  • 民们在继续进行收割。
    The peasants are shoving on with their reaping.
  • 民们忙著在田里割稻。
    The farmer is busy reaping the rice in the field.
  • 在较大的场上,这种收割方式早过时了。
    On larger farms this method of reaping went out long ago.
  • 例如,在变革自然的过程中,某一工程计划的实现,某一科学假想的证实,某一器物的制成,某一产的收获,在变革社会过程中某一罢工的胜利,某一战争的胜利,某一教育计划的实现,都算实现了预想的目的。
    In the process of changing nature, take for example the fulfilment of an engineering plan, the verification of a scientific hypothesis, the manufacture of an implement or the reaping of a crop; or in the process of changing society, take for example the victory of a strike, victory in a war or the fulfilment of an educational plan. All these may be considered the realization of aims one has in mind.
  • 民们庄稼获得丰收。
    The farmers reaped a good harvest from their crops.
  • 猪只及家禽是本地民主要饲养的食用禽畜。
    Pigs and poultry are the principal animals reared for food.
  • (以色列)由其成员拥有的集体场;孩子们被集体抚养长大。
    (Israel) a collective farm owned by its members; children are reared collectively.
  • 可以有理由预料今年将会以业的全面好转而结束。
    It can reasonably be expected that the year will go out upon an overall improvement in agriculture.
  • 历史上存在过许多流寇主义的民战争,都没有成功。
    History knows many peasant wars of the "roving rebel" type, but none of them ever succeeded.
  • 然而流寇主义在今天的破产民中还是存在的,他们的意识反映到游击战争的领导者们的头脑中,就成了不要或不重视根据地的思想。
    However, this roving-rebel idea still exists among impoverished peasants, and in the minds of guerrilla commanders it becomes the view that base areas are neither necessary nor important.
  • 忍受了多年的压迫和剥削,民们终于造反了。
    Having put up with oppression and exploitation for long years, the peasants at length rebelled.
  • 我反对一些人在白厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦敦挺进,我们撤退时,就该烧毁整个村。
    I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated.
  • 在西藏顽固坚持奴制度的奴主和国外反华势力相互勾结下,叛乱活动迅速蔓延。
    With the collusion of the Tibetan serf-owners bent on retaining serfdom and the foreign anti-China forces, the rebellious activities soon became rampant.
  • 他在非洲务农.
    He is farming in Africa.
  • 受投资增长的拉动,一批代表最终消费需求的机床、发电机、机车、汽车、计算机、工程机械、机具等产品销售增长幅度明显回升,薄板、焊管、铅、锌、木材等原材料价格开始反弹。
    Boosted by increased investment, the growth rate of sales of a group of products that represent final consumption demand, such as machine tools, power generators, locomotives, automobiles, computers, engineering machinery and farm machinery and implements and so on has picked up notably, the prices of raw and semi-finished materials such as sheets, welded tubes, lead, zinc and timber have begun to rebound.
  • 当第一时期,富耳里听得的是所谓江西一败如水,蒋介石打伤了脚,坐飞机回广东了。吴佩孚重新占了岳州。
    In the first period, what appealed to the rich peasants was the talk about the Northern Expeditionary Army's sustaining a crushing defeat in Kiangsi, about Chiang Kai-shek's being wounded in the leg and flying back to Kwangtung, and about Wu Pei-fu's recapturing Yuehchow.
  • 人们越走越远,以期趋近旷野和村,但是旷野和村却渐渐远去了。
    People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them.
  • 主甲板被淹没了;雨季让整个地方都被水淹没;被水淹了的浴室;被淹没的田;水都溢出来了的浴缸。
    the main deck was afloat (or awash); the monsoon left the whole place awash; a flooded bathroom; inundated farmlands; an overflowing tub.
  • 由于香港传统渔场的渔业资源下降,为了解决这个问题,并协助渔民到更远的水域捕鱼,渔自然护理署委讬了顾问研究香港发展远洋渔业的可行性。该研究已于二零零一年年底完成。
    Besides addressing the issues relating to the decline of fisheries resources in the traditional fishing grounds for Hong Kong fishermen and to assist fishermen in venturing further afield, the AFCD completed a consultancy study at the end of the year to look into the feasibility of developing an offshore fishing industry for Hong Kong.
