  • 脊,种脊植物珠柄与胚珠壁接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道条纹或突起
    The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall, commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat.
  • 她气得话也说不出来。
    In a fury, she could not speak.
  • 她气得话也说不出来。
    She was filled with fury and could not speak.
  • 不要说得那么急,露西,你说话象珠炮似的,我听不懂。
    Don't gabble, Lucy, I can't understand when you run your words together.
  • 山墙封檐板常做装饰性雕刻的木板,与三角屋顶突出来的边相
    A board, often ornately carved, attached along the projecting edge of a gable roof.
  • 无线应用程序服务器通过无线网络将无线内容源接到无线网关/设备。
    A wireless application server connects the wireless content source over the wireless network to the wireless gateway/device.
  • 生活就是战斗!---柯罗
    Life is fighting!
  • 有小轮子和接在后轮上的低能汽油发动机的车。
    a cycle with small wheels and a low-powered gasoline engine geared to the rear wheel.
  • 今天的并行接产生一定量的电子噪声,干扰服务器的工作。
    Today's parallel connections generate a certain amount of electronic noise that interferes with the server's operations.
  • 为了产生电力把蒸汽轮机接到发电机上。
    a steam turbine is coupled to an electric generator for the production of electric power.
  • 女士们,先生们,我请大市长和诸位见面。
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the mayor of Dalian.
  • 彼得里尼的做法较为温和:针对快餐,他提出热爱"正宗食物"。他说这是与关注环境问题紧密相的。
    Petrini's way is gentler:love of"real food,"as opposed to fast food,is--he says--bound up with environmental concerns.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理结而组成的一个系统。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus.
  • 为了达到特殊目的的几次有关的军事行动(通常在地理和时间上约束)。
    several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints).
  • “worth”一词可与主动语态的动名语用。
    The word “worth” can be construed with a gerund in active voice.
  • 当一个人想发现并改变他接二三的失败厄运时,当一个人想变得更像一个天生的成功者时,他可以使用格式塔型试验和事物处理分析法来促使发生变化。
    When a person wants to discover and change his “losing streak,” when he wants to become more like the winner he was born to be, he can use gestalt-type experiments and transactional analysis to make change happen.
  • 产于苏门答腊的大型黑色长臂猿,第二脚趾与第三脚趾之间由蹼部分相
    large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web.
  • williamgibson在他的科幻小说《neuromancer》中描述了一个计算机控制空间cyberspace,一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机接起来,进入cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。一套全新的电子刺激将代替人在真实世界的各种感觉。这个cyberspace被认为是未来虚拟现实的目标。
    In the science fiction "Neuromancer", William Gibson describes a space,Cyberspace, controlled by a computer. Once his brain was linked with the computer,a man would undergo all experiences in the space. His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli. The Cyberspace is regarded as a goal of future virtual reality.
  • 但当它们与最大达100兆位/秒的快速以太网或fddi接、甚至通过155兆位/秒的atm接时,服务器的网卡必将阻塞千兆位的i/o吞吐量,以适合速度更慢的网络传输介质。
    But when they connect to the network through Fast Ethernet or FDDI connections that max out at 100M bit/sec, or even through 155M bit/sec ATM links, the server's network interface card (NIC) must throttle the gigabit I/O throughput to adapt to the slower network media.
  • 吉尔伯特先生说,1997年2月的血液dna测试表明,血也不是来自谢泼德大夫的妻子玛里琳·谢泼德。同上述结论说明,只有那个有浓密头发的入室行凶者是惟一的血液来源。大夫当时就声称,在谋杀的当晚,他曾与那个闯入者搏斗过。
    That conclusion, and earlier DNA testing of the blood completed in February 1997 that showed the blood wasn't from Dr.Sheppard's wife, Marilyn Sheppard, leaves the bushy-haired intruder, whom the doctor contends he struggled with on the night of the murder, as the only source, Mr.Gilbert said.
  • 把肚带和喷嘴在一起的带子;防止马甩头。
    a harness strap that connects the nose piece to the girth; prevents the horse from throwing back its head.
  • 马颔缰一种马具,接马的肚带和鼻羁的绳带,用以防止马向后甩头
    The strap of a horse's harness that connects the girth to the noseband and is designed to prevent the horse from throwing back its head.
  • 格伦自称是一个酒豪,可是甚至我女儿都能把他灌醉。
    Glen claims he's a big dranker, but even my daughter could drink him under the table.
  • 滑音尤指嗓音发出的或一弓弦乐器奏出的从一个音调到另一个音调的平滑续的滑动音
    A smooth, uninterrupted glide in passing from one tone to another, especially with the voice or a bowed stringed instrument.
  • 山坡上有一片绵的闪闪发后的积雪。
    There is a sweep of glistening snow on the hillside.
  • 中国有12亿多人口,经济规模居世界第七位,对外贸易居世界第九位,续7年成为吸收外资最多的发展中国家。
    China has a population of over 1.2 billion, it is the 7th largest economy in the world and the 9th biggest trading nation globally. For seven years in a row, China has been the developing country with the biggest amount of FDI utilization.
  • 仔细看一下地球仪就可以发现,海洋实际上是一大片成一体的水域。
    Study of a globe shows that the oceans actually form one continuous body of water.
  • 我的连衣裙非常合身.
    My dress fits (me) like a glove.
  • (手套的)拇指部分手套或指手套覆盖拇指的部分
    The part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb.
  • 由一个葡萄糖分子与一个半乳糖分子接组成的糖,仅存在于奶中。
    a sugar comprising one glucose molecule linked to a galactose molecule; occurs only in milk.
  • 使凝固,使结合象用胶或水泥一样牢固地结在一起
    To join securely, as with glue or cement.
  • 续三年被南美足球联合会推举为最佳守门员。
    I have been elected best goalkeeper by the South America Foot-ball Federation in succession three years in a row.