  • 中央政府把布达拉宫、拉萨三大寺、大昭寺、日喀则扎什伦布寺等为国家重点文物保护单位。
    The Potala Palace, the Three Grand Monasteries in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple and Tashilhunpo Monastery in Xigaze have been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the Central Government.
  • 布达拉宫、大昭寺、甘丹寺、藏王墓、江孜宗山抗英遗址、古格王国遗址等9处被入1961年国务院公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位。
    A total of nine historical sites were listed among the first batch of important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the State Council in 1961, including the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Ganden Monastery, Tibetan King's Tomb, Mount Dzong (Dzongri) Anti-British Monument in Gyangze County, and the Guge Kingdom ruins.
  • 从字面上看,多媒体是指两种或两种以上媒体。如果本书的出版者想加入当前多媒体广告的行,那么,他就可以声称这本书已经使用了多媒体技术。因为,毕竟,它包含两种媒体,文本和图形(插图)。
    Literally, multimedia means TWO or more media. If the publisher of this book Wanted to join the Current hype about multimedia,he could advertise the book as using multimedia technology. After all,it contains two media: text and graphics(the figures).
  • 如果本书的出版者想加入当前多媒体广告的行,那么,他就可以声称这本书已经使用了多媒体技术。
    If the publisher of this book Wanted to join the Current hype about multimedia, he could advertise the book as using multimedia technology.
  • 做广告用公共布告做广告或作为计划的一部分入计划表
    To advertise or schedule by public notice or as part of a program.
  • 宣布;贴广告;入节目单
    Announce or advertise; put in a programme
  • 分支程序正常指令序撤回控制时转向的程序指令序,依赖于某些变量的取值
    A sequence of program instructions to which the normal sequence of instructions relinquishes control, depending on the value of certain variables.
  • 古物古迹办事处专业人员于二月迁往湾仔文康广播局总部办公后,位于九龙尖沙咀弥敦道136号被为历史建筑物的前九龙英童学校已暂时改建为一所文物资源中心。
    After relocation of the professional staff of the AMO to the head office of the Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau in Wan Chai in February, the historical building of the former Kowloon British School at 136 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, was converted into a temporary Heritage Resource Centre.
  • 新加坡早期致力于在政治和经济上求存,经过多年努力才进入发达国家行。新加坡领袖和人民目前正努力确保新加坡社会继续维持开放、人民能够对政府的政策发表意见、有更多的途径让人们公开辩论和要求纠正对他们造成不良影响的政策。
    From its earlier obsession with political and economic survival to its hard-earned First World status, Singapore leaders and people are increasingly striving to ensure that it remains an open society, in which the citizenry has a voice in good governance and that more avenues are available to debate and seek redress on public policies adversely affecting them.
  • 二是中国综合国力明显增强,gdp世界第6位;
    Second, China's comprehensive national power has been remarkably strengthened, with its GDP ranking the 6th largest in the world.
  • vandenbrink公司推出了转向灵活而风格独特的carver轿车,它的驾驶室很像小汽车的(尤其像新甲壳虫的驾驶室),但里面的座椅又和摩托车一样前后排
    The Vandenbrink Carver is a crossover vehicle of a different sort:its enclosed cabin is reminiscent of a car's(specifically,the New Beetle's),but it seats just two in tandem like a motorcycle.
  • 关于销售帐单,请分别明各项收支,并请将款项分别汇交本公司。
    As to the account sale, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each.
  • 它也可使衰弱的肺恢复弹性,软化已病变的前腺。
    ALT-711 could also renew declining lung elasticity and soften an enlarged and hardened prostate.
  • 这时宁重新开始草拟党纲的工作。
    Then Lenin renewed his work on the draft programme of the Party.
  • 年轻时奥纳多以其形体健美和强壮有力而驰名。
    As a young man Leonardo was renowned for his physical beauty and his great strength.
