使我了一驚。
    I was rather taken aback by his rudeness.
  • 他們現在在交叉將了。
    They is cross ruff now.
  • 出黑桃可讓明手將
    A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy.
  • 他在打第二墩牌時將梅花,這很聰明。
    He's clever to ruff a club at trick two.
  • 他們現在在交叉將了。
    They are crossing ruffing now.
  • 很明顯,這條規則讓我虧了。
    This rule clearly disadvantages me.
  • 反芻下的食物;用於反芻動物。
    chew the cuds; of ruminants.
  • 他攜帶從銀行偷來的錢外逃,使他的傢人盡了苦頭。
    His runaway with the money stolen from the bank gave his family a rough time.
  • 輪船穿過急流,力地前進。
    The steamer ploughed her way across the rushing waters.
  • 美食就是一個最好的例子,法國人不喜歡匆匆忙忙地飯。
    Food is the best example. The French don't like rushing their meals.
  • 我去試試弄點東西來
    I'll try and rustle up something to eat.
  • 2.多魚魚中富含ω-3脂肪酸。
    2.Eat More Fish Fish is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • 她替那個餓着肚子的男孩搞了些的當晚飯。
    She rustled up some supper for the hungry boy.
  • 我們驚地發現有50套醫療器械銹損得很嚴重。
    We are surprised to find 50 sets of the medical instrument terribly rusty.
  • 東西的樣子挺殘忍,大聲咀嚼食物。
    He ate in a ruthless manner , champing his food.
  • 彌撒經念過以後,作為早餐,他一塊黑麥面包,蘸着自傢的牛的乳汁。
    His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows.
  • 吃一塹,長一智。
    By falling we learn to go safely.
  • 毫不誇張地說,我對他的話感到驚。
    I am surprised at what he said, to say the least.
  • 毫不誇張地說,我對他的話感到驚。
    I was surprised at what he said, to say the least.
  • 如果你把那些蘋果都掉後胃痛的話,那是你應得的報應。
    It will serve you right if you get stomach ache after eating all those apples.