  • 他们是民中极艰苦者,极易接受革命的宣传。
    They are the worst off among the peasants and are highly receptive to revolutionary propaganda.
  • 其地位和贫及小手工业者不相上下,对于革命宣传极易接受。
    Roughly the same in status as the poor peasants and the small handicraftsmen, they are highly receptive to revolutionary propaganda.
  • 经济衰退的影响遍及工业和业部门。
    The effects of recession swept through industry and agriculture alike.
  • 在防治环境污染、完善城市基础设施的基础上,以造林绿化、合理利用水资源、建设生态业为重点,加快构筑良好的首都生态基础。
    On the basis of preventing environment pollution and improving urban infrastructure, we will accelerate the construction of a favorable ecological city by afforestation, rational utilization of water resources, and construction of ecological agriculture.
  • 我依稀记得小时候住在村时的情形。
    I have a vague recollection of living in the country when I was very young.
  • 我记得他在迁往西雅图前把场卖给了一位邻居。
    It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle.
  • 城市绿化隔离带、郊区植树造林、生态业、水土流失和沙荒地治理等均进入大规模建设阶段。
    The programs for building urban green shelter, afforestation in the remote area, development of ecological agriculture, soil erosion control and desert and barren land reclamation are all well under way.
  • 国家派遣林业技术人员对雅鲁藏布江流域部分地区进行考察,并在拉萨市西郊七一场开展育苗造林试验,为在西藏开展大规模植树造林、改善生态奠定基础。
    The State sent forestry specialists to explore parts of the Yarlungzangbo River Valley, and carried out experiments in the cultivation of tree saplings and afforestation at the July 1 Farm in the western suburbs of Lhasa, which laid the foundation for large-scale afforestation and ecological improvement in Tibet.
  • 我们得赔偿民损失的山羊
    We have to recompense the peasants for the loss of their goats
  • 由于这样的恐慌,处于与英国作自由竞争地位的那些国家,它们的全部工业:信用系统,不但是这些,还有业,甚至整个经济系统,都发生了根本动摇,这些国家在创且痛深以后、还要通过提高了的价格来大大的报答英国商人——恐慌演变的结果往往如此。在这样情况下,对于各国商业关系的解释,是否应当以单纯价值理论和世界主义原则为依据;我们对于这一点的恰当性还不应当发生极大疑问吗?
    If we consider how often by such crises the whole manufacturing power, the system of credit, nay the agriculture, and generally the whole economical system of the nations who are placed in free competition with England, are shaken to their foundations,and that these nations have afterwards notwithstanding richly to recompense the English manufacturers by higher prices, ought we not then to become very sceptical as to the propriety, of the commercial conditions of nations being regulated according to the mere theory of values and according to cosmopolitical principles?
  • 以芯片设计为重点,加快集成电路产业的发展,尽快开发使用简便、价格适宜、性能稳定的电子产品,提高家电产品在村的普及程度。
    focus will be on the design of chips and the accelerated growth of the IC industry to quickly develop affordable, easy-to-use and high-quality electronic products and increase the penetration of household electronic appliances in the rural areas.
  • 而且,这次重建并不是简单的恢复,而是要统筹规划,合理布局,把重建与小城镇建设、防洪、村基础设施建设等结合起来。
    Moreover, reconstruction does not simply mean rehabilitation. Instead, it calls for unified planning and rational distribution, combining reconstruction with the building of small towns and flood-control and rural infrastructure facilities.
  • 2002年共安排退耕还林任务1.3万多公顷,当年中央补助种苗林费1000万元,给退耕还林牧户补助粮食1500万公斤,生活费200万元。
    In 2002, the goal was to reconvert some 13,000 ha of farmland into forest. The Central Government provided 10 million yuan as subsidy for seedlings, and 15 million kg of grain and two million yuan as allowance for families of farmers and herdsmen whose farmland had been restored to forest.