  • 作出决策当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。
    The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.
  • 但他所转让的实际上是以1000镑为限的、仅仅在名义上属于乙的土地的一种共有权。
    but what he so transferred was in fact a joint ownership, to the extent of a thousand pounds, in the land of which B was nominally the sole proprietor.
  • 如果不可能,劳动者暂时仍将处于半饥半饱的状态。但是,资本家的花费从非生产性支出转变为生产性支出,会使商品需求发生变化,其结果是下一年生产的食物将增多,而餐具和珠宝将减少。
    if not possible, the labourers will remain for a season on their short allowance: but the consequences of this change in the demand for commodities, occasioned by the change in the expenditure of capitalists from unproductive to productive, is that next year more food will be produced, and less plate and jewellery.
  • 这诗人是现身说法。
    The poet is speaking in his own person.
  • 我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们後代能安享自由带来的幸福,为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
  • 靠轮椅代步的霍金斯的苦难,在警方逮捕了22岁的大卫·希尔之后……为世人知晓。霍金斯为已退休之喜剧演员、哑剧演员和踢跶舞舞蹈家。
    The ordeal of wheelchair-bound Johnny Hudgins, a retired comic, mime and tap dancer, came to light after police arrested David Hill, 22,….
  • 他的财富辛勤工作得来。
    He owes his opulence to work hard.
  • 而重庆至湖南怀化铁路的建设对完善西南路网布局,形成便捷的对外运输通道,促进这一地区至整个西部地区经济的持续发展有着重要的战略意义。
    Chongqing to Huaihua railway is of great strategic significance in completing southwest railway network, forming convenient external passageway, and promoting sustained development of local economy and economy of the whole western region.
  • 忠于职守乃坦途。
    The path of duty is the path of safety.
  • 支持着从全球资金流动到政府的薪资单和福利,至小型商业企业的财务记录的金融处理系统的硬件软件由于系统中大量使用了日期而十分容易受到重创。
    Computer hardware and software that supported financial processes ranging from global capital flows, to government payrolls and benefits, to small business inventories, were highly vulnerable because of the extensive use of dates in these systems.
  • 不是槌的打击,是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻于完美。
    Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.
  • 这种宇宙的景色,声音和气息与我们的知觉之间的协调,是极完美的协调,这种协调成为目的论(伏尔泰所讥笑的目的论)最有力的理由。
    This coordination between the sights and sounds and smells of the universe and our own perceptive organs is so perfect that it forms a perfect argument for teleology, so much ridiculed by Voltaire.
  • 我存在,是所谓生命的一个永久的奇迹。《飞鸟集》泰戈尔
    That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life. Tigore
  • 坚韧不授成功必由之路。
    Perseverance is the only road to success.
  • 克制是最好的治疗。
    Temperance is the best physic.
  • 布什总统访日,到头来低声下气,是典型的选举年政治手法:把我们的麻烦归咎他人。就如同纽约市长归咎州长,州长归咎总统,总统归咎外国。
    President Bush's trip, ending with hat in hand in Japan, was typical election-year politicking: Blame someone else for our troubles. Just as the mayor of New York City blames the governor and the governor blames the President, the President blames another country.
  • 他的许多作品都是以舞蹈的形式和节奏为基础的,诸如马祖卡舞曲、华尔兹舞曲和波罗兹舞曲。
    Many of his compositions are based upon dance forms and rhythms, such as mazurkas, waltzes, and polonaises.
  • 据说每22磅费7元5角,俟查实后寄。
    I understand the postage will cost $7.50 for every 22 pounds of weight. I will check for certain before posting.
