  • 我们不得不额外进口四百万吨小麦以补我们的储备。
    We have to import an extra4 million ton of wheat to replenish our reserve.
  • 对于中央与地方的企业,也要逐步补其后备力量。
    We should also gradually help replenish the reserve funds of central and local enterprises.
  • 今后将进一步完善这些制度,保持合理的粮食储备量,实粮食市场风险基金,增强政府对粮食市场的吞吐调节能力。
    China will further perfect these systems, maintain reasonable amounts of grain in reserve, replenish the grain market risk funds and reinforce the government's ability to regulate grain markets.
  • 因给敌以杀伤而给我以消耗,又因给敌以歼灭而给我以补,这样就不但抵偿了我军的消耗,而且增加了我军的力量。
    We incur losses ourselves in inflicting casualties on the enemy, but we replenish ourselves by annihilating his units, thereby not only making good our losses but adding to the strength of our army.
  • 游击队虽然为了执行许多具体任务,例如破坏和扰乱等,不能不进行单纯的消耗战,然而仍须提倡并努力实行在战役和战斗之一切有利场合的歼灭性的作战,以达既能大量消耗敌人又能大量补自己之目的。
    And although our guerrilla units have to wage battles of pure attrition in performing specific tasks such as sabotage and harassment, it is necessary to advocate and vigorously carry out campaigns and battles of annihilation whenever circumstances are favourable, so as greatly to deplete the enemy's forces and greatly replenish our own.
  • 每个资本家持有的不是食品或衣着,而是货币,他把钱付给工人作为报酬,让工人自己去购买食品衣着。此外,仓库中还有制成的货物,把这些货物卖掉后,他可获得更多的钱,用这些钱支付工人的报酬,以及用来补原料,修理房屋和机器,更换报废的房屋和机器。
    Instead of this, each capitalist has money, which he pays to his workpeople, and so enables them to supply themselves: he has also finished goods in his warehouses, by the sale of which he obtains more money, to employ in the same manner, as well as to replenish his stock of materials, to keep his buildings and machinery in repair, and to replace them when worn out.
  • 这种时候,我之作战方针,不在于攻击不可必胜的、固守着防御阵地的敌人;而在于有计划地在一定地区内消灭和驱逐为游击队力能胜任的小敌和汉奸武装,扩大我之占领地区,发动民众的抗日斗争,补并训练部队,组织新的游击队。
    At such times our operational policy is not to attack enemy forces which are entrenched in defensive positions and which we are not sure of defeating, but systematically to destroy or drive out the small enemy units and puppet forces in certain areas, which our guerrilla units are strong enough to deal with, and to expand our areas, arouse the masses for struggle against Japan, replenish and train our troops and organize new guerrilla units.
  • 一切这些同志都应该和在群众中做文艺普及工作的同志们发生密切的联系,一方面帮助他们,指导他们,一方面又向他们学习,从他们吸收由群众中来的养料,把自己实起来,丰富起来,使自己的专门不致成为脱离群众、脱离实际、毫无内容、毫无生气的空中楼阁。
    All these comrades should make close contact with comrades engaged in the work of popularizing literature and art among the masses. On the one hand, they should help and guide the popularizers, and on the other, they should learn from these comrades and, through them, draw nourishment from the masses to replenish and enrich themselves so that their specialities do not become "ivory towers", detached from the masses and from reality and devoid of content or life.
  • 电器给蓄电池电或补电的工具
    One that charges, such as an instrument that charges or replenishes storage batteries.
  • 我们热望全国一切军队能够得到适时的补与扩大。
    We fervently hope that all troops can be duly replenished and expanded.
  • 此外,从第二个原则出发,八路军的补不采取强迫人民的方式,而采取鼓动人民上前线的方式,这个办法较之强迫的办法收效大得多。
    Moreover, in line with the second of the three principles, the Eighth Route Army replenishes its forces not by coercion but by the much more effective method of arousing the people to volunteer for the front.
  • 如果被使用或被借出而可补以便再次被借贷或使用的基金。
    a fund which, if borrowed or used, is intended to be replenished so it may be loaned or spent repeatedly.
  • 不仅应研究战略战术,而且还应以最大努力,利用一切可能,动员广大民众加入军队,补现有兵团,组织新的部队,积蓄与扩大国家的武装力量,以支持长期艰苦的战争。
    We should not only study strategy and tactics, but also do our utmost in every possible way to build up and expand the national armed forces by mobilizing the people to join the army, replenishing the existing corps and organizing new armed units in order to support an arduous, long-drawn-out war.
  • 不错,这一时期的征调工作,已有其相当的成绩,前线军队一般地得到了相当的补,但这决不能成为一种根据,认为我们还可以继续那些不好的征调方式。它纵然可以供给一时的补,但绝不能满足长期抗战的需要。
    It is true that our recent recruitment efforts have been quite successful and our troops at the front have generally been kept replenished.This does not, however, mean that we can continue those undesirable methods of recruitment, since they can help supplement the army only for a short period of time and they can never serve the needs of a protracted war of resistance.