  • 此时的奥纳多作为一位神秘人物甚至魔术师而远近闻名。
    By this time Leonardo was renowned as a figure of great mystery, almost a magician.
  • 这座举世闻名的庄园建筑共4层,实际上是模仿不颠群岛上的乡村房屋设计的。它经受了时间的考验,但其间也经历了一些变化。
    The world renowned four story manor, actually designed after a country house of the British Isles, has stood the test of time, but not without changes.
  • 沿着蛇行轨迹单前进的一队伍。
    a group advancing in a single-file serpentine path.
  •  第二十九条 合格投资者需购汇汇出上一会计年度经中国注册会计师审计的已实现税后收益,应当委托托管人提前十五个工作日持下文件向国家外汇局提出申请:
    Article 29. If QFII needs to purchase foreign exchange to repatriate their post-tax profits of the previous accounting year which have been audited by Chinese CPA, the QFII should mandate its custodian to apply to SAFE fifteen days prior to repatriation, together with the following documents:
  • 巴菲特等人在反对废除遗产税的请愿书中举了这些因素,他们还谈到了同样带有感情色彩而且更为复杂的因素:精英管理的原则。
    Buffett and company cite these factors in their petition calling for opposition to the estate? tax repeal.They also discuss something that's equally emotional and far more complex: the principle of meritocracy.
  • 满足一定条件时重复执行的指令序
    A sequence of instructions executed repeatedly while a certain condition prevails.
  • 规则而反复发生的一系事件进行一次完整的循环所需要的时间。
    The time required for one complete cycle of a regular, repeating, series of events.
  • 这些纤维状溶液本身带有相同的电荷,互相排斥,像布纹一样,其纹理排得极有规律。
    The fibers have the same charge, so they repel one another and regularly space themselves like a textile weave.
  • dna复制品,克隆遗传工程培育的dna序的复制品,例如基因
    A replica of a DNA sequence, such as a gene, produced by genetic engineering.
  • 前期阶减数分裂的第一个阶段,由一系的事件组成,包括脱氧核糖核酸的复制,同种染色体结合、交叉,染色体形成以及染色体的收缩
    The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.
  • 上个月,我寄给你们由专家组写的一份报告。报告出了如何加强联合国在和平和安全这个关键问题上的作用的详细建议。这个关键问题是,人民特别希望其国家,也特别希望联合国将他们从“战争的深渊”中解救出来。
    Last month I sent you a Repot, produced by a Pane1 of experts, which makes detailed suggestions for strengthening the United Nations in the crucial area of peace and security -- the area where people look especially to the State, and where the world's peoples look to the United Nations to save them "from the scourge of war".
  • 离散时间周期序的离散傅里叶级数表示
    discrete Fourier series representation of discrete-time periodic sequences
  • 准州席代表被选出或任命的美国准州在众议院中的代表,被授予演说权,但不能投票选举
    An elected or appointed representative of a U.S. territory in the House of Representatives who is entitled to speak but not vote.
  • 一八四○年以后,由于西方强的入侵,中国逐渐成为半殖民地半封建社会,中国人民受到帝国主义、封建主义的双重压迫。
    After 1840, the invasion by Western imperialist powers reduced China to the status of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and subjected the Chinese people to twofold repression by imperialism and feudalism.
  • 陆军及通用武器装备基本实现制式化、系化,提高了火力压制、地面突击、战场机动、战场情报侦察、作战指挥和防护能力,满足了多兵种联合作战的要求。
    The basic realization of standardization and serialization of the Army and general-purpose armaments has enhanced the capabilities of fire repression, ground assault, battlefield manoeuverability, battlefield intelligence and reconnaisance, operational command and protection, and has thus met the demand for combined operations.
  • 试播节目,前导节目一种作为系节目中的样本的电视节目,以便让某一网络采纳
    A television program produced as a prototype of a series being considered for adoption by a network.
  • 布尔什维克俄国社会民主工人党占多数派的左翼成员,该党于1903年接受了宁建党理论
    A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in1903.