  • 反观国民党,从抗战开始,它就着眼于在敌占区积蓄力量,着眼于战后优势,努力争取伪军伪组织,派人打入、长期埋伏,在敌占区建立它的党和特务组织,依靠封建势力为基础,以掌握各种封建组织至帮会、土匪,其成绩是不可轻视的。
    In contrast, the Kuomintang, ever since the outbreak of the war against Japan, has concentrated on building up its strength in enemy-occupied areas to achieve superiority in the postwar period. It has been working hard to win over puppet troops and organizations and sent people to work in enemy-occupied areas and lie low for the necessary duration, establishing Kuomintang organizations and a secret service. Relying on feudal forces, it has been trying to keep under its control various feudal organizations and even secret societies and bandits. The Kuomintang's achievements in all this are not to be belittled.
  • 人人都说令里根夫人极为不快的,是戈尔巴乔夫夫人尖锐的噪音,教授讲学的语气,以及教训人的态势。
    By all accounts, it was Mrs.Gorbachev's higher-pitched voice, professorial tone and tendency to lecture that got on Mrs.Reagan's nerves.
  • 因为要在篇幅必然有限的情形下,对这36部实际上相互独立而各具特色的作品,逐一进行规模与其价值和重要性相称的研究,是不可能的。
    For to study each of these thirty-six plays, distinct and truly independent of each other as they are, on a scale proportionate to its value and importance would he impossible where space is necessarily restricted.
  • 政府现在急欲削减该项逆差,以经济制裁威胁日本。最后令(美国)再也不能容忍的事件就是:摩托罗拉公司未能争取到较大的日本手提电话市场。
    The Administration is now threatening economic sanctions against Japan in a desperate attempt to reduce that deficit. The [last] straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the Motorola Co. to win a large share of the Japanese cellular phone market.
  • 笔者确信,所罗门曾言:“宽恕他人之过失宽恕者之荣耀。”
    And Solomon, I am sure, saith, It is the glory of a man, to pass by an offence.
  • 从空间关系讲可分为单一工程的环境影响评价和几个工程联合运转的环境影响评价至流域规划全部工程联合运转的流域规划环境影响评价。
    From spatial dimension it can be classified as assessment for individual project, for a system of projects, and even for all the projects included in the river basin planning.
  • 传出消息的人是约翰。
    It is John that/who is spreading the news.
  • 这不仅对保持国内经济稳定起了重要作用,而且对稳定亚洲至世界经济也发挥了积极作用。
    Not only important to the Chinese economy, a stable Renminbi also played positive role in stabilizing the Asian and the world economic development.
  • 然而贯通全战略阶段至几个战略阶段的、大体上想通了的、一个长时期的方针,是决不可少的。
    However, it is absolutely essential to have a long-term plan which has been thought out in its general outline and which covers an entire strategic stage or even several strategic stages.
  • 这里不仅是南亚、东南亚地区的“江河源”和“生态源”,还是中国至东半球气候的“启动器”和“调节区”。
    It is not only the “source of rivers” and the “ecological source” for the areas in South and Southeast Asia, but is also the “starter” and “regulating area” of the climate of China and indeed of the Eastern Hemisphere as a whole.
  • 不知共产党、八路军、新四军、陕甘宁边区,全国主张统一之最力者。
    What this kind of talk ignores is the fact that the Communist Party, the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region are the staunchest advocates of unification in all China.
  • 文学艺术中对于古人和外国人的毫无批判的硬搬和模仿,是最没有出息的最害人的文学教条主义和艺术教条主义。
    Uncritical transplantation or copying from the ancients and the foreigners is the most sterile and harmful dogmatism in literature and art.
  • 这是说的阶级矛盾剧烈,而战争的利益仅仅属于反动的统治阶层至反动的当权政派的那种国家。
    This applies to countries where class contradictions are acute and the war benefits only the reactionary ruling strata or the reactionary political groups in power.
  • 我们要下决心通过几十年至整个下世纪的艰苦努力,建设一个经济繁荣、社会进步、生活安定、民族团结、山河秀美的西部地区。
    We must be determined, through strenuous efforts over several dozen years and even the entire coming century, to turn west China into a region enjoying economic prosperity, social progress and stability, ethnic unity and a beautiful landscape。