  • 世界各地农民过度汲取地下水超过自然补速度,每年至少达1600亿立方米
    S Overpumping of groundwater by the world’s farmers exceeds natural replenishment rates by at least 160 billion cubic metres a year.
  • 党代表伤亡太多,除自办训练班训练补外,希望中央和两省委派可党代表的同志至少三十人来。
    Casualties among Party representatives are very heavy, and while we have started classes for training and replenishment, we hope that the Central Committee and the Hunan and Kiangsi Provincial Committees will send us at least thirty comrades who are able to serve as Party representatives.
  • 政权的责任是服从于党的政治路线和政策的领导,扶植群众运动和照顾基本群众利益,巩固统一战线,爱护军队和解决军队的供给、补
    It is the duty of the government to follow the Party's leadership by adhering to its political line and policies, support mass movements, take into consideration the interests of the main sections of the masses, consolidate the united front, and take good care of the army and guarantee its supplies and replenishment.
  • 民兵在军事机关的指挥下,战时担负配合常备军作战、独立作战、为常备军作战提供战斗勤务保障以及补兵员等任务,平时担负战备执勤、抢险救灾和维护社会秩序等任务。
    Under the command of military organs, the militia in wartime helps the standing army in its military operations, conducts independent operations, and provides combat support and manpower replenishment for the standing army. In peacetime, it undertakes the tasks of performing combat readiness support, taking part in emergency rescue and disaster relief efforts, and maintaining social order.
  • 他的报导满了虚伪。
    His story was replete with falsehood.
  • 第三,伊拉克的化学武器记录满了谎言。
    Third point, Iraq's record on chemical weapons is replete with lies.
  • 当然,人们总是对地外生命的说法持特别警惕的态度,过去一提到地外生命,人们就满痴心与妄想,这个提法总是以讲究实际的实验科学的面目出现。
    the history of the subject is replete with wishful thinking masquerading as tough-minded empirical science.
  • 如同大歌剧一般,大洪水的故事满了奇异的冒险和悲剧英雄。
    Like grand opera , the tale of the megafloods is replete with exotic adventures and tragic heroes.
  • 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸庞和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。他的竞选过程中处处满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。
    Toledo capitalized on his dark, chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory.
  • 到了同盟会时期,更满了武装起义的事迹,直至辛亥革命,武装推翻了清朝。
    The period of Tung Meng Hui (the Chinese Revolutionary League) was replete with armed insurrections, right up to the armed overthrow of the Ching Dynasty by the Revolution of 1911.
  • 苯肾上腺素一种肾上腺素的药剂,c9h13no2,它是一种很强的血管收缩剂,可用于麻醉过程中减轻鼻血、扩大瞳孔和稳定血压
    An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO2, that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is used to relieve nasal congestion, dilate the pupils, and maintain blood pressure during anesthesia.
  • 盐酸苯丙醇胺一种类肾上腺素药剂,c9h13no,可用作血管收缩剂,并可用作减鼻血剂、支气管扩张剂、食欲抑制剂和中度兴奋剂
    An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO, that acts as a vasoconstrictor and is used as a nasal decongestant, a bronchodilator, an appetite suppressant, and a mild stimulant.
  • 自1997年结婚后,他们一直生活得很幸福(她设计了自己的婚纱带,“上面印满了我的指纹和迈克尔挑的一首诗。”)在她不用寻找新的满诗意的句子以使自己的设计生色的时间里,他们和他们养的三只猫就呆在位于诺布山的自己家中。
    Happily married since 1997 (she designed his wedding band “with my fingerprints all around it and a poem Michael picked inside”), Payer hangs out with him and their three cats in their Nob Hill apartment when she's not searching for new poetic expressions to adorn her designs.
  • 我充满了敬意。
    I filled with adoration.
  • 这幢大厦分代表了西班牙艺术。
    The mansion is quite representative of Spanish art.
  • 满了愤慨或愤怒的憎恶,或者以愤慨或愤怒为特点。
    full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will.
  • 国际货币基金组织的储备资产;补的储备金币或可兑换货币以维持外汇交易市场的稳定性。
    reserve assets in the International Money Fund; designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market.
  • 武装力量动员包括人民解放军现役部队和预备役部队、武警部队、民兵和预备役人员,以及相应的武器装备和后勤物资动员等,主要任务是平时做好兵员动员准备,在需要时征召预备役人员和适龄公民入伍,保障军队迅速扩编、改编和扩其他武装组织,并组织参战支前,配合部队作战。
    Mobilization of the armed forces refers to the mobilization of the active and reserve forces of the PLA, the Armed Police Force, the militia and the reserve personnel, as well as the mobilization of appropriate weapons, equipment and logistical materials. Its main task is to prepare in peacetime for manpower mobilization and, in case of need, call up the reservists and other citizens of service age, ensure a quick expansion and reorganization of the PLA, and expansion of the other forces, and organize the masses to support and join in the operations of the armed forces.