  • 請把從他們那裏得到消息告訴我們,懷疑他們最後可能會做讓步。
    Advise what you hear from them query their eventual concession possible.
  • 他在國會中指,究竟哪些人才應該被稱為“外來人才”?
    His query was that who should be labeled a "foreign talent"?
  • 總會計師必須回答審計員們提的衆多問題。
    The chief accountant have to answer a mass of query from the auditor.
  • 老師的脾氣很不好,因此無人敢在課堂上提問題。
    The teacher is so ill-tempered that nobody dares to raise a query in his class.
  • 老師的脾氣很不好,因此無人敢在課堂上提問題。
    The teacher is so ill - tempered that nobody dare to raise a query in his class.
  • 在科學釋放可怕的破壞力量,把全人類捲入預謀的或意外的自我毀滅的深淵之前,讓我們雙方重新開始尋求和平。
    Both sides begin a new quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction.
  • 我們原計劃今年國,但現在必須取消這個計劃,因為我沒有錢。
    We planned to go abroad this year, but now we had to scrub it because we've got no money.
  • 提出一個重要的問題
    Raised an important question.
  • 問題出乎意料。
    The question was unexpected.
  • 例如某些人會在會議上提一個問題,一個完全陌生的人會傳送一個答案;由於一些人沒有看到最初的答案而多次重複這一問題,這時另外一些人會搜集一係列“經常提到的問題”並將其放置在新來者能找到的地方。
    For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn’t seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it.
  • 我用了很多的時間,問自己諸如“他為什麽會那樣說”之類的問題,然後又對另一個爸爸的話提同樣的疑問。
    Much of my private time was spent reflecting, asking myself questions such as, "Why does he say that?" and then asking the same question of the other dad's statement.
  • 我非常想問問阿爾芒有關瑪格麗特的事情,因為書上的題詞,這位青年的長途跋涉和他想得到這本書的強烈願望都引起了我的好奇心,但是我又不敢貿然嚮我的客人提這些問題,生怕他以為我不接受他的錢衹是為了有權幹預他的私事。
    I very much wanted to question Armand about Marguerite, for the dedication in the book, the young man's journey, his desire to possess the volume, all excited my curiosity; but I feared that by questioning my visitor, I should appear to have refused his money simply to have the right to pry into his business.
  • 問:用什麽方式提的?
    Question: In what way?
  • 當你擦地板時至少能表現努力的樣子
    At least put forth a semblance of effort when you scrub the floor.
  • 的墨水不容易擦洗掉。
    The spilt ink won't scrub out easily.
  • 我覺得自己做了力所能及的最好的事,使我自己從可疑的境地中擺脫了來。
    I felt I had done the best thing I could and had gotten myself out of a questionable situation.
  • 中國傳統音樂非常棒,要讓我談談比利時傳統音樂,我會不知該說什麽,恐怕舉不太多例子。但這裏傳統音樂的因素卻非常之多。
    The traditional music in China is very very strong. If you would ask me how is the traditional music in Belgian, well, it's very questionable, I don't know if I could give you a lot of examples. But there is lot here in China.
  • 非常尖銳問題的人。
    a questioner who is excessively harsh.
  • 數月前剋林頓州長同意與布什先生交手三次,由兩黨組成的總統辯論委員會主辦。布什助選團巧妙地拖延,然後對辯論形式提異議。委員會根據過去經驗,合情合理地提議由一人主持辯論。但是布什先生堅持由一組記者來發問的笨拙形式。這種方式在過去辯論時曾窒礙難行。
    Gov.Bill Clinton agreed months ago to three encounters with Mr.Bush, sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. The Bush campaign artfully dawdled, then took issue with the debate format. The commission, reacting to past experience, sensibly proposed a single moderator. But Mr.Bush is holding out for the cumbersome format of a panel of journalist questioners that has clotted past debates.
  • 一種排隊方法,按照這種方法,下一個要取的項是最近進入該隊列的項。
    A queuing technique in which the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently placed in the queue.
  • 一種排隊方法,按此方法,下一次要被檢索的項將是在隊列中等待時間最長的項。firstinfirstout的縮寫。
    A queuing technique in which the next item to is retrieved is the item that has been in the queue for the longest time.
  • 他們排隊等候租汽車。
    They queue d for a taxi.
  • 她提出此點,純屬遁詞.
    She's only introducing this as a quibble.
  • 發現或找細微的差距
    To see or make trivial distinctions; quibble.
  • 當你和你的親近的少吵嘴時候,試着就事論事,不要扯那些陳芝麻、爛𠔌子的事;
    When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don’t quibble over the appetizers;
  • 迅速註意的;表現迅速而敏銳的理解力的。
    quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
  • 作戰部為一場軍事行動、進入或退戰場或指揮其他活動而設的總部或中心
    The headquarters or center from which a military action, flights into and out of an airfield, or other activities are controlled.
  • 很快就找出錯誤
    Quick to find fault.
  • 那些房子準備拆掉,好騰地方修飛機場。
    Those houses are going to be pulled down to make room for an airfield.
  • 讓我們快點出去。
    Let's get out quick.
  • 一種快速並且短的直接拳。
    a quick short straight punch.
  • 迅速理解和作反應。
    quick in apprehending or reacting.