  • 第二层交换机通过把局域网分成小段并为实力强大的用户提供工作站与交换机端口之间的专用连接而提高了性
    Layer 2 switches can improve performance by dividing LANs into smaller segments and by providing dedicated connections between workstations and switch ports for high-power users.
  • 工作组交换机够支持每台交换机多达几千个监控地址,其端口可用来连接少量的集线器或基干交换机。
    Workgroup switches can support as many as several thousand MAC addresses per switch with ports used to connect a small number of hubs or backbones.
  • 例如,若某台多层交换机支持ip协议,ipx包则只在第二层上交换,不在第三层上规定路由。
    For example, if a multilayer switch supports IP, then IPX packets can only be switched at Layer 2 not routed at Layer 3.
  • 一种交换台功部件,够让操作员把一个呼叫传送到其它位置或接收如此传送来的呼叫。
    A switchboard feature enabling an operator to transfer a call to other positions or to accept calls so transferred.
  • 4.基本建设新增生产力中新增局用交换机容量、新增光缆线路长度及新增数字蜂窝移动电话交换机容量含更新改造增加的力。
    4) Newly increased production capacity figures with regard to the telephone switchboards, length of optical-fiber cables and digital cellular mobile phone switchboards include the capacity built through technical updating and transformation projects.
  • 共享技术,如快速以太网、100vg-anylan网和fddi(光纤分布数据接口),它们提供的性是10base-t的10倍,而交换技术,如交换以太网和异步传输模式(atm)给网络设备提供珍视的专用带宽。
    While shared technologies, such as fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN and FDDI, offer 10 times the performance of 10Base-T, switching technologies, such as switched Ethernet and Asynchronous Transfer Mode, provide network devices with prized dedicated bandwidth.
  • 由于web交换机除了使用ip地址外还使用url作交换的决策,故它们加快web流量速度。
    Web switches are able to quicken the pace of Web traffic because they use URLs, in addition to IP addresses, to make switching decisions.
  • 第一代第3层交换机与通用路由器相似,是基于cpu的体系结构,这种结构提供了灵活性,但把交换和路由的性限制在每秒10万包以下。
    First-generation Layer 3 switches, similar to general purpose routers, were based on CPU architectures that provided flexibility, but limited performance to under 100,000 packets per second (pps) for both switching and routing.
  • 利用交叉点开关引擎就设计真正的几千兆位的路由器。
    The use of a crosspoint switching engine makes the design a true multigigabit router.
  • 你得扭动把手才找开锁。
    You have to swivel the handle round before you can open the lock.
  • 肿胀的脚踝可是心脏病的征兆。
    Swollen ankles can be a sign of heart disease.
  • 我的牙龈肿得很历害,我不吃东西。
    My gums are so swollen that I can't eat.
  • 现在是我的莫逆之交而日后可是我的敌人-莎士比亚。
    now my sworn friend and then mine enemy- Shakespeare.
  • 我得先将这门技刻苦仔细地学到手,然后才教授它。
    I shall have to swot the skill up before I can teach it.
  • 你能把门推开吗?
    Will you swung the gate open?
  • 为使学生应付未来的挑战,不同科目的课程纲要均已加入相关的资讯科技应用技巧。
    To prepare students for future challenges, relevant information technology competencies have been incorporated into various subject syllabuses.
  • 约翰把这件工作向我解释得简单明白,使我确实了解情况。
    John explained the job to me in words of one syllable so that I would be sure to understand.
  • 我们只须告诉西尔维娅一次,她马上就理解。
    We only have to tell Sylvia once; she soon catches on.
  • (数学)够用符号形式表达。
    (mathematics) expressible in symbolic form.
  • 因此,他们在选择信号的象征性颜色时决不掉以轻心。
    Therefore they did not take their task lightly in selecting the symbolic colors for the signals.
  • 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定白头偕老。
    By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.
  • 即使因故不回来,家里也一定要替他(她)放一幅碗筷,留一个座位,放一件衣服,以示“人未回而物在,身不到而心到之意。”
    If a certain family member cannot return, the family must set out a pair of chopsticks and a bowl in his or her habitual place on the table. They must also set the missing person's clothing on the seat to symbolize their presence though far away. The good intention of this custom comes from the traditional Xiamen saying, "the person is not here, but his/her belongings are," which implies that "the person may not be here with us tonight, but his/her heart is among us."
  • 对于前人的这些成就怎样加以运用,怎样用自己的心得来加以发扬光大;无论哪一个国家生产力的进退,就决定于对这方面领会的深切程度。每一个国家都应当以它的地下蕴藏、疆土范围、地理位置、人口和政治力量为依据,尽可完善、均衡地发展它领土范围以内一切的天然资源,并且使它道义上的、智上的以及商业、政治上的势力扩展到比较落后的国家,特别是关系到世界局势的事务,它应当有所参加;国家生产力的进退,也就决定于对这些方面的努力程度。
    they form the mental capital of the present human race,and every separate nation is productive only in the proportion in which it has known how to appropriate these attainments of former generations and to increase them by its own acquirements, in which the natural capabilities of its territory, its extent and geographical position, its population and political power, have been able to develop as completely and symmetrically as possible all sources of wealth within its boundaries, and to extend its moral, intellectual, commercial, and political influence over less advanced nations and especially over the affairs of the world.
  • "这位经理表示同情,但他无为力。"
    "The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing."
  • 矿工们所受到的威胁行动可会引起运输工人们的同情罢工。
    The threatened action by miners may set off sympathetic strikes by transport workers.
  • 经理深表同情,但也无为力。“近日来人们不断丢钱。”他说。
    The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. "Everyone's losing money these days," he said.
  • 谁都够同情朋友的痛苦,但对朋友的成功也感同身受,就要有非常高贵的品格了。
    Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine mature to sympathize with a friend's success.
  • 虽然我同情你的观点,但我不接受它。
    While I sympathize your point of view I cannot accept it.
  • 我实在是同情你的困境,但我也无为力。
    I do sympathize with your troubles, but there's nothing I can do to help.
  • 我想要个妻,生病时她来照料慰籍我的痛苦,对我不去上课表示同情。
    I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school.
  • 纵使全世界的人同意在某一时刻同情某一个人,也不可治愈他的头痛。
    If all the people in the world should agree to sympathize with a certain man at a certain hour, they could not cure his headache.
  • 在对中间派的关系上,只有坚持对顽固派的斗争,才争取动摇的中间派,支持同情的中间派,否则都是不可的。
    In our relations with the intermediate sections, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to win over the waverers and give support to our sympathizers -- there is no other way.