  • 瑞典人不可记住这些话,所以他的朋友们就决定只教他按顺序学会这些问题的答语。
    The swede could not possibly remember all these words and so his friends decided to teach him only the answers in their proper order.
  • 瑞典人是一个非常讲求效率和极为干的民族,对他们来说,准时不只是一种美德--而是一种生活的原则,它来自于这个北欧民族最迷人的性格特点:即对朋友、熟人,尤其是对来访他们国家的客人的尊重。
    The Swedes are an efficient and most capable people. This is their respect for their friends and acquaintances and especially for the visitor to their country.
  • 清除地毯上的尘土吗?
    Will you sweep the dust from the carpets?
  • 这种坏事不是一下扫除干净的。
    Such evil practice cannot be swept away at once.
  • 听见风柔和地吹过树林的声音吗?
    Can you hear the wind sweeping through the woods?
  • 冰能保持食物新鲜。
    Ice helps to keep food sweet.
  • 吹出热气来了。这里快闷死了。你叫个人上来看看?
    It's blow out heat. It's sweltering in here. Can you send someone up to look at it?
  • 吹出热气来了。这里快闷死了。你叫个人上来看看?
    It 's blowing out heat. It 's sweltering in here. Can you send someone up to look at it?
  • 非洲和亚洲西南部长腿带斑点的猫科动物,爪不自由伸缩;最敏捷的哺乳动物;可训练用于追捕比赛。
    long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game.
  • 我们迅速渡江完成京沪杭作战的任务,原因就在这里。
    Thus we were able to complete swiftly the Nanjing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Campaign.
  • 他考虑了各种可的改进方法,并把这些方法在脑子里迅速地捉摸了一遍。
    He considered all possible ways of improvement, running them over swiftly in his mind.
  • 在游泳接力赛中,每队4名选手,每名选手游整个赛程的四分之一,并且也只游四分之一段赛程。
    In relay races, four swimmers are on each team, and each swims one-fourth the event length. No swimmers swim more than one leg.
  • 他能游得远些。
    He can swim further.
  • 假如你在游泳池里游,那你就更容易地在海里游了。
    If you can swim in the swim pool, you can then swim in the sea more easily.
  • 谁能游得最远?
    Who can swim furthest/ farthest?
  • 这个游泳选手已不再当运动员了
    That swimmer is through as an athlete.
  • 我相信你一定是位很好的游泳手。
    You are a fine swimmer, I presume.
  • 装在游泳者嘴上通向水面的弯管;够让游泳者在水下呼吸。
    a bent tube fitting into a swimmer's mouth and extending above the surface; allows swimmer to breathe while face down in the water.
  • 那个游泳的人再也不屏住呼吸了
    The swimmer couldn't hold her breath any longer.
  • 比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且是个烹调手。
    Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook.
  • 这位游泳者在水下呆1分多钟。
    The swimmer can remain under for more than a minute.
  • 近岸回流的冲力把游泳的人涌到海里。
    The pull of the undertow can drag swimmer out to sea.
  • 曾国藩在一封家书中,谈到他的四弟拟入京读较好的学校时说:“苟发奋自立,则家塾可读书,即旷野之地,热闹之场,亦可读书,负薪牧豕,皆可读书。
    Tseng Kuofan, in one of his family letters concerning the expressed desire of one of his younger brothers to come to the capital and study at a better school, replied that: "If one has the desire to study, he can study at a country school, or even on a desert or in busy streets, and even as a woodcutter or a swineherd.
  • 替我谋到那份工作吗?
    Can you swing it for me so that I get the job?
  • 让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
    Can you swing them round to my point of view?
  • 让他改变观点同我们一致吗?
    Can you swing him round to our opinion?
  • 让简接受我们的观点吗?
    Can you swing Jane round to our point of view?
  • 说服你父亲转而赞成我们的观点吗?
    Can you swing your father round to our point of view?
  • 也就是说,它从一边摆到另一边。
    that is to say, it can swing from side to side.
  • 我未观看瑞士钟表的制造。
    I did not have a chance to observe how a Swiss watch is made.
  • 七号信令系统(ss7)是交换机至交换机的协议,它让电话交换建立通话、管理电路和执行智网络功
    SS7 is a switch-to-switch protocol that lets telephone switches set up calls, manage circuits and perform intelligent network functions.
  • 多协议交换机扩展了其前身多层交换机的力,后者是在(开放系统互连七层模型)第二层上交换数据、第三层上规定一种协议的路由。
    Multiprotocol switches expand on the capabilities of their multilayer redecessors, which switch data at Layer 2 and route one protocol at Layer 3.